This is an Angular module that provides a table component with sorting and filtering capabilities. Out-of-the-box integration with Laravel responses and other frameworks and Boostrap layout.
Angular | ng-pagination |
>=14.0.0 <15.0.0 | v1.x |
To install this component, run the following command in your project directory:
npm install ng-paginable --save
To use this component, import it into your module:
import { NgPaginableModule } from 'ng-paginable';
imports: [NgPaginableModule.forRoot()]
export class AppModule {}
código del componente
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [pagination]="pagination">
The paginated table component accepts a PaginableTableOptions
object to customize styling and behavior via the @Input() options
The available options are:
- Enable server-side pagination. Default is false.
- Cursor style when hovering rows. 'pointer'
or 'default'
- Enable highlight row on hover. Default false
- Stripe table 'rows'
or 'columns'
- Color variant for styled tables. Accepts any string
For example:
// ...
export class TableComponent {
options: PaginableTableOptions = {
serverSidePagination: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
hoverableRows: true,
striped: 'columns',
variant: 'dark'
This enables server-side pagination, row hovering, column stripes, custom cursor, and a dark theme variant.
The variant
property allows applying custom color theming to the table by passing any string value. Some common options are 'primary'
, 'secondary'
, 'success'
, 'danger'
This provides flexibility to customize the table styling based on your design system or theme requirements.
The headers for the paginated table are configured by passing an array of PaginableTableHeader
Each header can have the following properties:
- The text to display in the header cell.
- The key mapping to the property in the row data.
- An optional icon to display next to the title text.
- Alignment of the text, either 'start'
, 'center'
, or 'end'
. Default is 'start'
- Whether the column can be sorted. Default is false
- Whether text in the column can wrap. Either 'wrap'
or 'nowrap'
. Default is 'nowrap'
- Stick the header to the 'start'
or 'end'
of the table when scrolling.
- An array of buttons or dropdowns to display in the header.
- Add filtering for the column. Can be either an InputFilter
or DropdownFilter
- Hide the title and only show configured buttons.
The filter
property on a header can be used to enable filtering for a column. There are two types of filters:
An input filter displays a text input in the header:
filter: {
type: 'text',
key: 'name',
placeholder: 'Filter names...'
The type
can be 'text'
, 'number'
, 'date'
, etc.
A dropdown filter shows a select dropdown in the header:
filter: {
type: 'dropdown',
key: 'category',
options: [
{ label: 'Electronics', value: 'electronics' },
{ label: 'Furniture', value: 'furniture' }
The options
can be an array, promise, or observable that provides the options for the select.
This allows adding rich filtering options for the paginated table headers.
The mode
controls where the filter UI is displayed - either inline in the header cell or in a menu that toggles:
Setting mode: 'row'
will display the filter inline, embedded directly in the header cell:
filter: {
mode: 'row',
type: 'text',
key: 'name'
This displays the filter UI directly in the header cell for that column.
Setting mode: 'menu'
will hide the filter UI behind a menu toggle:
filter: {
mode: 'menu',
type: 'text',
key: 'name'
This adds a menu toggle button to the header. When clicked, it opens a panel that displays the filter UI.
The menu mode is useful for hiding filters behind a toggle and keeping the header more compact.
So in summary:
mode: 'row'
displays the filter inline in the header cell.mode: 'menu'
hides the filter UI behind a menu toggle.The mode
option gives flexibility in how the filter UI is presented in the headers.
The batchActions
input allows defining action buttons and dropdowns that apply to the currently selected rows.
It takes an array of PaginableTableDropdown
objects, each configuring a dropdown with action buttons:
// ...
export class TableComponent {
batchActions: PaginableTableDropdown[] = [
// Dropdown with action buttons
buttons: [
icon: 'fa fa-pencil',
title: 'Edit',
handler: () => {
// edit selected rows
icon: 'fa fa-trash',
title: 'Delete',
color: 'danger',
handler: () => {
// delete selected rows
// Single action button
icon: 'fa fa-file-export',
title: 'Export',
handler: () => {
// export selected rows
Each button accepts properties for icon
, title
, color
and handler
The handler
method will receive the array of selected rows as an argument.
