A little mod adding Minecraft Story Mode inspired white pumpkins that generate in the pale garden. Made for SpookyJam 2024
You may
✅ Use this mod as a reference to understand and or create something of your own, as long as it is not a copy or recreation
✅ Use this mod in modpacks with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Edit for personal use
✅ Use this mod for/in YouTube videos with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Create resource packs, data packs, and addon mods for this mod
You may not
Reupload/publish this mod to any website without explicit permission from me and one or more links to any of the project pages*
Redistibute edited or unedited assets** from this mod without permission from me and credit
* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, Planet Minecraft, GitHub
** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc
Feel free to translate this mod into any language or update existing translations. To get your translation into the mod, make a pull request on GitHub with the translated language file.
All translators are credited in the list below.
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Repository created from MultiLoader-Template