Dompet ini memanfaatkan pengikatan resmi IOTA dan memindahkannya ke .Net.
Sekarang pengembang .Net juga berkesempatan mencoba IOTA/Shimmer!
dotnet tambahkan paket IotaWallet.Net.Domain --prerelease
Atau unduh dari sini.
dotnet menambahkan paket IotaWallet.Net --prerelease
Atau unduh dari sini.
Saat ini mendukung Windows x64
dan Linux x86_64
Setelah menginstal IotaWallet.Net.Domain
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static async Task Main ( string [ ] args )
//Register all of the dependencies into a collection of services
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection ( ) . AddIotaWalletServices ( ) ;
//Install services to service provider which is used for dependency injection
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services . BuildServiceProvider ( ) ;
//Use serviceprovider to create a scope, which safely disposes of all services at end of scope
using ( IServiceScope scope = serviceProvider . CreateScope ( ) )
//Request IWallet service from service provider
IWallet wallet = scope . ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < IWallet > ( ) ;
//Build wallet using a fluent-style configuration api
wallet = wallet
. ConfigureWalletOptions ( )
. SetCoinType ( WalletOptions . TypeOfCoin . Shimmer )
. SetStoragePath ( "./walletdb" )
. Then ( )
. ConfigureClientOptions ( )
. AddNodeUrl ( "" )
. SetFaucetUrl ( "" )
. IsFallbackToLocalPow ( )
. IsLocalPow ( )
. Then ( )
. ConfigureSecretManagerOptions ( )
. SetPassword ( "password" )
. SetSnapshotPath ( "./mystronghold" )
. Then ( )
. Initialize ( ) ;
//Let's generate a Mnemonic
GetNewMnemonicResponse getNewMnemonicResponse = await wallet . GetNewMnemonicAsync ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $ "GetNewMnemonicAsync: { getNewMnemonicResponse } " ) ;
string newMnemonic = getNewMnemonicResponse . Payload ;
//Store into stronghold
//Remember, Generation and storage of mnemonic only is needed to do done the first time!
StoreMnemonicResponse storeMnemonicResponse = await wallet . StoreMnemonicAsync ( newMnemonic ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $ "StoreMnemonicAsync: { storeMnemonicResponse } " ) ;
//Let's create an accounts, with username "cookiemonster"
( CreateAccountResponse createAccountResponse , IAccount ? account ) = await wallet . CreateAccountAsync ( "cookiemonster" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $ "CreateAccountAsync: { createAccountResponse } " ) ;
if ( account == null )
Console . WriteLine ( "There was a problem creating the account." ) ;
return ;
//Lets generate 1 new address!
GenerateAddressesResponse generateAddressesResponse = await account . GenerateAddressesAsync ( numberOfAddresses : 1 , NetworkType . Testnet ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $ "GenerateAddressesAsync: { generateAddressesResponse } " ) ;
string ? generatedAddress = generateAddressesResponse . Payload ? . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? . Address ;
//Let's request some Shimmer from the faucet
await account . RequestFromFaucetAsync ( generatedAddress ) ;
//Let's Checkout our balance. We will sync the account, followed by checking the balance.
//Sync the account with the tangle
await account . SyncAccountAsync ( ) ;
//Retrieve balance
GetBalanceResponse getBalanceResponse = await account . GetBalanceAsync ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $ "GetBalanceAsync: { getBalanceResponse } " ) ;
//Great, now that we have some test shimmer tokens to send, send to me!
//Let's send 1 shimmer, which is 1,000,000 Glow, followed by 2 shimmer, which is 2000000 glow, via a single transaction
//The below creates 2 outputs to the receiver address and 1 more output for your balance.
string receiverAddress = "rms1qp8rknypruss89dkqnnuedm87y7xmnmdj2tk3rrpcy3sw3ev52q0vzl42tr" ;
SendAmountResponse sendAmountResponse = await account . SendAmountUsingBuilder ( )
. AddAddressAndAmount ( receiverAddress , 1000000 )
. AddAddressAndAmount ( receiverAddress , 2000000 )
. SendAmountAsync ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $ "SendAmountAsync: { sendAmountResponse } " ) ;
Untuk contoh lainnya, lihat direktori Contoh.