Using this app, user can create a personalized record of their journeys. All marked countries can be saved, and the data is securely stored in the database, offering users an engaging way to reflect on their global adventures.
GlobeMarks takes the art of interactive mapping to the next level using the powerful combination of Leaflet and GeoJSON.
Leaflet ?: Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps. By integrating it into GlobeMarks, we bring you a fast, intuitive, and efficient mapping experience
GeoJSON ?: GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. At its core, GlobeMarks uses GeoJSON to represent the shapes and boundaries of countries. This ensures precision and accuracy when you mark the countries you've visited.
Together, A Perfect Pair ? The fusion of Leaflet's interactive capabilities with GeoJSON's data representation gives users of GlobeMarks a rich and immersive experience. Navigate the globe, zoom into regions, and mark countries with confidence knowing you're backed by some of the best tools in the world of web mapping.
Option 1: Clone the Repository (For Using & Experimenting)
git clone
Option 2: Fork the Repository (For Contributing)
For windows
python -m venv myenv
For macOS and Linux
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
cd world_map_app
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd world_map_app/frontend
npm install
This project is using for database
Before running the project, you need to set up a PostgreSQL database and configure the .env
You can use Homebrew:
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
psql -U postgres
CREATE DATABASE your_database_name; ①
CREATE ROLE newuser WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password'; ② ③
/c your_database_name;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_database_name TO newuser;
file.ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 # you don't need to change here
NAME=your_database_name_here # ①
USER=your_database_user_here # ②
PASSWORD=your_database_password_here # ③
HOST=localhost_or_host_address_here # usually localhost