System introduction:
Scope of application of Fengyun Technology’s online questionnaire survey analysis system Market survey Customer feedback Scientific research Survey data collection Website survey form development Psychological survey examination papers
The core of Fengyun Technology's online questionnaire analysis system is a set of form development engine single-line filling questions (single-line input control)
Multi-line fill-in questions (multi-line input control)
Single choice + text input multiple choice + text input question and answer question. You can view the questionnaire filling status of each respondent. You can count the filling percentage of each question. The program has fine control to prevent repeated submission of IP. The time interval for repeated submission can be set. The questionnaire end date is prefixed with the questionnaire password. You can set the questionnaire password. You need to enter the password before opening the questionnaire to protect your questionnaire. Instantly switch the questionnaire on and off. Instantly switch the questionnaire on and off to turn the question on or off.
Online statistical analysis displays the frequency of all contents of an answer sheet. The frequency analysis bar chart can print out the statistical results.