arangodb php odm
composer require lvieira/arangodb-php-odm
use ArangoDB Connection Connection ;
// Set a new Connection
$ connection = new Connection ([
' endpoint ' => ' http://yourarangohost:8529 ' ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
// Alternatively, you can set a host and a port to connect
$ connection = new Connection ([
' host ' => ' http://yourarangohost ' ,
' port ' => 8529 ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
// Or set more custom options like 'connection' type and timeout
$ connection = new Connection ([
' host ' => ' http://yourarangohost ' ,
' port ' => 8529 ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
' connection ' => ' Keep-Alive ' ,
' timeout ' => 30
Dengan koneksi, Anda sudah menetapkan database. Anda bisa mendapatkan contoh database.
use ArangoDB Database Database ;
use ArangoDB Collection Collection ;
use ArangoDB Connection Connection ;
// Set up a connection
$ connection = new Connection ([
' host ' => ' http://yourarangohost ' ,
' port ' => 8529 ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
$ database = $ connection -> getDatabase ();
// With a database object, we can retrieve information about it.
$ infoAboutCurrentDatabase = $ database -> getInfo ();
// Check if the database has a collection
if ( $ database -> hasCollection ( ' my_collection_name ' )){
echo " Collection exists! " ;
} else {
echo " Collection doesn't exist " ;
// We can also create collections in the database
$ collection = $ database -> createCollection ( ' my_new_colletion ' );
// Or retrieve existing collections
$ collection = $ database -> getCollection ( ' my_existing_collection ' );
// With the Database class we can create and drop databases
// Lists the databases on the server
$ dbList = Database:: list ( $ connection );
// You can create a new database using the existing connection
$ result = Database:: create ( $ connection , ' my_database_name ' );
// And drop databases
$ result = Database:: drop ( $ connection , ' db_to_drop ' );
Anda juga dapat bekerja dengan objek koleksi secara langsung.
use ArangoDB Collection Collection ;
use ArangoDB Connection Connection ;
$ connection = new Connection ([
' host ' => ' http://yourarangohost ' ,
' port ' => 8529 ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
' connection ' => ' Keep-Alive ' ,
' timeout ' => 30
$ database = $ connection -> getDatabase ();
// If a collection exists on a database, the object will represent it.
$ collection = new Collection ( ' my_collection_name ' , $ database );
// If the collection does not exist, you can create it with the method 'save'
$ collection -> save ();
// Get all documents from the collection
foreach ( $ collection -> all () as $ document ){
// Do something.
use ArangoDB Document Document ;
use ArangoDB Connection Connection ;
// Set up a connection
$ connection = new Connection ([
' host ' => ' http://yourarangohost ' ,
' port ' => 8529 ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
// Check if the database has a collection called 'awesome_bands'. If not, create it.
$ db = $ connection -> getDatabase ();
if (! $ db -> hasCollection ( ' awesome_bands ' )) {
$ db -> createCollection ( ' awesome_bands ' );
// Get the collection object
$ collection = $ db -> getCollection ( ' awesome_bands ' );
$ documentAttributes = [
' band ' => ' Quiet Riot ' ,
' members ' => [
' Kevin DuBrow ' ,
' Rudy Sarzo ' ,
' Carlos Cavazo ' ,
' Frankie Banali '
' active_since ' => 1975 ,
' city ' => ' Los Angeles ' ,
' country ' => ' USA '
// Create the document object
$ document = new Document ( $ documentAttributes , $ collection );
// Save the document on collection.
$ document -> save ();
// Add or change document attributes to update the document
$ document -> status = ' active ' ;
$ document -> save (); // Will update your document on server;
// Delete the document from the collection.
$ document -> delete ();
Anda dapat melakukan transaksi di Server ArangoDB dengan mengirimkan kode JavaScript.
use ArangoDB Exceptions TransactionException ;
use ArangoDB Transaction JavascriptTransaction ;
// Define collections to perform write and read operations.
$ options = [
' collections ' => [
' read ' => [
' fighter_jets '
' write ' => [
' fighter_jets '
// Your JS action to execute.
$ action = " function(){ var db = require('@arangodb').db;{}); return db.fighter_jets.count(); } " ;
try {
$ transaction = new JavascriptTransaction ( $ this -> getConnectionObject (), $ action , $ options );
$ result = $ transaction -> execute (); // Will return 1.
} catch ( TransactionException $ transactionException ) {
// Throws a TransactionException in case of error.
return $ transactionException -> getMessage ();
Anda juga dapat melakukan transaksi langsung dari PHP.
use ArangoDB Document Document ;
use ArangoDB Connection Connection ;
use ArangoDB Transaction StreamTransaction as Transaction ;
$ connection = new Connection ([
' host ' => ' http://yourarangohost ' ,
' port ' => 8529 ,
' username ' => ' YourUserName ' ,
' password ' => ' YourSecretPasswd ' ,
' database ' => ' YourDatabase ' ,
$ db = $ connection -> getDatabase ();
if (! $ db -> hasCollection ( ' fighter_jets ' )) {
$ db -> createCollection ( ' fighter_jets ' );
// Define collections to perform write and read operations.
$ options = [
' collections ' => [
' write ' => [
' fighter_jets '
// Declare a new transaction.
$ transaction = new Transaction ( $ connection , $ options );
try {
// Start transaction.
$ transaction -> begin ();
// Do something
$ collection = $ db -> getCollection ( ' fighter_jets ' );
$ viper = new Document ([ ' model ' => ' F-16 Viper ' , ' status ' => ' In service ' , ' origin ' => ' USA ' ], $ collection );
$ gripen = new Document ([ ' model ' => ' JAS 39 Gripen ' , ' status ' => ' In service ' , ' origin ' => ' Sweden ' ], $ collection );
$ viper -> save ();
$ gripen -> save ();
// Commit the operations.
$ transaction -> commit ();
} catch ( Exception $ exception ) {
// Some error occurred. Abort transaction.
$ transaction -> abort ();
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