A Discord Bot to notify users of in-game Runescape 3 Wilderness Flash Events.
This Bot is run locally on your machine, or a server. You can also use a hosting service.
This Bot may be available without a local running in the future, depentant on popularity.
This Bot is fully transparent, the code used is all publicly available to be viewed, in an effort for better security.
- Head to the Discord Developer Portal
- Follow the instructions to Setup a Bot Application
Once you have a Discord Bot Application setup follow the below instructions to setup the Bot for your server.
Bot Setup
- Enter the token generated by the Discord Application into the "token.txt" file, do not add any other characters.
- Go to your Discord server and create the following:
- Bot Admin Role (for interacting with the Bot)
- Flash Event Channel - A text channel where the Bot will send updates.
- Command Channel - A text channel where users can interact with the Bot.
- A role for each of the 13 Wilderness Flash Events.
- Open the "settings.json" file, and fill in the below information:
- admin_role_id - This is the ID of a required role to interact with the Bot.
- bot_member_id - This is the ID of the actual Bot.
- server_id - The ID of the Server you intend to use the Bot on.
- bot_owner - The ID of the Discord User who will maintain and host the Bot.
- Open the "events.json" file and fill in the following:
- For each event, input the ID of the role you created earlier into the "role_id" field.
Once you have added the Bot to your server, you can input !commands into the chosen commands channel to see a list of the available commands.
Once the Bot is running, you will need to use the !sync command in order to get the Bot in sync with the Game. To use this command, type !sync and then enter the times of each event as per the Wiki
- !sync 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 22 23 24
Finally, to run the bot:
- Windows
- Use the run.bat file to run the bot.
- Linux
- Use the run.sh file to run the bot.
Data Security
Ensure that you keep data generated by this Bot safe:
- Ensure that you do not host this Bot on public storage.
- Ensure that you do not share files such as the "token.txt" and "settings.json" with anyone you do not explicitly trust, as these can be used to gain access to your server, or user information. (Most of the data stored by this Bot is publicly available, however data such as your Token are not public information, and should be protected)
This repo does not have a licence. This means that by default, it is All Rights Reserved. However, due to having complete control over what rights that includes, here is a list of what you can and cannot do:
You can:
- Modify the code for your own personal private use, so long as the modified code is significantly dissimilar from the original code.
- Use the pull request feature.
- Create a Fork of this repository if you satisfy the following conditions:
- You do not change the package base name. (com.tcn or com.tcn.citadelbot)
- You do not remove or change any references to the original Bot Author.
- You are fixing a bug within the code.
- Or you intend to commit to any of the actions listed below under the "You Cannot" section.
- Use or copy small portions of code (such as a single method) for personal private use.
- Copy any classes that have the #OPEN tag in the comment after the Imports.
You Cannot:
- Copy large chunks of code, entire Class files or any assets contained within the Bot.
- Redistribute the Bot, unless the link you provide is the original. (GitHub)
- Redistribute the Bot under a different name or Author.
Development Team:
- TheCosmicNebula (Main Author)
Development Team Applications:
| 2023 @ TheCosmicNebula | TCN | All Rights Reserved (Except Where Specified) |