A comprehensive application solution completely based on WEB, a true B/S mode, developed using asp, without any installation, just a browser, business leaders, business personnel, and operators can use it at different times and locations, and can dynamically Timely reflection of all aspects of the company's business. Product warehousing, warehousing inquiry, inventory management, inventory allocation, product outgoing, outbound inquiry, statistical reports, member management, employee management, salary management, unit management, warehouse management, voucher management, asset management, journal management, product classification management, supplier management Network office information platform for employee permission breakdown! Just upload it directly to the root directory of the website. If you install it locally and put it directly into the WEB service, you can achieve LAN access. If it is a 2003 server, please enable the subdirectory function.
Product inventory management system
1. Add products and create batch files through Excel template
2. Add the function of exporting warehouse entry and exit details to Excel
3. Add performance management function
4. Add mobile phone text messaging function
5. Add barcode scanning function
6. Add logistics information to mobile phone text messages for product sales
7. Add logistics expense functions to purchase warehousing and purchase returns to facilitate cost and profit accounting.
8. The return interface is distinguished by red color for reminder purposes.
The default account for the trial version is: lj and the password is: www.shop008.com
2014-5-1 update record:
1. All document numbers are generated based on the year (last two digits), month, day, milliseconds + the serial number of the day to ensure the uniqueness of the document.
2. Add discount management function
3. Add virtual inventory function
4. Add the function of automatically sending emails for inventory alarms
5. For basic system information settings, the original full-page display is replaced by a multi-combination tab format.
6. Employee permission settings are changed to a multi-combination tab format
7. Added “view product notes” and email management permissions to employee permissions
8. The basic settings of the system add functions such as "whether sales are allowed without virtual inventory", "whether the supplier is displayed on the inbound order", decimal places for numerical values, decimal places for amount values, whether to automatically generate product codes, product coding rules, etc.
9. Added "Sales Order Printing Template" and "Pure List Template"
10. Add a supplier selection mode, and add a fuzzy query and selection method similar to Baidu from the original drop-down box selection.
11. Added Access automatic backup and MSSQL database software automatic backup functions for WEB programs when they are on the same server.
12. Added functions to restore database and download database backup files
13. Add batch printing function to sales orders
14. Add the function of warehousing and warehousing products
15. Add whether to display English menu
16. Add the function of automatically sending emails for changes in inbound and outbound documents