Description information
This mobile phone number query program contains 160,000 pieces of data, including 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159 and other number segments!
After the input number reaches 7 digits, the program will automatically submit the query, or click the "Query Button". ajax no refresh.
There are also some other mobile phone location data. If necessary, you can download it here ( and convert it to the format used by this program.
The program is concise and clear, with appropriate comments, suitable for novices to refer to and practice.
How to use:
Import into the database, then modify the pajax.php file and set the mysql account, password and other information.
You can also use tools such as Empire Backup King to import. You can also directly unzip p_mobiledb.rar in the compressed package and copy the three files starting with mobile inside to a database in the mysql data directory.
Remember to replace the logo with your own picture and description.
The iframe contains statistics. If not used, replace or delete it yourself.
If you want to see the demonstration:
BY tmpbin