This allows performing bulk actions on the currently selected rows in the table.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options | PaginableTableOptions | - | false | Allows customizing the table's style, behavior, and pagination strategy through a flexible set of properties. |
headers | PaginableTableHeader | - | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not the table will display column headers. |
pagination | PaginableTablePagination | Observable<PaginableTablePagination> | - | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not the table will display pagination control. |
ordination | PaginableTableOrdination | - | false | A object representing the initial ordination. |
rows | Array<any> | null | true | An array of objects, each object representing a row in the table. En este caso la paginación se generará automáticamente |
batchActions | Array<PaginableTableDropdown | PaginableTableButton> | [] | false | An array of objects, each object representing a batch action that can be applied to multiple rows at once. |
perPageOptions | Array<number> | [10, 20, 50, 100] | false | An array of numbers, each number representing an option for how many rows should be displayed per page. |
responsive | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | null | false | A boolean value that determines whether or not the table will be responsive to different screen sizes. |
id | string | null | false | A string value that is used as an identifier for the table component instance. |
showSearchInput | boolean | true | false | A boolean value that determines whether or not a search input will be displayed at the top of the table. |
selectable | boolean | false | false | Determines whether or not rows can be selected by clicking on them. |
multiple | boolean | false | false | Determines whether or not multiple rows can be selected at once by clicking on them. |
selectableProperty | string | null | false | The name of a property on each row object which indicates whether or not it is selectable. |
paginationPosition | 'bottom' | 'top' | 'both' | 'bottom' | false | The position where pagination controls should be displayed (e.g., "top" or "bottom"). |
paginationInfo | boolean | true | false | Determines whether or not pagination information is displayed. |
searchKeys | Array | [] | false | Determines in which properties the search has to be performed when the pagination is performed by the component itself. They can be properties not included in the headers. |
Output | Type | Description |
(itemClick) | T | Fired when item is added while [multiple]="true" . Outputs added item |
(onPageClick) | number | Fired on select blur |
(onSelected) | T | Array | Triggered when a row or multiples rows are selected or unselected |
(onParamsChange) | PaginationParamsChangeEvent | Triggered when ordination or page change |
(filterChange) | FilterChangeEvent | Triggered when filters change |
Name | Description |
open | Opens the select dropdown panel |
close | Closes the select dropdown panel |
focus | Focuses the select element |
blur | Blurs the select element |
Each of the following templates can be used for different purposes:
The no data message template can be used to display a custom message when no results are found.
<paginable-table [rows]="[]" [headers]="headers">
<ng-template paginableTableNotFound>
<div class="d-flex flex-column p-4 text-center">
<img src="" alt="Sorry!" class="m-auto"
style="width: 256px;">
<i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Nothing has been found...
The header cell template can be used to customize each individual cell within the header.
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [rows]="items">
<ng-template paginableTableHeader header="name" let-header="header">
<div class="animate-character">Name</div>
The row template can be used to customize the entire content of a row.
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [rows]="items">
<ng-template paginableTableRow let-item>
<img [src]="'assets/avatars/64_' + ( % 16 + 1) + '.png'" [alt]="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<a class="btn btn-link" (click)="item.unfold = !item.unfold">
<i class="fa" [ngClass]="{'fa-chevron-down': !item.unfold, 'fa-chevron-up': item.unfold}"></i>
<ng-container *ngIf="item.unfold">
<td colspan="4">
Columna personalizada
Columna personalizada 1
Columna personalizada 2
Columna personalizada 3
The cell template can be used to customize each individual cell within a row.
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [rows]="items">
<ng-template paginableTableCell header="avatar" let-item="item">
[src]="'assets/avatars/64_' + (( % 16) + 1) + '.png'"
<ng-template paginableTableCell header="name" let-property="property">
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-info"> customized column </span>
{{ property }}
<ng-template paginableTableCell header="email" let-item="item">
{{ }}
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-warning"> also customized </span>
The loading template can be used to display a loading animation while results are being fetched.
