oauth2 twitter
v 1.1.0
Paket ini menyediakan dukungan Twitter OAuth 2.0 untuk Klien OAuth 2.0 Liga PHP.
Untuk menginstal, gunakan komposer:
composer require smolblog/oauth2-twitter
Penggunaannya sama dengan klien OAuth The League, menggunakan SmolblogOAuth2ClientProviderTwitter
sebagai penyedia.
session_start ();
require_once ' vendor/autoload.php ' ;
$ provider = new Smolblog OAuth2 Client Provider Twitter ([
' clientId ' => ' MjVXMnRGVUN5Ym5lcVllcTVKZkk6MTpjaQ ' ,
' clientSecret ' => ' YDPiM-JsC5xU44P2VijGJRB7zdKB1PckCGjOynXGx9HZM7N6As ' ,
' redirectUri ' => ' http://oddevan.test/twitter-test/ ' ,
if (! isset ( $ _GET [ ' code ' ])) {
unset( $ _SESSION [ ' oauth2state ' ]);
unset( $ _SESSION [ ' oauth2verifier ' ]);
// Optional: The default scopes are ‘tweet.read’, ‘users.read’,
// and ‘offline.access’. You can change them like this:
$ options = [
‘scope’ => [
// If we don't have an authorization code then get one
$ authUrl = $ provider -> getAuthorizationUrl ( $ options );
$ _SESSION [ ' oauth2state ' ] = $ provider -> getState ();
// We also need to store the PKCE Verification code so we can send it with
// the authorization code request.
$ _SESSION [ ' oauth2verifier ' ] = $ provider -> getPkceVerifier ();
header ( ' Location: ' . $ authUrl );
// Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack
} elseif ( empty ( $ _GET [ ' state ' ]) || ( $ _GET [ ' state ' ] !== $ _SESSION [ ' oauth2state ' ])) {
unset( $ _SESSION [ ' oauth2state ' ]);
exit ( ' Invalid state ' );
} else {
try {
// Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant)
$ token = $ provider -> getAccessToken ( ' authorization_code ' , [
' code ' => $ _GET [ ' code ' ],
' code_verifier ' => $ _SESSION [ ' oauth2verifier ' ],
// Optional: Now you have a token you can look up a users profile data
// We got an access token, let's now get the user's details
$ user = $ provider -> getResourceOwner ( $ token );
// Use these details to create a new profile
printf ( ' Hello %s! ' , $ user -> getName ());
} catch ( Exception $ e ) {
echo ' <pre> ' ;
print_r ( $ e );
echo ' </pre> ' ;
// Failed to get user details
exit ( ' Oh dear... ' );
// Use this to interact with an API on the users behalf
echo $ token -> getToken ();
Dipertahankan* sebagai bagian dari proyek Smolblog.
*Dengan API berbayar baru dari Twitter, proyek Smolblog tidak lagi dapat memelihara plugin ini dengan andal. Kami akan memperbaiki masalah apa pun yang kami bisa, namun kami tidak dapat lagi bereaksi terhadap fitur baru. Jika Anda ingin mengambil alih pemeliharaan aktif, hubungi kami.
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