nuget Instal-Paket softrouting -Versi 0.1.2
Kemudahan pengembangan
Hapus kode
Rute sederhana
Pengontrol aplikasi Standart MVC di folder Pengontrol:
public class HomeController: Controller { public HomeController() { } public ActionResult Index() { return Content("index"); } public ActionResult About() { return Content("about"); } public ActionResult Contacts() { return Content("contacts"); } }
Perutean ke halaman indeks dengan perutean Asp.Net standar (indeks tindakan):
RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute(null, "", new { controller: "Home", action: "index" });
Perutean dengan SoftRouting:
using SoftRouting; //very important ¯_(ツ)_/¯ RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home").MapIndexPage("index"); //action name "index" as default page
Merutekan ke tindakan "tentang" && "kontak" dengan perutean Asp.Net
RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute(null, "about", new { controller: "Home", action: "about" }); RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute(null, "contacts", new { controller: "Home", action: "contacts" });
Atau Anda dapat menggunakan perutean otomatis:
RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute(null, "{action}", new { controller: "Home" });
Perutean dengan SoftRouting:
RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home") .Map("about") .Map("contacts");
Atau Anda dapat menggunakan perutean otomatis
RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home").AutoMap(); //will map to ~/index, ~/about, ~/contacts
Perutean otomatis dengan UrlPrefix
RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home").AutoMap("blogs"); //will map to ~/blogs/about, ~/blogs/contacts
Anda juga dapat menggunakan ekspresi url di peta:
RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home") .Map("about", "us/about") .Map("contacts", "us/contacts");
Dan Anda dapat menggunakan awalan untuk rute:
Anda dapat membuat rute di beberapa area
RouteTable.Routes.InArea("Main").WithController("Home") .Map("about", "us/about") .Map("contacts", "us/contacts");
Anda dapat mengganti pengontrol dan area
RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home").AutoMap("us").SwitchArea("accounts").WithController("Login").AutoMap(); RouteTable.Routes.InController("Home").AutoMap("us").SwitchController("Login").AutoMap();
Perutean di kelas AreaRegistration
using SoftRouting; ¯_(ツ)_/¯ public class MainAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration { public override string AreaName => "Main"; public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context) { context.WithController("Home") .AutoMap(); } }
Anda dapat mengganti pengontrol
context.WithController("Home") .AutoMap() .SwitchController("Info") .AutoMap("info");
Dan Anda dapat mengganti Area
.AutoMap("accounts"); //~/accounts/login, ~/accounts/register etc...
Terima kasih telah menginstal!