Flutter Plugin to login via VK.com.
Easily add VK login feature in your application. User profile information included.
VK SDK version, used in plugin:
iOS: ^1.6 (CocoaPods)
Android: 3.5.0 (Maven core, api)
iOS 9.0 and higher.
Android 5.0 and newer (SDK 21). Minimum compileSdkVersion
To use this plugin:
add flutter_login_vk
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file;
create an app on VK.com
setup android;
setup ios;
additional VK.com app setup;
use plugin in application.
See documentation on VK.com for full information:
Android SDK
And here is instructions in Russian if it's your native language (русская версия).
Create an app on VK.com https://vk.com/editapp?act=create
Enter "Title".
Select Standalone app as "Platform".
Click "Connect app".
An application will be created. Now select tab "Settings" and copy "App ID"
(referenced as [APP_ID]
in this readme).
Set Package name for Android
- your package name for Android application (attribute package
in AndroidManifest.xml
Set Main activity for Android
- your main activity class (with package). By default it would be com.yourcompany.yourapp.MainActivity
To fill up Signing certificate fingerprint for Android
you should create SHA1 fingerprint
as described in the documentation
(without SHA1:
prefix). Pay attention: you should remove all colons from the fingerprint string.
Add fingerprints for debug and release certificates. Note: if your application uses Google Play App Signing than you should get certificate SHA-1 fingerprint from Google Play Console.
Click "Save".
Add your Bundle Identifier - set App Bundle ID for iOS
(you can find it in Xcode: Runner - Target Runner - General, section Identity
, field Bundle Identifier
Also set App ID for iOS
, it's you SKU
(you can find it in App Store Connect: My Apps - {Your application} - App Store - App Information, section "General Information"). Mostly often is't the same as bundle ID.
Click "Save".
Edit AndroidManifest.xml
permission in the root of <manifest>
, if you haven't (probably you have):
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Add an activity to the section application
<activity android:name="com.vk.sdk.VKServiceActivity"android:label="ServiceActivity"android:theme="@style/VK.Transparent" />
Add your VK application identifier to the resource file (e.g. strings.xml
replacing [APP_ID]
with your application id:
<resources> <integer name="com_vk_sdk_AppId">[APP_ID]</integer> </resources>
Add rules -keep class com.vk.** { *; }
in you proguard file (android/app/proguard-rules.pro
See full AndroidManifest.xml
in example.
Configure Info.plist
You can edit it as a text file from your IDE,
or you can open project (ios/Runner.xcworkspace
) in Xcode.
In Xcode right-click on Info.plist
, and choose Open As Source Code
Copy and paste the following XML snippet into the body of your file (<dict>...</dict>
replacing [APP_ID]
with your application id:
<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>vk[APP_ID]</string> </array> </dict> </array>
Also add to Info.plist
body (<dict>...</dict>
<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>vk</string> <string>vk-share</string> <string>vkauthorize</string> </array>
Enter your VK application identifier.
<key>VKAppId</key> <string>[APP_ID]</string>
See full Info.plist
in example.
or LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
keys in your Info.plist
. If you have, you should merge their values, instead of adding a duplicate key.
If you want to use scope=nohttps
, which we strongly do not recommend, you should also add NSAppTransportSecurity
see the documentation.
Go to My Apps and click "Manage" on your app.
On tab "Information" you should:
Enter "Description".
Select a suitable "Category".
Upload small icon "32x32 icon".
Click "Save".
Upload "Square banner" and "A square banner for catalog" - user can see it.
Setup other settings if you need it.
Than go to "Setting" tab and turn on application:
change "App status" from Application off
to Application on and visible to all
Click "Save".
First, you should create an instance of VKLogin
Than, before any method call or checking accessToken
you should initialize VK SDK:
final vk = VKLogin();await vk.initSdk();
Now you can use the plugin.
log in via VK.com;
get access token;
get user profile;
get user email;
check if logged in;
log out.
Sample code:
import 'package:flutter_login_vk/flutter_login_vk.dart';// Create an instance of VKLoginfinal vk = VKLogin();// Initializeawait vk.initSdk();// Log infinal res = await vk.logIn(scope: [ VKScope.email, VKScope.friends, ]);// Check resultif (res.isValue) { // There is no error, but we don't know yet // if user logged in or not. // You should check isCanceled final VKLoginResult result = res.asValue!.value; if (result.isCanceled) {// User cancel log in } else {// Logged in// Send access token to server for validation and authfinal VKAccessToken? accessToken = result.accessToken;if (accessToken != null) { print('Access token: ${accessToken.token}'); // Get profile data final profileRes = await vk.getUserProfile(); final profile = profileRes.asValue?.value; if (profile != null) {print('Hello, ${profile.firstName}! You ID: ${profile.userId}'); } // Get email (since we request email permissions) final email = await vk.getUserEmail(); print('And your email is $email'); } else { print('Something goes wrong'); } } } else { // Log in failed final errorRes = res.asError!; print('Error while log in: ${errorRes.error}'); }
When you call initSdk()
, plugin try to restore previous session.
If token has been expired - it will be refreshed.
Also, during restoring, log in screen may be shown to user (only if user was logged in).
In additional, you can pass to initSdk()
required scope
and if current user session doesn't provide it - user will be
logged out.
Also you can specify API version to use, but you shouldn't.