Discord Lookup API is an API that lets you, with a given ID, get basic informations about a user
The API returns :
The API has built-in CORS support, so you won't have to worry
Data is cached for 3 hours (or until the Redis Server restarts)
You can freely access the API here
Or you can deploy your own instance of the API through Vercel:
Note This version does not have caching due to Vercel limitations. You must also have a Discord Bot Token to use the API. You can get one here
Right now, you must specify an ID to the link (a proper website is currently in development)
"id": "604779545018761237",
"tag": "mesa#0101",
"badges": [
"avatar": {
"id": "02a161dcd6d590fbce550d6872468cc7",
"link": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/604779545018761237/02a161dcd6d590fbce550d6872468cc7",
"is_animated": false
"banner": {
"id": "a_b987e17d75cc964905b04a575636c60e",
"link": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/banners/604779545018761237/a_b987e17d75cc964905b04a575636c60e",
"is_animated": true,
"color": "#385d6d"
"description":"Helixus aims to do what would normally need multiple bots, and does it all by itself !nYou can play Music (from some sources), log what happens in your server, send some memes, and much more!nnInvite it now to see the full capacity of Helixus!n**SUPPORT**: https://discord.gg/pBATVfHg",
Note The guild linked to the request ID must have Server Widget and/or Server Discovery enabled. An error will be thrown otherwise.
"name":"Discord API",
Note You must have a Redis server installed, and ready to be used.
npm i
)node server.js