πόνος - pain in greek!
Ponos is tool which the Mattermost SRE team uses daily to eliminate toil work with ChatOps tools. It includes the followings:
For Ponos HTTP service you need a running provisioner and management of workspaces:
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE="<profile-for-infra-migrations>"
export PONOS_ACCOUNT_ID="<aws-account-id-for-testing>"
export PONOS_KMS_KEY="<aws-kms-id-for-testing>"
export PONOS_PROVISIONER_ADDRESS=<your-provisioner-url>
export PONOS_WORKSPACES_ADDRESS=<your-workspaces-url>
export BUILD_SERVICE=server
export PONOS_DB_DSN="host=<db host> user=<db user> password=<db user's password> dbname=<db name>"
make run
For local development, you can run a local PostgreSQL database via
docker-compose up
by using the following as the databases's DSN:
export PONOS_DB_DSN="host=localhost user=ponos_dev_user password=ponos_dev_password dbname=ponos_dev"
In order to run all database migrations locally, you can use:
make goose COMMAND="up"
which uses the goose migration tool under the hood. All goose commands are available.
For Ponos ChatOps
Mattermost App you need to run the following:
export PONOS_APP_ROOT_URL=http://<your-ip>:3000
export BUILD_SERVICE=app
make run
Running tests:
make test
Docker build and run locally Ponos Service.
make docker-build
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000
-e PONOS_PROVISIONER_ADDRESS=https://<your-url>
-e PONOS_WORKSPACES_ADDRESS=https://<your-url> mattermost/ponos-service:dev-local