*********************Test method************************
This program runs on Delphi5.0+Win98 second edition/Win2000+Foxmail 3.11
Tested successfully in /OE 5.5/IE 5.5.
1. Open the project in Delphi 5 and compile the project into an .EXE executable file.
Then, run Project.exe and enter the recipient, sender,
Subject, body content, and enter the SMTP server, here is "smtp.263.net",
Use the default port number of 25, select "SMTP server requires authentication", and enter the username and password according to the sender. Click the "Open File" button and select the file you want to send
Flash animation .SWF file, as shown in the picture, has selected "F:SwfEmail
Cfan.swf" file. After confirming that it is correct, click the "Send" button. After the sending is successful, a prompt message indicating that the letter has been sent successfully will appear.
2. After receiving and sending successfully, use Foxmail, OutLook and other email software that can handle emails in HTML format to receive them, and view them according to the emails in HTML format, and you can see the Flash animation effect in the email! Or, for 263, 163, China.com, etc. (note: sina, sohu are not supported), you can check the mail directly in the web interface.