Program function description:
This program includes search engine inclusion, IP, Google PageRank, alexa, Baidu recent inclusion, Google recent inclusion, Whois, URL conversion to HEX, same server website, keyword ranking, QQ temporary conversation, mobile phone ownership, ID card, perpetual calendar, web page Calculator, domain name (yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow), online translation, HTML/js conversion, Simplified-Traditional conversion, MD5 encrypted query, etc...
This program is a collection of PHP+asp, most of which are PHP programs, without Mysql database.
The IP database is pure, please update it yourself.
The mobile phone query is IP138 thief.
The same server IP/site query is 114best thief.
The ID card query database is TXT, updated in 2005.
Alexa ranking query is the Ali Xixi version, please download it yourself.