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Technical implementationDevelopment language: jsp. Framework: jsp+servlet. Mode: B/S. Database: sqlserver. Development tools: myeclipse or eclipse. The word count of the paper: about 10,000.
Function realization(1) The customer function module includes customer login and registration, modification of customer information, customer release of cargo information, leaving messages to customer service personnel, and evaluation of transportation companies.
(2) The enterprise function module includes enterprise registration and login, modification of enterprise information, acceptance of goods released by customers, order viewing, evaluation viewing, and leaving messages to customer service personnel.
(3) The evaluation function module mainly contains customer evaluation information for transportation companies. The main function of this functional module is to provide customers with a preliminary understanding when choosing a transportation company.
(4) The message statement module consists of two modules: message and statement. The statement module is for the system to publish a small amount of notification information. The message module allows customers and transportation companies to make comments or complaints about the system.
(5) The administrator function module includes modification of administrator information, management of individual customers, management of corporate customers, registration review of corporate customers, goods release management, order management, statement management, and message management
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