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Technical implementationDevelopment language: jsp. Framework: ssh. Mode: B/S. Database: mysql, sqlserver, oracle. Development tools: myeclipse or eclipse. The word count of the paper: about 10,000.
Function realizationCustomer login and logout functions: divided into ordinary customers and administrators.
Ordinary customer module: When customers browse or select by category, they can select their favorite music, on-demand music, and online playback of music; they can also collect their favorite music or rate their favorite music.
Administrator module; the administrator has a separate security authentication entrance. When the administrator enters through the back-end security authentication, the songs are divided into different categories; the music library is managed to add, delete and modify music, as well as permissions. Related designs.
Statistics module: The system makes statistics on the popularity of each music. The popularity of a song can be measured by the number of times the music is played, and the hot song ranking list can be compiled.
Membership module: Provides a mechanism to purchase memberships to set permissions on songs and albums.
Comment module: comment on the selected music and share it with other customers
System screenshot