Command Line Interface (CLI) MITER Security Automation Framework (SAF) menyatukan aplikasi, teknik, pustaka, dan alat yang dikembangkan oleh MITER dan komunitas keamanan untuk menyederhanakan otomatisasi keamanan untuk sistem dan saluran DevOps
SAF CLI adalah penerus Heimdall Tools dan InSpec Tools.
SAF CLI dapat diinstal dan selalu diperbarui menggunakan npm
, yang disertakan dengan sebagian besar versi NodeJS.
npm install -g @mitre/saf
Untuk memperbarui SAF CLI dengan npm
npm update -g @mitre/saf
SAF CLI dapat diinstal dan selalu diperbarui menggunakan brew
brew install mitre/saf/saf-cli
Untuk memperbarui SAF CLI dengan brew
brew upgrade mitre/saf/saf-cli
Di Linux dan Mac:
Perintah buruh pelabuhan di bawah ini dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan SAF CLI satu kali, dengan arguments
berisi perintah dan tanda yang ingin Anda jalankan. Misalnya: --version
atau view summary -i hdf-results.json
docker run -it -v$(pwd):/share mitre/saf <arguments>
Untuk menjalankan SAF CLI dengan shell persisten untuk satu atau beberapa perintah, gunakan perintah berikut, lalu jalankan setiap perintah lengkap. Misalnya: saf --version
atau saf view summary -i hdf-results.json
. Anda dapat mengubah titik masuk yang ingin Anda gunakan. Misalnya, jalankan dengan --entrypoint sh
untuk membuka di terminal shell. Jika titik masuk yang ditentukan tidak ditemukan, coba gunakan jalur seperti --entrypoint /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash -v$(pwd):/share mitre/saf
Di Windows:
Perintah buruh pelabuhan di bawah ini dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan SAF CLI satu kali, dengan arguments
berisi perintah dan tanda yang ingin Anda jalankan. Misalnya: --version
atau view summary -i hdf-results.json
docker run -it -v%cd%:/share mitre/saf <arguments>
Untuk menjalankan SAF CLI dengan shell persisten untuk satu atau beberapa perintah, gunakan perintah berikut, lalu jalankan setiap perintah lengkap. Misalnya: saf --version
atau saf view summary -i hdf-results.json
. Anda dapat mengubah titik masuk yang ingin Anda gunakan. Misalnya, jalankan dengan --entrypoint sh
untuk membuka di terminal shell. Jika titik masuk yang ditentukan tidak ditemukan, coba gunakan jalur seperti --entrypoint /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh -v%cd%:/share mitre/saf
Ingatlah untuk menggunakan flag Docker CLI seperlunya untuk menjalankan berbagai subperintah.
Misalnya, untuk menjalankan subperintah emasser configure
, Anda harus meneruskan volume yang berisi sertifikat Anda dan tempat Anda dapat menyimpan .env yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, Anda perlu memberikan tanda untuk mengaktifkan pseudo-TTY dan interaktivitas.
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/share mitre/saf emasser configure
Perintah lain mungkin tidak memerlukan tanda -i
atau -t
dan sebagai gantinya hanya memerlukan volume yang diikat, seperti convert
berbasis file.
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/share mitre/saf convert -i test/sample_data/trivy/sample_input_report/trivy-image_golang-1.12-alpine_sample.json -o test.json
Tanda lain ada untuk membuka port jaringan atau melewati variabel lingkungan, jadi pastikan untuk menggunakan mana saja yang diperlukan agar perintah berhasil dijalankan.
Untuk memperbarui SAF CLI dengan docker
docker pull mitre/saf:latest
Untuk menginstal rilis terbaru SAF CLI di Windows, unduh dan jalankan penginstal terbaru untuk arsitektur sistem Anda dari halaman Rilis ?️.
Untuk memperbarui SAF CLI di Windows, hapus instalan versi apa pun yang ada dari sistem Anda, lalu unduh dan jalankan penginstal terbaru untuk arsitektur sistem Anda dari halaman Rilis ?️.
