Includes the following documentation: 1-JSP+JDBC_False paging notes.pdf 2-JSP+JDBC_True paging (based on Oracle database paging) notes.pdf 3-JSP+DAO and MVC+DAO (based on MySQL database paging)-v notes.pdf 4-Struts Getting Started Notes.pdf 005_Struts+DAO login.pdf 6-Struts tag-BEAN tag notes.pdf 7-Struts tag-LOGIC tag notes.pdf 8-Struts tag-HTML tag notes.pdf 9-Struts Advanced Part (1) (Resolving Duplicate Submissions and Uploading Components) Notes.pdf 10-Struts Advanced Part (2) (Common Action, Validation Framework, Dynamic Form) Notes.pdf 11-Message management program_Use Struts + DAO to complete notes.pdf 12-Struts + DAO paging notes.pdf 13-Hibernate Getting Started (Part 1) Notes.pdf 14-Hibernate Getting Started (Part 2) Notes.pdf 15-Hibernate data retrieval (HQL) notes.pdf 16-Message Management Program_Use Struts + DAO + Hibernate to complete notes.pdf 17-Hibernate entity mapping notes.pdf 18-Hibernate composite primary key notes.pdf 19-Hibernate entity layer design notes.pdf 20-22Hibernate_Container mapping technical notes.pdf 23-26Hibernate data association technical notes.pdf 27-32Hibernate data association technology_1vs1 application case_notes.pdf 33-37Hibernate1 vs. N case notes.pdf 38-43Hibernate many-to-many case notes.pdf 44 login case (Struts+DAO+Hibernate) notes.pdf 45-Struts+Hibernate completed paging notes.pdf 46-Getting started with Spring.pdf 47-Spring_IOC-v (Part 1) Notes.pdf 47Spring_IOC (Part 2) Notes.pdf 48Spring_AOP notes.pdf 49-Spring_JDBC template notes.pdf 50-Spring_Struts, Hibernate support notes.pdf 51-52 Use Struts + Spring + Hibernate to complete user login notes.pdf 53 Use Struts + Spring + Hibernate to complete paging notes.pdf 54 Message Management Program_Struts + Spring + Hibernate Notes.pdf