Una biblioteca Python liviana y dependencia de cero para administrar plantillas de inmediato LLM. Construido sobre los principios de diseño de string.Template
pero con características mejoradas diseñadas específicamente para la ingeniería de inmediato LLM.
pip install prompt-template
La biblioteca es intencionalmente muy simple de usar. La idea es mantenerlo simple, construir validación y serialización, y simplificar la depuración.
from prompt_template import PromptTemplate
# Create a template
template = PromptTemplate ( "Hello ${name}! Welcome to ${location}." )
# Render with values
result = template . to_string ( name = "Alice" , location = "Wonderland" )
print ( result ) # Hello Alice! Welcome to Wonderland.
# Set default values that can be overridden later
template = PromptTemplate ( "Hello ${name}! Your settings are: ${settings}" )
# Set default values - they're safely deep copied
template . set_default (
name = "Guest" ,
settings = { "theme" : "light" , "language" : "en" }
# Use with defaults
print ( template . to_string ())
# Hello Guest! Your settings are: {"theme": "light", "language": "en"}
# Override specific values
print ( template . to_string ( name = "Alice" ))
# Hello Alice! Your settings are: {"theme": "light", "language": "en"}
# Override everything
print ( template . to_string (
name = "Bob" ,
settings = { "theme" : "dark" , "language" : "fr" }
# Hello Bob! Your settings are: {"theme": "dark", "language": "fr"}
Agregar un nombre a su plantilla mejora los mensajes de error con el contexto:
template = PromptTemplate (
name = "user_greeting" ,
template = "Hello ${name}! Welcome to ${location}."
La biblioteca maneja estructuras anidadas elegantemente:
template = PromptTemplate ( """
"user": {
"name": "${username}",
"role": "${role}"
"settings": {
"theme": "${theme}",
"notifications": ${notifications},
"preferences": ${preferences}
""" )
# Values are automatically serialized
result = template . to_string (
username = "john_doe" ,
role = "admin" ,
theme = "dark" ,
notifications = { "email" : True , "push" : False },
preferences = [ "daily_digest" , "weekly_report" ]
Puede construir plantillas de forma incremental, preservando los valores predeterminados en el camino:
# Start with a base template
base = PromptTemplate ( """
Query parameters:
Model: ${model}
Temperature: ${temperature}
User: ${user}
Prompt: ${prompt}
""" )
# Set some defaults
base . set_default (
model = "gpt-4" ,
temperature = 0.7
# Create a partially populated template
user_template = base . substitute ( user = "alice" )
# Complete the template later
final = user_template . to_string ( prompt = "Tell me a story" )
La biblioteca maneja automáticamente varios tipos de Python:
from uuid import UUID
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
template = PromptTemplate ( """
"id": "${id}",
"amount": "${amount}",
"binary": "${binary_data}",
"metadata": ${metadata}
""" )
result = template . to_string (
id = UUID ( "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" ),
amount = Decimal ( "45.67" ),
binary_data = b"Hello World" , # Automatically base64 encoded if needed
metadata = {
"timestamp" : datetime . now (), # Serialized via JSON
"values" : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
Extienda la clase base para personalizar la serialización del valor:
from typing import Any
from datetime import datetime
from prompt_template import PromptTemplate as BasePromptTemplate
import orjson
class PromptTemplate ( BasePromptTemplate ):
@ staticmethod
def serializer ( value : Any ) -> str :
return orjson . dumps ( value ) # use orjson for faster json serialization etc.
La biblioteca proporciona errores extensos específicos:
from prompt_template import MissingTemplateValuesError
template = PromptTemplate ( "Hello ${name}!" )
try :
template . to_string () # No values provided
except MissingTemplateValuesError as e :
print ( f"Missing values: { e . missing_values } " ) # {'name'}
from prompt_template import InvalidTemplateKeysError
template = PromptTemplate ( "Hello ${name}!" )
try :
template . to_string ( name = "World" , invalid_key = "value" )
except InvalidTemplateKeysError as e :
print ( f"Invalid keys: { e . invalid_keys } " ) # ['invalid_key']
print ( f"Valid keys: { e . valid_keys } " ) # {'name'}
from prompt_template import TemplateSerializationError
template = PromptTemplate ( "Value: ${value}" )
try :
template . to_string ( value = object ()) # Non-serializable object
except TemplateSerializationError as e :
print ( f"Failed to serialize key ' { e . key } ': { e . original_error } " )
Licencia de MIT
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