Membuktikan pengendalian yang 'Belum Ditinjau': terkadang persyaratan tidak dapat diuji secara otomatis oleh alat keamanan dan karenanya memerlukan tinjauan manual, yaitu seseorang mewawancarai orang dan/atau memeriksa sistem untuk mengonfirmasi (misalnya, membuktikan) apakah persyaratan pengendalian telah dipenuhi. puas.
attest create Create attestation files for use with `saf attest apply`
$ saf attest create -o <attestation-file> [-i <hdf-json> -t <json | xlsx | yml | yaml>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (optional) An input HDF file to search for controls
-o, --output=<value> (required) The output filename
-t, --format=<option> [default: json] (optional) The output file type
<options: json|xlsx|yml|yaml>
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf attest create -o attestation.json -i hdf.json
$ saf attest create -o attestation.xlsx -t xlsx
attest apply Apply one or more attestation files to one or more HDF results sets
$ saf attest apply -i <input-hdf-json>... <attestation>... -o <output-hdf-path>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value>... (required) Your input HDF and Attestation file(s)
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output file or folder (for multiple executions)
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf attest apply -i hdf.json attestation.json -o new-hdf.json
$ saf attest apply -i hdf1.json hdf2.json attestation.xlsx -o outputDir
Menerjemahkan data Anda ke dan dari Heimdall Data Format (HDF) dilakukan menggunakan perintah saf convert
Ingin Merekomendasikan atau Membantu Mengembangkan Konverter? Lihat wikinya? tentang cara memulai.
convert anchoregrype2hdf Translate a Anchore Grype output file into an HDF results set
$ saf convert anchoregrype2hdf -i <anchoregrype-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<anchoregrype-json> (required) Input Anchore Grype file
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw data from the input Anchore Grype file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert anchoregrype2hdf -i anchoregrype.json -o output-hdf-name.json
Catatan: Mengunggah temuan ke AWS Security hub memerlukan konfigurasi AWS CLI, lihat dokumentasi AWS atau konfigurasi variabel lingkungan melalui Docker.
convert hdf2asff Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into
AWS Security Findings Format JSON file(s) and/or
upload to AWS Security Hub
$ saf convert hdf2asff -a <account-id> -r <region> -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -t <target> [-h] [-R] (-u [-I -C <certificate>] | [-o <asff-output-folder>])
-C, --certificate=<certificate> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure.
-R, --specifyRegionAttribute Manually specify the top-level `Region` attribute - SecurityHub
populates this attribute automatically and prohibits one from
updating it using `BatchImportFindings` or `BatchUpdateFindings`
-a, --accountId=<account-id> (required) AWS Account ID
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF JSON File
-o, --output=<asff-output-folder> Output ASFF JSON Folder
-r, --region=<region> (required) SecurityHub Region
-t, --target=<target> (required) Unique name for target to track findings across time
-u, --upload Upload findings to AWS Security Hub
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Send output to local file system
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i rhel7-scan_02032022A.json -a 123456789 -r us-east-1 -t rhel7_example_host -o rhel7.asff
Upload findings to AWS Security Hub
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i rds_mysql_i123456789scan_03042022A.json -a 987654321 -r us-west-1 -t Instance_i123456789 -u
Upload findings to AWS Security Hub and Send output to local file system
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i snyk_acme_project5_hdf_04052022A.json -a 2143658798 -r us-east-1 -t acme_project5 -o snyk_acme_project5 -u
Pemberitahuan : HDF ke Splunk memerlukan konfigurasi di server Splunk. Lihat Konfigurasi Splunk.
