Package Go pour simuler la bande passante, la latence et la perte de paquets pour les interfaces net.PacketConn et net.Conn.
Son utilisation principale est de tester la robustesse des applications et des protocoles réseau exécutés sur des protocoles de transport peu fiables tels que UDP ou IP. Autre avantage, il peut également être utilisé comme limiteur de bande passante sortante.
avec perte ne modifie que le côté écriture de la connexion, le côté lecture est conservé tel quel.
package main
import (
const packetSize = 64
func main () {
// Create two connection endpoints over UDP
packetConn , conn := createConnections ()
// Create a lossy packet connection
bandwidth := 1048 // 8 Kbit/s
minLatency := 100 * time . Millisecond
maxLatency := time . Second
packetLossRate := 0.33
headerOverhead := lossy . UDPv4MinHeaderOverhead
lossyPacketConn := lossy . NewPacketConn ( packetConn , bandwidth , minLatency , maxLatency , packetLossRate , headerOverhead )
// Write some packets via lossy
var bytesWritten int
const packetCount = 32
go func () {
for i := 0 ; i < packetCount ; i ++ {
packet := createPacket ()
_ , err := lossyPacketConn . WriteTo ( packet , conn . LocalAddr ())
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
bytesWritten += len ( packet ) + headerOverhead
fmt . Println ( "Sent" , packetCount , "packets with total size of" , bytesWritten , "bytes" )
baseTransmissionDuration := time . Duration ( float64 ( bytesWritten * int ( time . Second )) / float64 ( bandwidth ))
earliestCompletion := baseTransmissionDuration + minLatency
latestCompletion := baseTransmissionDuration + maxLatency
fmt . Println ( "Expected transmission duration is between" , earliestCompletion , "and" , latestCompletion )
// Read packets at the other side
const timeout = 3 * time . Second
var packets , bytesRead int
startTime := time . Now ()
for {
_ = conn . SetReadDeadline ( time . Now (). Add ( timeout ))
buffer := make ([] byte , packetSize )
n , err := conn . Read ( buffer )
if err != nil {
bytesRead += n + headerOverhead
packets ++
dur := time . Now (). Sub ( startTime ) - timeout
fmt . Println ( "Received" , packets , "packets with total size of" , bytesRead , "bytes in" , dur )
// Close the connections
_ = lossyPacketConn . Close ()
_ = conn . Close ()
func createConnections () (net. PacketConn , net. Conn ) {
packetConn , err := net . ListenUDP ( "udp" , & net. UDPAddr {
IP : net . IPv4 ( 127 , 0 , 0 , 1 ),
Port : 0 ,
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
conn , err := net . DialUDP ( "udp" , nil , packetConn . LocalAddr ().( * net. UDPAddr ))
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
return packetConn , conn
func createPacket () [] byte {
packet := make ([] byte , packetSize )
rand . Read ( packet )
return packet
Sent 32 packets with total size of 2944 bytes
Expected transmission duration is between 2.909160305s and 3.809160305s
Received 23 packets with total size of 2116 bytes in 3.2507523s