Cherokee, known as the world's fastest free web server software, released the latest stable version 0.98 this morning! Jumping directly from the previous series 0.11 to 0.98.
Of course, it is a matter of opinion as to who is the fastest between cherokee, nginx and lighttpd. The fastest is only claimed by cherokee itself. However, cherokee does have its own advantages. It is very easy to use. It has the best and most convenient cherokee-admin configuration and management interface. It also integrates well with fastcgi's PHP (fpm), and the development and updates are also very fast. It is also very easy to upgrade using the built-in configuration upgrade script. I recommend everyone to use it. For an introduction to cherokee, you can search for previous posts posted by CB.
0.98 improvements:
- The server binding mechanism has been rewritten
- Important I/O-cache fixes
- New load balancing module: IP Hash
- Balancers can be dynamically off-lined now
- Server Info: exports formatted data
- Server Info: HTML render is now dynamically generated
- Keep-alive & Chunked-encoding fixes
- Long-File-Support fixes for Directory Listing
- A new dirlist theme has been added
- AIX compilation fixes
- A transparent DB-Slayer PHP wrapper has been integrated
- Better IPv4 mapped on IPv6 addresses management
- Long POST management fixed
- Complex extensions can be handled by the MIME mechanism
-Many minor bugs were fixed as well
- Improved Look & Feel
- Better error reporting
-Many minor bugs were fixed
- A bunch of new cookbooks have been added