The front-end project is based on ivew-admin. In addition to the extensive use of view-design, antv and elementUI are introduced on demand. Please introduce specific components when using them.
Method one
Get the code directly from GitHub and use the following command to get the latest code
git clone
Then go to the project root directory
cd eu-admin-vue
Install dependencies and run the project
npm install
npm run dev
Method two
Install scaffolding using npm
npm install -g eu-admin-cli
View template list
$ eusoft list
★ eu - admin - server - null
★ eu - admin - vue - 基础平台项目
Create project
$ eusoft init
? 请选择模版
eu - admin - server
> eu - admin - vue
? 请选择模版 eu - admin - vue
? 请输入项目名字 // 输入你的项目名称
? 请选择登录模版
hrs - login
> ysc - login
ds - login
blue - center - login
√ admin - test 项目生成完毕!
cd admin - test && npm install
Run the project
npm eun dev
List of available login templates:
hrs-login (hrs version login template)
To be added
iVew UI component library
Ant Design Vue component library
Element UI component library
echarts chart example
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