Instructions for use:
1. This is the first official version, which removes domain name restrictions. If you want to put it on your own website, you can just modify the page style.
2. The page header can be modified in the TempletControlHeader.ascx control
3. The bottom of the page can be modified in the TempletControlBottom.ascx control
4.TempletControlMakePicsList.ascx is a control that displays the seal font. You can modify the display effect of the seal page here.
5. In addition, the control MakePicsList.ascx also provides several parameters for you to set to match your page display effect. In the TempletView.aspx page, the place where the control MakePicsList.ascx is called is <mp:list ID="mpList" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" num="16" isPage="false" cnum="3" pw="70" ph="70" jg="100" PageSize="4"/>
The meanings of several parameters are as follows:
(1)cnum represents how many items are displayed in one line
(2)isPage represents whether to paginate
(3)PageSize represents how many items are displayed on each page. It is useful when isPage="true"
(4)pw represents the width of the picture
(5)ph represents the height of the picture
(6)jg represents the interval between pictures
(7)num represents the maximum number of fonts in the database
I hope everyone will support "90s Personalized Seal Production". This program is free to use forever. I just hope you can give me a link to make my small site more lively.