Conception multithread multiplateforme ! OpenTime pour C++, Time super facile à utiliser !
Le projet OpenLinyou conçoit un framework de serveur multiplateforme. Écrivez du code dans VS ou XCode et exécutez-le sous Linux sans aucune modification, même sur Android et iOS. OpenLinyou:
Linux et Android utilisent epoll, iOS et Mac utilisent kqueue, d'autres systèmes (Windows) utilisent select, donc le nombre d'io ne peut pas dépasser 64.
Veuillez installer l'outil cmake. Avec cmake, vous pouvez créer un projet VS ou XCode, le compiler et l'exécuter sur VS ou XCode. Code source :
# Clone the project
git clone
cd ./opentime
# Create a build project directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# If it's win32, opentime.sln will appear in this directory. Click it to start VS for coding and debugging.
# include < assert.h >
# include < iostream >
# include < vector >
# include < map >
# include < time.h >
# include " opentime.h "
int main ()
OpenTime openTime;
std::cout << " Current Unixtime: " << openTime. unixtime () << std::endl;
std::cout << " Current Date: " << openTime. toString () << std::endl;
int64_t thatTime = 1676704738 ;
openTime = thatTime;
assert (openTime. unixtime () == thatTime);
assert (openTime. toString () == " 2023-02-18 15:18:58 " );
openTime = " 2023-02-18 15:18:58 " ;
assert (openTime. unixtime () == thatTime);
assert (openTime. wday () == 6 );
openTime += 3600 * 24 * 2 ;
assert (openTime. toString () == " 2023-02-20 15:18:58 " );
thatTime = openTime. unixtime ();
assert (openTime. toGMT () == " Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:18:58 GMT " );
openTime. fromGMT ( " Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:18:58 GMT " );
assert (openTime. unixtime () == thatTime);
int64_t inttime = 20230218133755 ;
openTime. fromIntTime (inttime);
std::string strTime = openTime. toString ();
assert (strTime == " 2023-02-18 13:37:55 " );
// 2023-02-18 00:00:00
openTime = " 2023-02-18 15:18:58 " ;
int64_t alignTime = openTime. alignDay ();
strTime = OpenTime::ToString (alignTime);
assert (strTime == " 2023-02-18 00:00:00 " );
thatTime = 1642490337 ;
alignTime = OpenTime::AlignDay (thatTime);
strTime = OpenTime::ToString (alignTime);
assert (strTime == " 2022-01-18 00:00:00 " );
std::map< int64_t , std::vector<std::string>> testDatas = {
{ 1676698675 , { " 2023-02-18 13:37:55 " , " " , " 2023-02-18 13:37:55 " }},
{ 669274675 , { " 1991-03-18 13:37:55 " , " %Y_%M_%D " , " 1991_03_18 " }},
{ 1292614675 , { " 2010-12-18 03:37:55 " , " %Y_%M_%D_%h_%m_%s " , " 2010_12_18_03_37_55 " }},
{ 77693875 , { " 1972-06-18 13:37:55 " , " date:%h:%m:%s %Y/%M/%D%d " , " date:13:37:55 1972/06/18%d " }},
for ( auto & iter : testDatas)
int64_t timeStamp = iter. first ;
openTime = timeStamp;
auto & datas = iter. second ;
assert (openTime. toString () == datas[ 0 ]);
std::string ret = openTime. toString (datas[ 1 ]);
assert (ret == datas[ 2 ]);
openTime. fromString (ret, datas[ 1 ]);
assert (openTime. unixtime () == timeStamp);
// sleep 1 second
OpenTime::Sleep ( 1000 );
int64_t timeStamp = OpenTime::Unixtime ();
std::cout << " Current timeStamp: " << OpenTime (timeStamp). toString () << std::endl;
int64_t milliTimeStamp = OpenTime::MilliUnixtime ();
std::cout << " Current milliTimeStamp: " << OpenTime (milliTimeStamp / 1000 ). toString (milliTimeStamp % 1000 ) << std::endl;
return 0 ;