Special note: This component was originally named "Enet IIS Management Component" (you can search it in Baidu). The latest version released before was 2.x. It was originally used by my own server, so it has not been updated. Because netizens continue to request new versions, all codes have been refactored to release the latest version, and the original calling method has been completely abandoned.
Main functions of the program:
1. Create a site: You can choose whether to have an independent program pool. Create anonymous access users and add them to a dedicated group (the group name can be set). At the same time, create a website directory structure. Anonymous users only have full access rights in the root directory of the website.
2. Modify the site: Modify the general properties of the site
3. Delete the site: delete anonymous users (need to contain a specific prefix, in order to protect manually created users from being deleted), delete program pools (need to contain a specific prefix), delete the user root directory
4. Obtain site information: return common properties of the site
5. Control site status
6. Backup site: Backup is automatically created by CreateSite function.
8. Return all site identifiers
9. Management control of Serv_U
There are many settings for attributes. Please check the API help for details. It is currently available for free.
v3.2.2 (2008.10.21)
1. Open Nt user and IIS program pool operation interfaces
2. Provide a small tool to install/register components and check for updated versions