Seri praktis pengenalan komputasi dengan insinyur Mollo.
Latihan 1,2,3,4. Buatlah tabel operasi aritmatika dari n... suku:
Public Function SelectTable(n As Double , operatorString As String ) As String
Dim result, symbol As String
Dim index As Integer
Dim res As Double
result = "" : symbol = ""
For index = 0 To 10
Select Case operatorString
Case "*"
symbol = " *"
res = (index * n)
Case "/"
symbol = " /"
res = (index / n)
Case "+"
symbol = " +"
res = (index + n)
Case "-"
symbol = " -"
res = (index - n)
End Select
result = result + Str(index) + symbol + Str(n) + " = " + Str(res) + Chr( 13 ) + Chr( 10 )
Return result
End Function
# Output: SelectTable(TextBox1.Text, "+")
0 + 5 = 5
1 + 5 = 6
2 + 5 = 7
3 + 5 = 8
4 + 5 = 9
5 + 5 = 10
6 + 5 = 11
7 + 5 = 12
8 + 5 = 13
9 + 5 = 14
10 + 5 = 15
Tambahkan serangkaian n suku reguler:
Public Function RegularSerie(n As UInt16, initialValue As Single , razon As Single , sumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As UInt32
Dim t, total As Single
For index = 1 To n
t = initialValue + (index - 1 ) * razon
If sumTotal Then
total += t
result = Str(total)
If index = n Then
result += Str(t)
result = result + Str(t) + " + "
End If
End If
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: RegularSerie(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, True)
F = 30
# Output string: RegularSerie(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, False)
F = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10
F = (ln(10)+1)/1.7 + (ln(100)+2)/1.9...
Argumen Log10 mengalikan. X10, X10,..gunakan akumulator pengganda.
Public Function LogarithmSerie(n As Integer , initialValue As Double , razon As Double , arg As Double , sumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim count As Double
Dim index As Integer
Dim t, f, total As Double
count = arg
t = initialValue
For index = 1 To n
If sumTotal Then
f = (Math.Log10(count) + index) / t
total += f
result = Str(total)
If index.Equals(n) Then
result = result + "(ln(" + Str(count) + ")+" + Str(index) + ")/" + Str(t)
result = result + "(ln(" + Str(count) + ")+" + Str(index) + ")/" + Str(t) + "+ "
End If
End If
count *= 10
t = Math.Round(t + razon, 2 )
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: LogarithmSerie(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, arg, True)
F = 13.617137472838102
# Output string: LogarithmSerie(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, arg, False)
F = (ln(10)+1)/1.7 + (ln(100)+ 2)/ 1.9 + (ln(1000)+3)/2.1 + (ln(10000)+4)/2.3 + (ln(100000)+5)/2.5
F = 100/1 + 99/2 + 97/4...
pembilangnya mengurangi sukunya sebesar 1, 2, 3... sedangkan penyebutnya bertambah 1,2,3..., harus bernilai awal pembilang VIN= 100, dan nilai awal penyebut VID=1.
Public Function IncreaseAndDecrease(n As Integer , initialValueNumerator As Integer , initialValueDenominator As Integer , isSumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As Integer
Dim f, total As Double
For index = 1 To n
If isSumTotal Then
f = (initialValueNumerator / initialValueDenominator)
total += f
result = Str(total)
If index = n Then
result = result + Str(initialValueNumerator) + "/" + Str(initialValueDenominator)
result = result + Str(initialValueNumerator) + "/" + Str(initialValueDenominator) + " + "
End If
End If
initialValueNumerator -= index
initialValueDenominator += index
Return "F =" + result
End Function
# Output: IncreaseAndDecrease(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, True)
F = 195.3603896103896
# Output string: IncreaseAndDecrease(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, False)
F = 100/ 1 + 99/ 2 + 97/ 4 + 94/ 7 + 90/ 11
F = 5.25/0!+0 + 5.24/1!+1 + 5.22/2!+2...
Kedua unsur tersebut merupakan deret beraturan dan untuk penyebutnya tinggal memanggil fungsi faktorialnya saja, tentunya harus belajar melakukannya algoritma untuk ujian.
Public Function Factorial(number As Double ) As Double
Dim fac As Double
Dim index As Integer
If number <> 0 Then
fac = 1
For index = Math.Abs(number) To 1 Step - 1
fac *= index
If number < 0 Then
fac = -fac
End If
fac = 1
End If
Return fac
End Function
Public Function RegularSerieWithFactorial(n As Integer , initialValueNum As Double , initialValueDen As Double , sumTotal As Double ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As Integer
Dim t, f, total As Double
For index = 0 To n
If sumTotal Then
If initialValueDen = 0 Then
f = 0
f = initialValueNum / (Factorial(initialValueDen) + initialValueDen)
End If
total += f
result = Str(total)
t = index + 1
If index = n Then
result = result + Str(Math.Round(initialValueNum, 2 )) + "/(!" + Str(initialValueDen) + "+" + Str(initialValueDen) + ")"
result = result + Str(Math.Round(initialValueNum, 2 )) + "/(!" + Str(initialValueDen) + "+" + Str(initialValueDen) + ") + "
End If
End If
initialValueNum -= (t / 100 )
initialValueDen += 1
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: RegularSerieWithFactorial(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, True)
F = 4.750333333333333
# Output string: RegularSerieWithFactorial(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, False)
F = 5.25/( ! 0+0) + 5.24/( ! 1+1) + 5.22/( ! 2+2) + 5.19/( ! 3+3) + 5.15/( ! 4+4) + 5.1/( ! 5+5)
F = X^2/2! + X^4/4! + X^6/6!+…
Public Function SumFactorial(n As Integer , x As Single , sumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As Integer
Dim formule As Double
If n = 0 Then
result = Str( 0 )
End If
For index = 1 To n
If sumTotal Then
formule = Math.Pow(x, index * 2 ) / Factorial(index * 2 )
result = Str(formule)
If index = n Then
result = result + "(" + Str(x) + "^" + Str(index * 2 ) + ")/" + Str(index * 2 ) + "!"
