The controls used are fckeditor2.43 GridView paging control: PageCtrl.ascx If you use FCKeditor editor to open the project file of this site using VS2005, it is recommended to install the VS2005 Sp1 patch page DIV+CSS layout database table before opening. User user table News news table Article article table folder admin administrator folder App_Data database folder images web page uses picture folder style web page uses css folder fckEditor fckEditor editor UserFiles User uploaded article image directory Mylvyou used the HHFeditor editor to upload the image directory before (because HHFeditor does not have a text value attribute and I don’t know how to get the value, so I used fckEditor instead) Some of the files on the homepage are poorly coded and poorly written, and they were written while learning.
if(!Page.IsPostBack) or if(!IsPostBack)-------called when the page is loaded for the first time if(Page.IsValid)-------The page has been verified (Page.IsCallBack)-------when reloading and refreshing