Disboard Auto Bump Selfbot
A selfbot that automatically bumps on Disboard.
Selfbots are against Discord's Terms of Service. Which can be found at https://discord.com/guidelines and https://discord.com/terms
This code is strictly educational.
I am not liable for any accounts that get moderated by Discord due to the use of this selfbot.
Open .env:
Paste your alt-account token to the end of TOKEN=
Paste the ID of the channel that you want the bot to send /bump in to the end of BUMP_CHANNEL=
to open the Developer Consolewindow.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([
req => {
if (!req.c) {
console.error('req.c is undefined or null');
for (const m of Object.keys(req.c)
.map(x => req.c[x].exports)
.filter(x => x)) {
if (m.default && m.default.getToken !== undefined) {
return copy(m.default.getToken());
if (m.getToken !== undefined) {
return copy(m.getToken());
console.log('%cWorked!', 'font-size: 50px');
console.log(`%cYou now have your token in the clipboard!`, 'font-size: 16px');