NgBook (Ng.Net Message Board) is a set of guestbook programs developed based on the Ng.Net solution generation tool.
This program aims to explain how to use the Ng.Net solution generation tool in the project; how to use the template engine in Ng.Net; how to use Ajaxpro in Ng.Net for Ajax development; how to use jQuery and API; how to use Ng. Net method to quickly develop b/s structure applications with strong maintainability, clear structure and superior performance.
Development environment: windows 2003, .net framework2.0, vs2005, Sql server 2000
Tools used: vs 2005, Sql Server 2000, Power Designer 12, Ng.Net solution generation tool Development language: c#, jQuery, css, sql, html
Program directory description:
|-Config configuration file storage directory
-Application.config application configuration node file
-DBConn.config database connection string configuration node
|-Cs presentation layer *.cs (independent) storage directory
-NgBookBasePage The base class for all presentation layer pages
|-Images Picture folder in the entire project
|-Js All js folders in the entire project
-ForPage The js file storage location corresponding to each page
....... System-level js file storage location
|-Template template storage smell
|-AdminLogin.aspx Administrator login page
|-ChangeInfo.aspx Administrator information modification page
|-Example.aspx Various operation examples under the Ng.Net generated framework (please delete when publishing)
|-Global.asax guestbook global file
| realize png transparency in Ie6
|-Index.aspx Guestbook homepage
|-Logout.aspx Log out
|-PostBook.aspx Leave a message
|-Replay.aspx Administrator reply
|-jqueryUIExample.html Ng.Net generated help file (please delete when publishing)
|-TemplateEngineHelp.html Ng.Net generated help file (please delete when publishing)
1) Database installation: (Use SqlServer to directly attach the App_data database file)
2) web application deployment
1. Upload all files in the PublicVersion folder to the site directory
2. Modify the connectionString value of the "NgBook" node in Config/DBConn.config so that the connectionString points to the newly installed database.
3. Modify the "debug" of the compilation node in Web.config and change true to false (this step will not be done during the secondary development process)
4. Published successfully
3) Management address: AdminLogin.aspx, default administrator account/password: ngbook/ngbook