php image editor
PHP Image Editor
PHP library to easily edit image with GD extension. Resize, crop, merge, draw, and many more options !
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Installez cette bibliothèque facilement avec composer :
composer require dantsu/php-image-editor
Create a empty image, draw on it and display it :
use DantSu PHPImageEditor Image ;
header ( ' Content-type: image/png ' );
$ image = Image:: newCanvas ( 500 , 500 )
-> drawRectangle ( 0 , 0 , 500 , 500 , ' #444 ' )
-> drawRectangle ( 0 , 350 , 500 , 500 , ' #FF8800 ' )
-> writeText ( ' I got the power ! ' , __DIR__ . ' /resources/font.ttf ' , 40 , ' #FFFFFF ' , Image:: ALIGN_CENTER , 310 )
-> drawCircle ( 25 , 100 , 100 , ' #FF8800 ' )
-> drawCircle ( 25 , 100 , 95 , ' #000000FF ' )
-> drawCircle ( 475 , 100 , 100 , ' #FF8800 ' )
-> drawCircle ( 475 , 100 , 95 , ' #000000FF ' );
for ( $ i = 0 ; $ i <= 360 ; $ i += 30 ) {
$ image
-> drawArrowWithAngle ( 250 , 200 , $ i , 80 , 2 , ' #FF8800 ' )
-> drawArrowWithAngle ( 250 , 200 , ( $ i + 15 ), 50 , 2 , ' #FF8800 ' );
$ image
-> crop ( 450 , 300 , Image:: ALIGN_CENTER , Image:: ALIGN_MIDDLE )
-> displayPNG ();
Appliquez un filigrane sur une photo et enregistrez-la :
use DantSu PHPImageEditor Image ;
Image:: fromPath ( __DIR__ . ' /resources/photo.jpg ' )
-> downscaleAndCrop ( 1920 , 1080 , Image:: ALIGN_CENTER , Image:: ALIGN_BOTTOM )
-> pasteOn (
Image:: fromPath ( __DIR__ . ' /resources/watermark.png ' )-> downscaleProportion ( 300 , 300 ),
-> saveJPG ( __DIR__ . ' /my-image.jpg ' , 70 );
See DantSuPHPImageEditorImage documentation class for more details.
Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.
Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed.