Laravel-uptime-monitor es un monitor de tiempo de actividad potente y fácil de configurar. Le notificará cuando su sitio esté inactivo (y cuando vuelva a funcionar). También puede recibir una notificación unos días antes de que caduque un certificado SSL en uno de sus sitios. Debajo del capó, el paquete aprovecha las notificaciones nativas de Laravel, por lo que es fácil usar Slack, Telegram o su proveedor de notificaciones preferido.
Encontrará documentación extensa en []. Incluye información detallada sobre cómo instalar y utilizar el paquete.
Si no está familiarizado con Laravel, pero aún desea utilizar nuestro monitor de tiempo de actividad, eche un vistazo al repositorio de la aplicación uptime-monitor que contiene una versión independiente de este paquete.
Leer el archivo de configuración de este paquete es una buena manera de tener una idea rápida de lo que puede hacer laravel-uptime-monitor
. Aquí está el contenido del archivo de configuración:
return [
* You can get notified when specific events occur. Out of the box you can use 'mail'
* and 'slack'. Of course you can also specify your own notification classes.
' notifications ' => [
' notifications ' => [
Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifications UptimeCheckFailed::class => [ ' slack ' ],
Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifications UptimeCheckRecovered::class => [ ' slack ' ],
Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifications UptimeCheckSucceeded::class => [],
Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifications CertificateCheckFailed::class => [ ' slack ' ],
Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifications CertificateExpiresSoon::class => [ ' slack ' ],
Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifications CertificateCheckSucceeded::class => [],
* The location from where you are running this Laravel application. This location will be
* mentioned in all notifications that will be sent.
' location ' => '' ,
* To keep reminding you that a site is down, notifications
* will be resent every given number of minutes.
' resend_uptime_check_failed_notification_every_minutes ' => 60 ,
' mail ' => [
' to ' => [ ' [email protected] ' ],
' slack ' => [
' webhook_url ' => env ( ' UPTIME_MONITOR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ' ),
* Here you can specify the notifiable to which the notifications should be sent. The default
* notifiable will use the variables specified in this config file.
' notifiable ' => Spatie UptimeMonitor Notifications Notifiable::class,
* The date format used in notifications.
' date_format ' => ' d/m/Y ' ,
' uptime_check ' => [
* When the uptime check could reach the url of a monitor it will pass the response to this class
* If this class determines the response is valid, the uptime check will be regarded as succeeded.
* You can use any implementation of SpatieUptimeMonitorHelpersUptimeResponseCheckersUptimeResponseChecker here.
' response_checker ' => Spatie UptimeMonitor Helpers UptimeResponseCheckers LookForStringChecker::class,
* An uptime check will be performed if the last check was performed more than the
* given number of minutes ago. If you change this setting you have to manually
* update the `uptime_check_interval_in_minutes` value of your existing monitors.
* When an uptime check fails we'll check the uptime for that monitor every time `monitor:check-uptime`
* runs regardless of this setting.
' run_interval_in_minutes ' => 5 ,
* To speed up the uptime checking process the package can perform the uptime check of several
* monitors concurrently. Set this to a lower value if you're getting weird errors
* running the uptime check.
' concurrent_checks ' => 10 ,
* The uptime check for a monitor will fail if the url does not respond after the
* given number of seconds.
' timeout_per_site ' => 10 ,
* Because networks can be a bit unreliable the package can make three attempts
* to connect to a server in one uptime check. You can specify the time in
* milliseconds between each attempt.
' retry_connection_after_milliseconds ' => 100 ,
* If you want to change the default Guzzle client behaviour, you can do so by
* passing custom options that will be used when making requests.
' guzzle_options ' => [
// 'allow_redirects' => false,
* Fire `SpatieUptimeMonitorEventsMonitorFailed` event only after
* the given number of uptime checks have consecutively failed for a monitor.
' fire_monitor_failed_event_after_consecutive_failures ' => 2 ,
* When reaching out to sites this user agent will be used.
' user_agent ' => ' spatie/laravel-uptime-monitor uptime checker ' ,
* When reaching out to the sites these headers will be added.
' additional_headers ' => [],
* Allow status codes other than 200 to be considered as successful uptime checks.
' additional_status_codes ' => [],
' certificate_check ' => [
* The `SpatieUptimeMonitorEventsSslExpiresSoon` event will fire
* when a certificate is found whose expiration date is in
* the next number of given days.
' fire_expiring_soon_event_if_certificate_expires_within_days ' => 10 ,
* To add or modify behaviour to the Monitor model you can specify your
* own model here. The only requirement is that it should extend
* `SpatieUptimeMonitorModelsMonitor`.
' monitor_model ' => Spatie UptimeMonitor Models Monitor::class,
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Actualmente, este paquete no ofrece una API; si la necesita, eche un vistazo a este paquete.
Encontrará la documentación en Incluye información detallada sobre cómo instalar y utilizar el paquete.
¿Te encuentras atrapado usando el paquete? ¿Encontraste un error? ¿Tiene preguntas o sugerencias generales para mejorar el monitor de tiempo de actividad? No dudes en crear un problema en GitHub; intentaremos solucionarlo lo antes posible.
Consulte CHANGELOG para obtener más información sobre los cambios recientes.
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Consulte CONTRIBUCIÓN para obtener más detalles.
Si encuentra un error relacionado con la seguridad, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] en lugar de utilizar el rastreador de problemas.
La Licencia MIT (MIT). Consulte el archivo de licencia para obtener más información.