vue tracking
npm installer vue-tracking
// main.js
import Vue from "vue" ;
import App from "./App.vue" ;
// import the `initialize` method
import { initialize } from "vue-tracking" ;
Vue . directive (
"track" ,
initialize (
// drop in any method you want called here
console . log
) ;
new Vue ( {
render : h => h ( App )
} ) . $mount ( "#app" ) ;
// usage examples
< a
href =" # " =" {
target: 'terms-of-service--link',
anyOtherDataYouWant: 'whatever'
} "
> Terms of Service
</ a >
< input
v-track.blur =" {
target: 'first-name--input',
exampleData: 'sure why not'
} "
v-track.focus =" {
target: 'first-name--input',
canPassUpAnything: 'go for it'
} "
v-track.change =" {
target: 'first-name--input',
anyExtraData: 'add it onto the directive'
} "