Instalasi | Penggunaan | Coba Tanpa Instal
v ideo s stream d ownloader adalah program baris perintah untuk mengunduh streaming video yang disajikan melalui HTTP dari situs web, daftar putar HLS dan DASH.
Menangkap permintaan jaringan dan mengumpulkan .m3u8, .mpd, dan subtitle dari situs web dan menyimpannya secara lokal.
Muxing streaming ke satu wadah video menggunakan ffmpeg.
Bilah kemajuan tunggal untuk proses pengunduhan lengkap seperti pengunduhan file normal dengan estimasi ukuran file waktu nyata.
Mendukung dekripsi daftar putar AES-128
dan CENC
Mendukung HLS dan DASH
Mendukung pengunduhan di banyak thread.
GUI (mungkin di masa depan)
Mendukung dekripsi daftar putar SAMPLE-AES.
Pengunduhan streaming langsung (wip)
Lihat Lebih Banyak
ffmpeg (opsional, disarankan ) hanya diperlukan untuk transmuxing dan transcoding stream.
chrome / chromium (opsional) hanya diperlukan untuk capture
dan collect
Kunjungi rilis untuk biner bawaan. Unduh dan ekstrak arsip lalu salin vsd biner ke jalur mana pun. Sekarang tambahkan jalur itu ke variabel lingkungan PATH
Tuan rumah | Arsitektur | Unduh |
Android 7+ (Termux) | aarch64 | .tar.xz |
Linux | aarch64 | .tar.xz |
macOS 11.7+ | aarch64 | .tar.xz |
jendela | aarch64 | .ritsleting |
Linux | x86_64 | .tar.xz |
macOS 11.7+ | x86_64 | .tar.xz |
jendela | x86_64 | .ritsleting |
Anda juga dapat menginstal vsd melalui kargo dengan menggunakan perintah ini.
pemasangan kargo vsd
Petunjuk pembuatan dapat ditemukan di sini dan log perubahan di sini.
Selain itu, Anda juga dapat menginstal antarmuka gui pihak ketiga yang dibuat oleh theRealCataclysm.
Mengunduh dan menyimpan daftar putar HLS dan DASH ke disk.
$ vsd simpan <url> -o video.mp4
Untuk tujuan pengujian Anda dapat menggunakan aliran dari
Mengumpulkan .m3u8 (HLS), .mpd (Dash) dan subtitle dari situs web dan menyimpannya secara lokal.
$ vsd tangkap <url> --simpan
$ vsd --membantu
Download video streams served over HTTP from websites, DASH (.mpd) and HLS (.m3u8) playlists. Usage: vsd.exe [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> Commands: capture Capture playlists and subtitles from a website extract Extract subtitles from mp4 boxes merge Merge multiple segments to a single file save Download DASH and HLS playlists help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: --color <COLOR> When to output colored text [default: auto] [possible values: auto, always, never] -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version
$ vsd simpan --membantu
Download DASH and HLS playlists Usage: vsd.exe save [OPTIONS] <INPUT> Arguments: <INPUT> http(s):// | .mpd | .xml | .m3u8 Options: --base-url <BASE_URL> Base url to be used for building absolute url to segment. This flag is usually needed for local input files. By default redirected playlist url is used -d, --directory <DIRECTORY> Change directory path for temporarily downloaded files. By default current working directory is used -o, --output <OUTPUT> Mux all downloaded streams to a video container (.mp4, .mkv, etc.) using ffmpeg. Note that existing files will be overwritten and downloaded streams will be deleted --parse Parse playlist and returns it in json format. Note that `--output` flag is ignored when this flag is used --color <COLOR> When to output colored text [default: auto] [possible values: auto, always, never] --raw-prompts Raw style input prompts for old and unsupported terminals -h, --help Print help Automation Options: --prefer-audio-lang <PREFER_AUDIO_LANG> Preferred language when multiple audio streams with different languages are available. Must be in RFC 5646 format (eg. fr or en-AU). If a preference is not specified and multiple audio streams are present, the first one listed in the manifest will be downloaded --prefer-subs-lang <PREFER_SUBS_LANG> Preferred language when multiple subtitles streams with different languages are available. Must be in RFC 5646 format (eg. fr or en-AU). If a preference is not specified and multiple subtitles streams are present, the first one listed in the manifest will be downloaded -q, --quality <WIDTHxHEIGHT|HEIGHTp> Automatic selection of some standard resolution streams with highest bandwidth stream variant from playlist. If matching resolution of WIDTHxHEIGHT is not found then only resolution HEIGHT would be considered for selection. comman values: [lowest, min, 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, hd, 1080p, fhd, 2k, 1440p, qhd, 4k, 8k, highest, max] [default: highest] --skip-prompts Skip user input prompts and proceed with defaults Client Options: --cookies <COOKIES> Fill request client with some existing cookies value. Cookies value can be same as document.cookie or in json format same as puppeteer --header <KEY> <VALUE> Custom headers for requests. This option can be used multiple times --no-certificate-checks Skip checking and validation of site certificates --proxy <PROXY> Set http(s) / socks proxy address for requests --set-cookie <SET_COOKIE> <URL> Fill request client with some existing cookies per domain. First value for this option is set-cookie header and second value is url which was requested to send this set-cookie header. Example `--set-cookie "foo=bar; Domain=yolo.local" https://yolo.local`. This option can be used multiple times --user-agent <USER_AGENT> Update and set user agent header for requests [default: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"] Decrypt Options: --all-keys Use all supplied keys for decryption instead of using keys which matches with default kid only -k, --key <KEY|KID:KEY> Keys for decrypting encrypted streams. If streams are encrypted with a single key then there is no need to specify key id else specify decryption key in format KID:KEY. KEY value can be specified in hex, base64 or file format. This option can be used multiple times --no-decrypt Download encrypted streams without decrypting them. Note that --output flag is ignored if this flag is used Download Options: --retry-count <RETRY_COUNT> Maximum number of retries to download an individual segment [default: 15] --no-merge Download streams without merging them. Note that --output flag is ignored if this flag is used -t, --threads <THREADS> Maximum number of threads for parllel downloading of segments. Number of threads should be in range 1-16 (inclusive) [default: 5]
Daftar alternatif untuk vsd:
N_m3u8DL-RE adalah alternatif terbaik untuk vsd. Ini juga mendukung daftar putar langsung yang tidak dimiliki vsd. Itu tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur seperti capture .
N_m3u8DL-CLI juga bagus tetapi tidak lintas platform.
m3u8-downloader juga bagus tetapi hanya memiliki sedikit opsi yang dapat disesuaikan.
webvideo-downloader membuka situs web menggunakan chrome dan kemudian menangkap permintaan m3u8. Perintah capture vsd paling dekat dengan fungsi ini.
dash-mpd-cli sangat bagus untuk mengunduh daftar putar DASH. Selain itu, sebagian besar internal vsd untuk menguraikan dan mengunduh daftar putar DASH diambil untuk proyek utamanya.
Berlisensi Ganda
Lisensi Apache, Versi 2.0 (LISENSI-APACHE)