Free installation
Technical implementationDevelopment language: jsp. Framework: ssh. Mode: B/S. Database: mysql, sqlserver, oracle. Development tools: myeclipse or eclipse. The word count of the paper: about 10,000.
Function realizationIn addition to the professional functions of the system, a standard fitness center management system should also include the general functions that the information system must have, such as equipment management, staff management, coaching management, etc. The main functions completed by this system include:
① System management includes the management of member information and membership card information
②Member management is mainly the management of basic member information, including functions such as adding, deleting, modifying, and saving.
③Equipment management mainly includes the setting of equipment types and the functions of adding, deleting, modifying, saving and viewing equipment.
④Staff management is mainly a series of management operations for staff and administrators.
⑥ Coaching management mainly implements the management of coaching information, etc.
The fitness center management system is divided into eight modules: administrator information modification module, member management module, membership card management module, equipment management module, staff management module, coaching management module, member query module, and exit system module
System screenshot