Based on Vue3.x + Compositionapi + TypeScript + Vite + Element Plus + Vue-Rouxt + Next.Vuex, it is adapted to the background open source free templates of mobile phones, tablets, and PCs. I hope to reduce the workload and help everyone achieve rapid development.
npm install -g cnpm --registry=
npm install -g yarn
EDGE | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Since Vue3 no longer supports IE11, ElementPlus does not support IE11 and previous versions.
It is recommended to use CNPM because Yarn sometimes reports an error. Node version> 12xx.xx.x
# 克隆项目
git clone
# 进入项目
cd vue-next-admin
# 安装依赖
cnpm install
# 运行项目
cnpm run dev
# 打包发布
cnpm run build
If you do n’t agree with the group (generally do not exceed one day), that is, the group is full, please try to try a group
View development document: Vue-NEXT-Admin-DOC
Group number: 1 group: 665452019 2 group: 766356862
Thank you for your suggestions, guidance and help. Thanks!
If you feel that the framework is good, or you are already using it, I hope you can go to github or gitee to help me click STAR, which will be great encouragement and support for me.