Kexun Online Mall Management System is a well-designed and efficient B2C mall system solution suitable for various server environments.
Updated file list No. 4-2:
ask/a.asp --- Add XSS code filtering for the parameter q obtained from the URL
ask/search.asp --- Add XSS code filtering for the parameter key obtained from the URL
club/index.asp ---Add the conversion of the parameter pid obtained from the URL into an integer
company/list.asp --- Add xss code filtering for parameter province, city and key data obtained from the URL
ks_cls/Kesion.CommonCls.asp ---Add a filter function CheckXSS
plus/error.asp --- Add xss code filtering for parameter Message data obtained by Url
plus/search.asp --- Add xss code filtering for parameter key data obtained from Url
plus/tags.asp --- Add xss code filtering for parameter n data obtained by Url
product/list.asp --- Add xss code filtering for parameter key data obtained from Url
shop/ShoppingCart.asp ---Fix a sql injection
shop/ShowPic.asp --- Add xss code filtering for parameter u obtained from Url