Paket PHP untuk mendukung penggunaan SirsiDynix Symphony Web Services API (ILSWS) untuk fungsi pelindung
John Houser [email protected]
Fungsi-fungsi ini dapat digunakan dengan titik akses ILSWS apa pun yang valid. Mereka akan memberikan pengecualian jika ada kesalahan.
Fungsi-fungsi ini sesuai dengan titik akses ILSWS, namun fungsi ini memvalidasi semua masukan dan akan memberikan pengecualian jika disajikan dengan masukan yang tidak sesuai.
Fungsi-fungsi ini menawarkan fungsionalitas yang tidak secara langsung didukung oleh ILSWS dengan melakukan beberapa kueri atau dengan menggabungkan, memanipulasi, atau mengevaluasi data dari sistem Symphony.
Demi kenyamanan pengembang, pustaka kode menerima tanggal dalam format berikut, di mana pun tanggal diterima sebagai parameter: YYYYMMDD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, MM-DD-YYYY, atau MM/DD/ YYYY.
Aturan validasi untuk nomor telepon saat ini ditetapkan untuk mengharapkan serangkaian digit tanpa tanda baca. Namun, akan mudah untuk mengubah aturan validasi di bagian atas fungsi publik mana pun untuk menerima tanda baca pada nomor telepon.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize and load configuration from YAML configuration file
$ilsws = new libilsws libilsws ('./ libilsws .yaml');
// Connect to ILSWS with configuration loaded from YAML file
$token = $ilsws->connect();
* Valid incoming params are:
* ct = number of results to return,
* rw = row to start on (so you can page through results),
* j = boolean AND or OR to use with multiple search terms, and
* includeFields = fields to return in result.
$index = 'EMAIL';
$search = '[email protected]';
// Prepare search parameters, including fields to return
$options = [
'rw' => 1,
'ct' => 10,
'j' => 'AND',
'includeFields' => 'key,barcode']
// Run search
$response = $ilsws->search_patron($token, $index, $search, $options);
$response = $ilsws->get_patron_attributes($token, $patron_key);
* The order of the fields doesn't matter. Not all of these are actually required.
* See the YAML configuration file to determine which fields are required. If an
* email template name is included in the options array, an email will be sent to the
* patron. Actual template files must include a language extension (for example .en for
* English. The system will look for template that matches the patrons language
* preference. If one is found, it will use that, otherwise it will attempt to
* find and use an English template.
$patron = [
'birthDate' => '1962-03-07',
'city_state' => 'Portland, OR',
'county' => '0_MULT',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'firstName' => 'Bogus',
'friends_notices' => 'YES',
'home_library' => 'CEN',
'language' => 'ENGLISH',
'lastName' => 'Bogart',
'library_news' => 'YES',
'middleName' => 'T',
'notice_type' => 'PHONE',
'patron_id' => '21168045918653',
'postal_code' => '97209',
'street' => '925 NW Hoyt St Apt 406',
'telephone' => '215-534-6821',
'sms_phone' => [
'number' => '215-534-6821',
'countryCode' => 'US',
'bills' => true,
'general' => true,
'holds' => true,
'manual' => true,
'overdues' => true,
$addr_num = 1;
$options = [];
$options['role'] = 'STAFF';
$options['client_id'] = 'StaffClient';
$options['template'] = 'template.html.twig';
$options['subject'] = 'Welcome to the library!';
$response = $ilsws->register_patron($patron, $token, $addr_num, $options);
// Define patron array
$patron = [
'firstName' => 'John',
'middleName' => 'Rad',
'lastName' => 'Houser',
'birthDate' => '1972-03-10',
'home_library' => 'CEN',
'county' => '0_MULT',
'notice_type' => 'PHONE',
'library_news' => 'YES',
'friends_notices' => 'YES',
'online_update' => 'YES',
'street' => '925 NW Hoyt St Apt 606',
'city_state' => 'Portland, OR',
'patron_id' => '21168045918653',
'postal_code' => '97208',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'telephone' => '215-544-6941',
'sms_phone' => [
'number' => '215-544-6941',
'countryCode => 'US',
'bills' => true,
'general' => true,
'holds' => true,
'manual' => true,
'overdues' => true,
$addr_num = 1;
$patron_key = '782339';
// Update the patron record
$response = $ilsws->update_patron($patron, $token, $patron_key, $addr_num);
* Convert UTF-8 characters with accents to ASCII and strip unwanted characters and
* boolean operators from search terms
$search = $ilsws->prepare_search($search);
// Prepare search parameters and choose fields to return
$params = [
'ct' => '50',
'rw' => '1',
'j' => 'AND',
'includeFields' => 'author,title,bib{650_a,856_u},callList{callNumber,itemList{barcode,currentLocation}}'
// Run search
$response = $ilsws->search_bib($token, $index, $search, $params);
Catatan tentang parameter includeFields:
Lihat file libilsws .yaml.sample untuk definisi bidang dan dokumentasi opsi konfigurasi YAML.
Untuk contoh kode lengkap, lihat contoh skrip di direktori test
Peringatan: skrip pengujian mungkin membuat perubahan nyata pada sistem Symphony yang dikonfigurasi. Jangan gunakan pada sistem produksi tanpa meninjau secara cermat fungsinya!