VITE + VUE3 + ANTD + TypeScript Management Background Simple Framework
? Introduction
Vue-CLOWNFISH-ADMIN is a simple framework of back-end management front-end by the latest technology stack of Vue. Based on Vue3, the core library of integrated Vue3's latest ecosystem is implemented. The main technical stacks are ES2015+, TypeScript, Vue3, Pinia, Vue-Router, VITE, ANTD, knowing these technologies will make it easier for you to start this project. This project is based on vite
and uses vue3
as a development technology. Therefore, it is only developed for modern browsers. It does not support low -version browsers (such as IE).
? Advantages
- Almost use the current latest technology development (VITE, Vue3, TS, Pinia)
- The decoupling of the layout component can be easily switched and replaced the component
- Lightweight template, low learning cost
? Main functions
- Dynamically generate the sidebar menu (support multi -layer nesting and external links)
- Dynamically generate bread debris
- Navigation tab pages (dragging sort, right -click the pop -up menu, page refresh, etc.)
- The sidebar menu, bread crumbs, and tabs all support the icon icon (Antd icon and SVG)
- Based on the route configuration dynamic cache page
- Dynamic routing page
- Dynamic menu
- Route permissions configuration
- Automatically add prefix to CSS code to make styles adapt to different browsers
- Support the use of JSX/TSX for development
- Support MOCK simulation interface
- Multi -ambient configuration
? Development preparation
# 克隆项目
git clone
# 进入目录
cd vue-clownfish-admin
# 下载依赖包
npm install # 使用npm
yarn # 使用yarn
# 启动项目
npm run dev # 使用npm
yarn dev # 使用yarn
? Scripts command
- DEV: Local Development
- Stage: Pre -release environment development
- build: packaging item code
- Build: Stage: Packing pre -release environment code
- Preview: Preview items after packing
• Understanding these may be helpful
- SRC/Components, Antd components, antd icons do not need to be extended (except TSX).
- Vue, Pinia, Vue-Router, SRC/Utils, and functions under src/composable do not require explicit import (can be configured at vite.config.ts).
- There is no need to adapt to multiple browsers such as FLEX, Grid and other CSS styles, and the framework has been equipped with automatic adaptation.
- Most scenes are recommended to use REM instead of PX to adapt more different resolution screens.
? other
Online preview
Online preview (domestic network visit)
Gitee address
Electron version
Elementplus version
? License