Titik Masuk Kode
Autospec adalah agen pengujian/QA ujung ke ujung, menggunakan model visi dan bahasa teks untuk mengeksplorasi dan menghasilkan spesifikasi pengujian yang masuk akal untuk aplikasi web. Hal ini bertujuan untuk meniru penilaian seperti pengguna pada seluruh keluaran UI setelah setiap interaksi untuk memutuskan apakah akan memunculkan kesalahan tentang perilaku aplikasi, alih-alih menangkap regresi terhadap perilaku sebelumnya yang ditentukan secara kaku.
Hasilkan dan jalankan 10 spesifikasi di TodoMVC, contoh aplikasi web klasik:
npx autospecai --url https://todomvc.com/examples/react/dist/ --apikey YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY
Anda harus mengatakan "ya" untuk menginstal paket autospecai, dan proses pertama mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa menit untuk mengunduh dependensi seperti binari browser yang digunakan untuk menjalankan lingkungan pengujian.
Saat proses selesai, Anda akan melihat ringkasan pengujian yang dijalankan dan apakah pengujian tersebut lulus atau gagal.
Spesifikasi yang berhasil akan disimpan dalam folder trajectories
di direktori kerja Anda. Anda dapat menjalankan kembali pengujian ini kapan saja dengan menjalankan:
npx playwright test
Bergantung pada pengaturan Playwright yang ada, Anda mungkin perlu menambahkan "lintasan" ke testDir di file playwright.config.js Anda.
Salin contoh file .env, dan isi OPENAI_API_KEY atau GOOGLE_GENERATIVE_AI_API_KEY sebelum menjalankan aplikasi:
mv .env.example .env # rename the example to .env
nano .env # edit as you like
> npx autospecai --help
Usage: npx autospecai --url < url > [--model < model > ] [--spec_limit < limit > ] [--help | -h ]
--url < url > The target URL to run the autospec tests against.
--help, -h Show this help message.
--spec_limit < limit > The max number of specs to generate. Default 10.
--model < model > The model to use for spec generation
* " gpt-4o " (default)
* " gemini-1.5-flash-latest "
* " claude-3-haiku "
* (note: Gemini flash is free up to rate limits)
--apikey < key > The relevant API key for the chosen model ' s API.
* If not specified, we ' ll fall back on the
following environment variables:
Log dicetak ke konsol seperti itu, serta ke folder lintasan/** di samping cuplikan video, png, dan HTML/JSON DOM:
Test Summary:
✔ 1. Check if the page loads successfully
1.1) action: markSpecAsComplete, reason: The spec passed, fullProseExplanationOfReasoning100charmax: The page loaded successfully with all expected elements visible., planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: The page has loaded successfully as indicated by the presence of the header, input field, and footer. I will mark the spec as complete.
✔ 2. Check if the title 'todos' is displayed
2.1) action: markSpecAsComplete, reason: The spec passed, fullProseExplanationOfReasoning100charmax: The title 'todos' is displayed as an h1 element in the header section., planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I will verify if the title 'todos' is displayed by checking the presence of the h1 element with the text 'todos'.
✔ 3. Check if the input box with placeholder 'What needs to be done?' is present
3.1) action: markSpecAsComplete, reason: The spec passed, fullProseExplanationOfReasoning100charmax: The input box with the placeholder 'What needs to be done?' is present in the HTML snapshot., planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I will check if the input box with the placeholder 'What needs to be done?' is present in the HTML snapshot.
✔ 4. Check if a new todo item can be added
4.1) action: clickOn, cssSelector: input.new-todo, nth: 0, planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I will move the mouse cursor to the input field to add a new todo item.
4.2) action: keyboardInputString, cssSelector: input.new-todo, nth: 0, string: Buy groceries, planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I will type a new todo item into the input field.
4.3) action: keyboardInputSingleKey, cssSelector: input.new-todo, nth: 0, key: Enter, planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I will press the Enter key to add the new todo item.
4.4) action: markSpecAsComplete, reason: The spec passed, fullProseExplanationOfReasoning100charmax: The new todo item 'Buy groceries' was successfully added to the list., planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I will mark the spec as complete because the new todo item 'Buy groceries' has been successfully added.
✔ 5. Check if a todo item can be marked as completed
5.1) action: keyboardInputString, cssSelector: input.new-todo, nth: 0, string: Test Todo Item, planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: To check if a todo item can be marked as completed, I first need to add a new todo item. I will type a new todo item in the input field and press Enter.
5.2) action: keyboardInputSingleKey, cssSelector: input.new-todo, nth: 0, key: Enter, planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: I need to press Enter to add the new todo item to the list.
5.3) action: clickOn, cssSelector: input.toggle, nth: 0, planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: Now that the todo item is added, I will mark it as completed by clicking the checkbox next to the todo item.
5.4) action: markSpecAsComplete, reason: The spec passed, fullProseExplanationOfReasoning100charmax: The todo item was successfully marked as completed., planningThoughtAboutTheActionIWillTake: The todo item has been marked as completed, as indicated by the strikethrough text and the checkbox being checked. I will mark the spec as complete.
autospec passed for https://todomvc.com/examples/react/dist/
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