result = result + "(" + Str(x) + "^" + Str(index * 2 ) + ")/" + Str(index * 2 ) + "! + "
End If
End If
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: SumFactorial(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, True)
F = 0.0002821869488536155
# Output string: SumFactorial(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, False)
F = (2^2)/ 2 ! + (2^4)/ 4 ! + (2^6)/ 6 ! + (2^8)/ 8 ! + (2^10)/ 10 !
3√(0+x1) + 6√(1+x1) + 9√(1+x1)...
Argumen akarnya adalah Fibonacci ditambah variabel x1.
Public Function SerieProgresiveFibonacci(n As Integer , x As Double , viRoot As Integer , sumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index, a, b, c, root As Integer
Dim formule, total As Double
a = - 1 : b = 1 : root = viRoot
For index = 1 To n
c = a + b
If sumTotal Then
formule = (c + x) ^ ( 1 / root)
total += formule
result = Str(total)
If index = n Then
result = result + Str(index * 3 ) + "√(" + Str(c) + "+" + Str(x) + ")"
result = result + Str(index * 3 ) + "√(" + Str(c) + "+" + Str(x) + ") + "
End If
End If
a = b
b = c
root *= 3
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: SerieProgresiveFibonacci(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, True)
F = 5.455187736786854
# Output string: SerieProgresiveFibonacci(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, False)
F = 3√(0+2) + 6√(1+2) + 9√(1+2) + 12√(2+2) + 15√(3+2)
20√cos(0.2) - 19√cos(0.4) + 18√cos(0.6)...
“pimpponea”, yaitu menjumlahkan suku dan mengurangi, menjumlahkan dan mengurangi. INI BUKAN N Suku, TAPI SAMPAI AKAR 2, JADI ELEMEN TERAKHIRNYA ADALAH 2√cos(...).
Public Shared Function Pinponear(root As Double , vi As Double , razon As Double , sumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As Integer
Dim count, total, formule As Double
count = vi
For index = root To 2 Step - 1
If sumTotal Then
If index Mod 2 <> 0 Then
formule = -Math.Pow(Math.Cos(count), 1 / index)
formule = Math.Pow(Math.Cos(count), 1 / index)
End If
total += formule
result = Str(total)
If index = 2 Then
result = result + Str(index) + "√cos(" + Str(count) + ")"
If index Mod 2 <> 0 Then
result = result + Str(index) + "√cos(" + Str(count) + ") + "
result = result + Str(index) + "√cos(" + Str(count) + ") - "
End If
End If
End If
count = Math.Round(count + razon, 2 )
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: Pinponear(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, True)
F = 5.455187736786854
# Output string: Pinponear(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, False)
F = 3√(0+2) + 6√(1+2) + 9√(1+2) + 12√(2+2) + 15√(3+2)
√(sin(0.1)/(3!/2)) + √(sin(0.11)/(3!/2))...
Ia juga melakukan ping, pengurangan dan penjumlahan, pengurangan dan penambahan suku.
Public Function ProgresiveSeriePinponear(n As Integer , initValue As Double , r As Double , arg As Double , sumTotal As Boolean )
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As Integer
Dim total, formule, count As Double
count = initValue
For index = 1 To n
If sumTotal Then
formule = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sin(arg) / (Factorial(count) / 2 ))
total = -total + formule
result = Str(total)
If index Mod 2 = 0 Then
result = result + "+ √sin(" + Str(arg) + ")/(" + Str(count) + "!/2) "
result = result + "- √sin(" + Str(arg) + ")/(" + Str(count) + "!/2) "
End If
End If
arg = Math.Round(arg + r, 2 )
count += 3
Return "F = " + result
End Function
# Output: ProgresiveSeriePinponear(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, arg, True)
F = -0.16574853902978934
# Output string: ProgresiveSeriePinponear(TextBox1.Text, vi, r, arg, False)
F = - √sin( 0.1)/( 3 ! /2) + √sin( 0.11)/( 6 ! /2) - √sin( 0.12)/( 9 ! /2) + √sin( 0.13)/( 12 ! /2)
(π/2)/√(1000+0) + (π/1.9)/√(1001+1) + (π/1.8)/√(1003+1)
Argumen akar bertambah secara deret: Dari 1 ke 2 1; dari tanggal 2 hingga tanggal 3 2; dari tanggal 3 sampai tanggal 4 3; …sementara yang lainnya adalah Fibonacci.
Public Function ProgresiveSerieFibonacci(n As Integer , initValue As Integer , sumTotal As Boolean ) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim index As Integer
Dim count, a, b, c, total, formule As Double
count = 2 : a = - 1 : b = 1
For index = 1 To n
c = a + b
If sumTotal Then
formule = ( 3.14159 / count) / Math.Sqrt(initValue + c)
total += formule
result = Str(total)
If index = n Then
result = result + "(π/" + Str(count) + ")/√(" + Str(initValue)