convert hdf2splunk Translate and upload a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a Splunk server
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -H <host> -I <index> [-h] [-P <port>] [-s http|https] [-u <username> | -t <token>] [-p <password>] [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-H, --host=<host> (required) Splunk Hostname or IP
-I, --index=<index> (required) Splunk index to import HDF data into
-P, --port=<port> [default: 8089] Splunk management port (also known as the Universal Forwarder port)
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-p, --password=<password> Your Splunk password
-s, --scheme=<option> [default: https] HTTP Scheme used for communication with splunk
<options: http|https>
-t, --token=<token> Your Splunk API Token
-u, --username=<username> Your Splunk username
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
User name/password Authentication
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i rhel7-results.json -H -u admin -p Valid_password! -I hdf
Token Authentication
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i rhel7-results.json -H -t your.splunk.token -I hdf
Untuk dokumentasi Skema Splunk HDF, kunjungi skema konverter Heimdall
Pratinjau Data HDF dalam Splunk:
Contoh kueri penelusuran mentah lengkap:
index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = control | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) first( meta . status ) list( meta . status ) list( meta . is_baseline ) values (title) last(code) list(code) values ( desc ) values (descriptions. * ) values (id) values (impact) list(refs{}. * ) list(results{}. * ) list(source_location{}. * ) values (tags. * ) by meta . guid id
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = header | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( statistics . duration ) list(platform. * ) list(version) by meta . guid ]
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = profile | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) list( meta . is_baseline ) last(summary) list(summary) list(sha256) list(supports{}. * ) last(name) list(name) list(copyright) list(maintainer) list(copyright_email) last(version) list(version) list(license) list(title) list(parent_profile) list(depends{}. * ) list(controls{}. * ) list(attributes{}. * ) list(status) by meta . guid ]
Contoh kueri penelusuran tabel yang diformat:
index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = control | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) first( meta . status ) list( meta . status ) list( meta . is_baseline ) values (title) last(code) list(code) values ( desc ) values (descriptions. * ) values (id) values (impact) list(refs{}. * ) list(results{}. * ) list(source_location{}. * ) values (tags. * ) by meta . guid id
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = header | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( statistics . duration ) list(platform. * ) list(version) by meta . guid ]
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = profile | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) list( meta . is_baseline ) last(summary) list(summary) list(sha256) list(supports{}. * ) last(name) list(name) list(copyright) list(maintainer) list(copyright_email) last(version) list(version) list(license) list(title) list(parent_profile) list(depends{}. * ) list(controls{}. * ) list(attributes{}. * ) list(status) by meta . guid ]
| rename values ( meta . filename ) AS " Results Set " , values ( meta . filetype ) AS " Scan Type " , list( statistics . duration ) AS " Scan Duration " , first( meta . status ) AS " Control Status " , list(results{}.status) AS " Test(s) Status " , id AS " ID " , values (title) AS " Title " , values ( desc ) AS " Description " , values (impact) AS " Impact " , last(code) AS Code, values ( descriptions . check ) AS " Check " , values ( descriptions . fix ) AS " Fix " , values ( tags . cci {}) AS " CCI IDs " , list(results{}.code_desc) AS " Results Description " , list(results{}.skip_message) AS " Results Skip Message (if applicable) " , values ( tags . nist {}) AS " NIST SP 800-53 Controls " , last(name) AS " Scan (Profile) Name " , last(summary) AS " Scan (Profile) Summary " , last(version) AS " Scan (Profile) Version "
| table meta . guid " Results Set " " Scan Type " " Scan (Profile) Name " ID " NIST SP 800-53 Controls " Title " Control Status " " Test(s) Status " " Results Description " " Results Skip Message (if applicable) " Description Impact Severity Check Fix " CCI IDs " Code " Scan Duration " " Scan (Profile) Summary " " Scan (Profile) Version "
convert hdf2xccdf Translate an HDF file into an XCCDF XML
$ saf convert hdf2xccdf -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-xccdf-xml> [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<output-xccdf-xml> (required) Output XCCDF XML File
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert hdf2xccdf -i hdf_input.json -o xccdf-results.xml
convert hdf2ckl Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a
DISA checklist file
$ saf convert hdf2ckl saf convert hdf2ckl -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-ckl> [-h] [-m <metadata>] [--profilename <value>] [--profiletitle <value>] [--version <value>] [--releasenumber <value>] [--releasedate <value>] [--marking <value>] [-H <value>] [-I <value>] [-M <value>] [-F <value>] [--targetcomment <value>] [--role Domain Controller|Member Server|None|Workstation] [--assettype Computing|Non-Computing] [--techarea |Application Review|Boundary Security|CDS Admin Review|CDS Technical Review|Database Review|Domain Name System (DNS)|Exchange Server|Host Based System Security (HBSS)|Internal Network|Mobility|Other Review|Releasable Networks (REL)|Releaseable Networks (REL)|Traditional Security|UNIX OS|VVOIP Review|Web Review|Windows OS] [--stigguid <value>] [--targetkey <value>] [--webdbsite <value> --webordatabase] [--webdbinstance <value> ] [--vulidmapping gid|id]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output CKL file
