PPPwnUI es un programa creado en Python que agrega una interfaz de usuario al exploit PPPwn creado por TheFlow.
git clone https://github.com/B-Dem/PPPwnUI
pip install -r requirements.txt
Inicie la aplicación con
chmod +x PPPwnUI.sh
Entonces :
Seleccione su interfaz usando el menú desplegable
Elija entre la versión de exploit que desea utilizar (PPPwn Python, PPPwn_Go)
Elija su carga útil entre:
PPPwn : (Disponible para: 7.00, 7.01, 7.02, 7.50, 7.51, 7.55, 8.00, 8.01, 8.03, 8.50, 8.52, 9.00, 9.03, 9.04, 9.50, 9.51, 9.60, 10.00, 10.01, 10.50, 10.70, 10.71 y 11.00)
Cargas útiles de PPPwn Goldhen : (Disponible para: 9.00, 9.60, 10.00, 10.01 y 11.00)
VTX HEN : (Disponible para: 7.55, 8.00, 8.03, 8.50, 8.52, 9.00, 9.03, 9.04, 10.00, 10.01 10.50, 10.70, 10.71 y 11.00)
Cargas útiles de PPPwn Linux : (Disponible para: 11.00)
Cargas útiles personalizadas : (Tus propias cargas útiles personalizadas)
Luego haga clic en Iniciar PPPwn para iniciar el exploit.
En tu PS4:
y luego Network
Set Up Internet connection
y elija Use a LAN Cable
y elija PPPoE
para IP Address Settings
y PPPoE Pasword
para DNS Settings
y MTU Settings
Do Not Use
para Proxy Server
Test Internet Connection
para comunicarse con su computadora. Si el exploit falla o la PS4 falla, puedes omitir la configuración de Internet y simplemente hacer clic en Test Internet Connection
. Si el script falla o se bloquea esperando una solicitud/respuesta, cancelelo y ejecútelo nuevamente en su computadora, y luego haga clic en Test Internet Connection
en su PS4.
En tu computadora:
al directorio raíz de un USB exfat/fat32 e insértelo en su PS4. [+] PPPwn - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow
[+] args: interface=enp0s3 fw=1100 stage1=stage1/stage1.bin stage2=stage2/stage2.bin
[+] Using PPPwnUI By Memz !
[+] STAGE 0: Initialization
[ * ] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634beba00
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Source MAC: 07:ba:be:34:d6:ab
[+] AC cookie length: 0x4e0
[ * ] Sending PADO...
[ * ] Waiting for PADR...
[ * ] Sending PADS...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for interface to be ready...
[+] Target IPv6: fe80::2d9:d1ff:febc:83e4
[+] Heap grooming...done
[+] STAGE 1: Memory corruption
[+] Pinning to CPU 0...done
[ * ] Sending malicious LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[+] Scanning for corrupted object...found fe80::0fdf:4141:4141:4141
[+] STAGE 2: KASLR defeat
[ * ] Defeating KASLR...
[+] pppoe_softc_list: 0xffffffff884de578
[+] kaslr_offset: 0x3ffc000
[+] STAGE 3: Remote code execution
[ * ] Sending LCP terminate request...
[ * ] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634beba00
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Source MAC: 97:df:ea:86:ff:ff
[+] AC cookie length: 0x511
[ * ] Sending PADO...
[ * ] Waiting for PADR...
[ * ] Sending PADS...
[ * ] Triggering code execution...
[ * ] Waiting for stage1 to resume...
[ * ] Sending PADT...
[ * ] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634be9200
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] AC cookie length: 0x0
[ * ] Sending PADO...
[ * ] Waiting for PADR...
[ * ] Sending PADS...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[+] STAGE 4: Arbitrary payload execution
[ * ] Sending stage2 payload...
[+] Done !
Este programa fue hecho originalmente con ❤️ por Memz para Sighya.
Si este programa le resulta útil, ¡deje una estrella en el repositorio!
Y si recibe algún comentario, ¡abra un problema!