hugo dusk
Thème sombre minimaliste simple pour Hugo.
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone
Exemple de configuration:
baseurl = " / "
title = " My site. "
copyright = " Copyright (c) 2017, all rights reserved. "
canonifyurls = true
languageCode = " en-US "
paginate = 3
theme = " hugo-dusk "
googleAnalytics = " "
disqusShortname = " "
[ params . author ]
name = " Author name "
intro = """
'hugo-dusk' theme for [hugo]( an open-source static site generator.
SectionPagesMenu = " main "
[ taxonomies ]
archive = " archive "
blog = " blog "
category = " categories "
series = " series "
tag = " tags "
# Configure syntax highlight
[ markup ]
[ markup . highlight ]
style = " gruvbox " # dark themes: monokai, api, fruity, native, rrt, swapoff ...
[[ menu . main ]]
name = " Blog "
weight = -120
identifier = " blog "
url = " /blog/ "
[[ menu . main ]]
name = " Tags "
weight = -110
identifier = " tag "
url = " /tags/ "
[[ menu . main ]]
name = " Archive "
weight = -100
identifier = " archive "
url = " /archive/ "
[ params . meta ]
keywords = " blog, tech "
description = " Personal blog. "
[ params . meta . fediverse ]
creator = " @[email protected] " #
[ params ]
mainSections = [ ' blog ' ]
github = " github id "
gitlab = " gitlab id "
twitter = " twitter id "
linkedin = " linkedin id "
email = " myemail "
theme_colors = " default-dark " # uses color css file under static/css/default-dark.css
enable_separate_main_page = false # enable a separate main page with author intro and recent posts instead of the list of posts
utterancesRepo = " REPO_NAME " # Utterances is enabled when this param is set
utterancesTheme = " github-dark " # Default: github-dark
utterancesIssueTerm = " pathname " # Default: pathname
[ params . mastodon ] #
username = " username "
server = " "