Aplikasi Pemutar Musik Sumber Terbuka untuk semua kebutuhan Anda!
Terjemahkan Aplikasi di Weblate
dan masih banyak lagi... Cek sendiri :)
Copyright © 2021 Ankit Sangwan
BlackHole is a free software licensed under GPL v3.0
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Being Open Source doesn't mean you can just make a copy of the app and upload it on playstore or sell
a closed source copy of the same.
Read the following carefully:
1. Any copy of a software under GPL must be under same license. So you can't upload the app on a closed source
app repository like PlayStore/AppStore without distributing the source code.
2. You can't sell any copied/modified version of the app under any "non-free" license.
You must provide the copy with the original software or with instructions on how to obtain original software,
should clearly state all changes, should clearly disclose full source code, should include same license
and all copyrights should be retained.
In simple words, You can ONLY use the source code of this app for `Open Source` Project under `GPL v3.0` or later
with all your source code CLEARLY DISCLOSED on any code hosting platform like GitHub, with clear INSTRUCTIONS on
how to obtain the original software, should clearly STATE ALL CHANGES made and should RETAIN all copyrights.
Use of this software under any "non-free" license is NOT permitted.
Lihat Lisensi Publik Umum GNU untuk lebih jelasnya.
git clone https://github.com/Sangwan5688/BlackHole.git
flutter pub get
flutter run
Kontribusi dipersilakan. Silakan baca pedoman kontribusi kami sebelum berkontribusi.
Lihatlah beberapa Masalah umum yang mungkin Anda hadapi. Jika masalah Anda tidak ada, silakan buka Masalah :)
Anda dapat bergabung dengan Saluran Telegram atau Grup Telegram kami, jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, atau memerlukan bantuan mengenai sesuatu serta untuk mendapatkan pembaruan beta dari proyek tersebut.
Untuk membaca log perubahan selengkapnya, kunjungi halaman wiki
BlackHole does not own or have any affiliation with the songs and other content available through the app.
All songs and other content are the property of their respective owners and are protected by copyright law.
BlackHole is not responsible for any infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights that may result
from the use of the songs and other content available through the app. BlackHole uses third-party plugins and
is not responsible for any harm or damage to the respective owners or any other parties resulting from the use
of the songs and other content through the third-party plugins.
By using the app, you agree to use the songs and other content only for personal, non-commercial purposes
and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.