Management backend: including general management backend and merchant management backend
1. Website settings: site information, payment configuration, SMS configuration, email configuration, etc.
2. Account management: account review, real-name authentication, user recharge, blacklist, etc.
3. Order management: product orders, confirmations, shipments, returns, etc.
4. Product management: product classification, product review, product addition
5. Merchant management: settlement review, merchant reporting, merchant information review
6. Coupons: Coupon release, collection, statistics
7. Open platform: official accounts, mini programs, apps and other related configurations
Installation instructions:
1. Recommend PHP7.1 +linux
2. If it is not installed, enter the system and delete the config/install.lock directory first.
3. Website backend admin.php
4. Merchant backend moduleshop.php?m=b2b