Analizador social: API, CLI y aplicación web para analizar y encontrar el perfil de una persona en más de 1000 redes sociales y sitios web. Incluye diferentes módulos de análisis y detección, pudiendo elegir qué módulos utilizar durante el proceso de investigación.
Los módulos de detección utilizan un mecanismo de calificación basado en diferentes técnicas de detección, que produce un valor de tasa que comienza de 0 a 100 (No-Quizás-Sí). Este módulo está destinado a tener menos falsos positivos.
El análisis y la información extraída públicamente de esta herramienta OSINT podrían ayudar a investigar perfiles relacionados con actividades sospechosas o maliciosas como el ciberacoso, el ciberacoso, el ciberacoso y la difusión de información errónea.
This project is currently used by some law enforcement agencies in countries where resources are limited - The detection database is different than the one shared here..
Sitios web y aplicaciones que permiten a los usuarios crear y compartir contenido o participar en redes sociales - Diccionario Oxford
URL de la APLICACIÓN WEB localhost estándar:
sudo apt-get update
# Depedning on your Linux distro, you may or may not need these 2 lines
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa -y
sudo apt-get install -y firefox-esr tesseract-ocr git nodejs npm
git clone
cd social-analyzer
npm update
npm install
npm start
sudo apt-get update
# Depedning on your Linux distro, you may or may not need these 2 lines
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa -y
sudo apt-get install -y firefox-esr tesseract-ocr git nodejs npm
git clone
cd social-analyzer
npm install
nodejs app.js --username " johndoe "
# or
nodejs app.js --username " johndoe,janedoe " --metadata
# or
nodejs app.js --username " johndoe,janedoe " --metadata --top 100
# or
nodejs app.js --username " johndoe " --type " adult "
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install social-analyzer
python3 -m social-analyzer --username " johndoe "
# or
python3 -m social-analyzer --username " johndoe " --metadata
# or
python3 -m social-analyzer --username " johndoe " --metadata --top 100
# or
python3 -m social-analyzer --username " johndoe " --type " adult "
# or
python3 -m social-analyzer --username " johndoe " --websites " car " --logs --screenshots
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip
git clone
cd social-analyzer
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 --username " janedoe "
# or
python3 --username " johndoe " --metadata
# or
python3 --username " johndoe " --metadata --top 100
# or
python3 --username " johndoe " --type " adult "
# or
python3 --username " johndoe " --websites " car " --logs --screenshots
#E.g. #1
from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module ( "social-analyzer" ). SocialAnalyzer ()
results = SocialAnalyzer . run_as_object ( username = "johndoe" , silent = True )
print ( results )
#E.g. #2
from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module ( "social-analyzer" ). SocialAnalyzer ()
results = SocialAnalyzer . run_as_object ( username = "johndoe,janedoe" , silent = True , output = "json" , filter = "good" , metadata = False , timeout = 10 , profiles = "detected" )
print ( results )
Required Arguments:
--username E.g. johndoe, john_doe or johndoe9999
Optional Arguments:
--websites A website or websites separated by space E.g. youtube, tiktokor tumblr
--mode Analysis mode -> FindUserProfilesFast, slow -> FindUserProfilesSlow or special -> FindUserProfilesSpecial
--output Show the output in the following format: json -> json outputfor integration or pretty -> prettify the output
--options Show the following when a profile is found: link, rate, titleor text
--method find -> show detected profiles, get -> show all profiles regardless detected or not, all -> combine find & get
--filter Filter detected profiles by good, maybe or bad, you can do combine them with comma (good,bad) or use all
--profiles Filter profiles by detected, unknown or failed, you can do combine them with comma (detected,failed) or use all
--countries select websites by country or countries separated by space as: us br ru
--type Select websites by type (Adult, Music etc)
--top select top websites as 10, 50 etc...[--websites is not needed]
--extract Extract profiles, urls & patterns if possible
--metadata Extract metadata if possible (pypi QeeqBox OSINT)
--trim Trim long strings
--gui Reserved for a gui (Not implemented)
--cli Reserved for a cli (Not needed)
Listing websites & detections:
--list List all available websites
--headers Headers as dict
--logs_dir Change logs directory
--timeout Change timeout between each request
--silent Disable output to screen