-F, --fqdn=<value> Fully Qualified Domain Name
-H, --hostname=<value> The name assigned to the asset within the network
-I, --ip=<value> IP address
-M, --mac=<value> MAC address
-m, --metadata=<value> Metadata JSON file, generate one with "saf generate ckl_metadata"
--assettype=<option> The category or classification of the asset
<options: Computing|Non-Computing>
--marking=<value> A security classification or designation of the asset, indicating its sensitivity level
--profilename=<value> Profile name
--profiletitle=<value> Profile title
--releasedate=<value> Profile release date
--releasenumber=<value> Profile release number
--role=<option> The primary function or role of the asset within the network or organization
<options: Domain Controller|Member Server|None|Workstation>
--stigguid=<value> A unique identifier associated with the STIG for the asset
--targetcomment=<value> Additional comments or notes about the asset
--targetkey=<value> A unique key or identifier for the asset within the checklist or inventory system
--techarea=<option> The technical area or domain to which the asset belongs
<options: |Application Review|Boundary Security|CDS Admin Review|CDS Technical Review|Database Review|Domain Name System (DNS)|Exchange Server|Host Based System Security (HBSS)|Internal Network|Mobility|Other Review|Releasable Networks (REL)|Releaseable Networks (REL)|Traditional Security|UNIX OS|VVOIP Review|Web Review|Windows OS>
--version=<value> Profile version number
--vulidmapping=<option> Which type of control identifier to map to the checklist ID
<options: gid|id>
--webdbinstance=<value> The specific instance of the web application or database running on the server
--webdbsite=<value> The specific site or application hosted on the web or database server
--webordatabase Indicates whether the STIG is primarily for either a web or database server
Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a DISA checklist file
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.ckl --fqdn --hostname reverseproxy --ip --mac 12:34:56:78:90:AB
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i rhel8-results.json -o rhel8.ckl -m rhel8-metadata.json
convert hdf2csv Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a
Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
$ saf convert hdf2csv -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-csv> [-h] [-f <csv-fields>] [-t]
-f, --fields=<csv-fields> [default: All Fields] Fields to include in output CSV, separated by commas
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<output-csv> (required) Output CSV file
-t, --noTruncate Don't truncate fields longer than 32,767 characters (the cell limit in Excel)
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Running the CLI interactively
$ saf convert hdf2csv --interactive
Providing flags at the command line
$ saf convert hdf2csv -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.csv --fields "Results Set,Status,ID,Title,Severity"
convert hdf2condensed Condensed format used by some community members
to pre-process data for elasticsearch and custom dashboards
$ saf convert hdf2condensed -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <condensed-json> [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<condensed-json> (required) Output condensed JSON file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert hdf2condensed -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7-condensed.json
Keluaran | Menggunakan | Memerintah |
ASFF json | Semua temuan yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam mapper | temuan dapatkan aws securityhub > asff.json |
AWS SecurityHub mengaktifkan standar json | Dapatkan semua standar yang diaktifkan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan pengidentifikasinya | aws securityhub get-enabled-standards > asff_standards.json |
Standar AWS SecurityHub mengontrol json | Dapatkan semua kontrol untuk standar yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam mapper | aws securityhub deskripsikan-standar-kontrol --standards-subscription-arn "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789123:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0" > asff_cis_standard.json |
convert asff2hdf Translate a AWS Security Finding Format JSON into a
Heimdall Data Format JSON file(s)
$ saf convert asff2hdf -o <hdf-output-folder> [-h] (-i <asff-json> [--securityhub <standard-json>]... | -a -r <region> [-I | -C <certificate>] [-t <target>]) [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-C, --certificate=<certificate> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure
-H, --securityHub=<standard-json> Additional input files to provide context that an ASFF file needs
such as the CIS AWS Foundations or AWS Foundational Security Best
Practices documents (in ASFF compliant JSON form)
-a, --aws Pull findings from AWS Security Hub
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<asff-json> (required if not using AWS) Input ASFF JSON file
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output HDF JSON folder
-r, --region=<region> Security Hub region to pull findings from
-t, --target=<target>... Target ID(s) to pull from Security Hub (maximum 10), leave blank for non-HDF findings
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Using ASFF JSON file
$ saf convert asff2hdf -i asff-findings.json -o output-folder-name
Using ASFF JSON file with additional input files
$ saf convert asff2hdf -i asff-findings.json --securityhub <standard-1-json> ... --securityhub <standard-n-json> -o output-folder-name
Using AWS to pull ASFF JSON findings
$ saf convert asff2hdf --aws -o out -r us-west-2 --target rhel7
Catatan: Menarik data hasil AWS Config memerlukan konfigurasi AWS CLI, lihat dokumentasi AWS atau konfigurasi variabel lingkungan melalui Docker.