Administrator username: admin, password: admin, you can modify and add administrators in the background.
Purpose of the program: To facilitate teachers to manage students' situation, reduce workload, standardize student management in our school, and achieve paperless office.
Program functions
This program is designed to reduce the pressure of all manual operations in academic work and reduce student data. It can significantly reduce the pressure of academic work. It supports stand-alone, network, and multi-user student management systems. It can be applied to multi-person connections online or in campus networks. Work.
Information management (student number, name, gender, class, date of birth, dormitory phone number), modification, deletion, query, page entry
Score management (admittance ticket number, name, class exam session, test subject scores) modification, deletion, query, page entry
Grade test score list | Add grade test score | Advanced score query | Single subject score ranking list | Overall score ranking list | Score analysis
Level examination management (serial number examination sessions)
Class management (modify, delete, add)
Account management (modify, delete, add)
Add teacher (modify, delete, add)
index.asp is the front-end student information file and score query page