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [pagination]="pagination">
<ng-template paginableTableLoading>
<div class="text-center">
<img src="../images/loading.svg">
The error message template can be used to display a custom error message if there is an issue fetching results.
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [pagination]="pagination">
<ng-template paginableTableError>
<div class="text-center">
<img src="../images/error.svg">
The expandable row template can be used to define the content that appears when a row is expanded.
<paginable-table [headers]="headers" [rows]="items">
<ng-template paginableTableExpandingRow let-item="item">
<tr class="bg-warning">
<td [attr.colspan]="headers.length + 1">
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="align-self-center pr-4">
<img [src]="'assets/avatars/64_' + ( % 16 + 1) + '.png'" [alt]="">
<div class="flex-grow">
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
<h4>{{ }}</h4>
<ng-template paginableTableExpandingRow let-item="item">
<tr class="bg-warning">
<td [attr.colspan]="headers.length + 1" class="bg-success">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla commodo leo eget elementum
The filters template can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of filters for each column.
*ngFor="let option of header.filter.options | async"
<label class="form-check-label">
{{ option.text }}
Here is the documentation for ng-paginable-list in English:
The ng-paginable-list
component allows rendering data in a nested, hierarchical list.
To use it, simply pass the data structure to the tree
<ng80-paginable-list [tree]="data"></ng80-paginable-list>
data = [
label: 'Item 1',
children: [
{label: 'Subitem 1'},
{label: 'Subitem 2'},
label: 'Item 2'
This will generate a list with the items and subitems.
The available options are:
- Property of the item object to use as labelselectable
- Enables single or multiple selection. Values: 'single' | 'multiple'
Emits the following events:
- When clicking an item. Returns the item and its collapsed state.You can use a template to customize the markup for each item:
<ng-template listItemTpt let-item>
<div class="custom">
This allows fully customizing the rendered item.
The component implements ControlValueAccessor
to integrate with reactive forms.
The selected value will be available in the formControl
The component properly manages focus and keyboard navigation for good accessibility.
ng-paginable includes predefined labels in English and Spanish that are used in the component's UI.
These labels can easily be replaced to support other languages or custom translations.
By default, ng-paginable uses the browser's language to select between English and Spanish. This displays the default labels without needing additional configuration.
You can provide custom translations to the PaginableTranslationService
// ..
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private translationService: PaginableTranslationService) {
first: 'First',
prev: 'Previous',
next: 'Next',
last: 'Last'
// ...
This overrides the default labels.
To integrate ng-paginable with translation libraries like ngx-translate, you can subscribe to language changes:
// ...
export class AppComponent {
private translate: TranslateService,
private translationService: PaginableTranslationService
) {
this.translate.onLangChange.subscribe((event) => {
this.translate.get('PAGINATION').subscribe((translations) => {
This way, when the language changes in the app, the pagination labels are updated.
This allows for complete, integrated translation across the UI.
The PaginableTranslationService
exposes the following methods:
setTranslation(translations: PaginableTranslations) // sets translations
getTranslation(key: string) // gets a specific label
This provides full control over the labels and language used by the component.
With this flexible API it's straightforward to integrate ng-paginable with any translation strategy.
You can also set global configuration and localization messages by passing a config to forRoot method of NgPaginableModule, typically in your root component, and customize the values of its properties in order to provide default values.
declarations: [UserListComponent],
imports: [
mapping: {
currentPage: 'page',
data: 'content',
lastPage: 'last',
total: 'total'
exports: [UserListComponent],
providers: []
export class UserListModule {}
Ng-paginable component implements OnPush
change detection which means the dirty checking checks for immutable
data types. That means if you do object mutations like:
this.rows.push({id: 1, name: 'New item'})
Component will not detect a change. Instead you need to do:
this.rows = [...this.rows, {id: 1, name: 'New item'}];
This component was created to make it easier for developers to display data from Laravel paginated objects in an Angular table without having to write custom code. Over time, options for configuration were added to make it easier to use with any framework or with custom pagination structures.s
If you find this library helpful and want to support its development, consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!
Carlos Morcillo is a web developer and open source contributor. You can find more of his work on this website.