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Ini adalah resmi [Catatan: Saya tidak lagi berafiliasi dengan World Inequality Lab dan tidak dapat menawarkan jaminan bahwa perintah tersebut akan tetap fungsional di masa depan] perintah stata basis data ketimpangan dunia ( Ini memungkinkan pengguna mengunduh data langsung dari ke stata.
Pengguna harus menginstal perintah langsung dari SSC:
ssc install wid
Dokumentasi perintah tersedia setelah instalasi menggunakan:
help wid
Plot jangka panjang evolusi kekayaan ketimpangan di Prancis:
wid, indicators(shweal) areas(FR) perc(p90p100 p99p100) ages(992) pop(j) clear
// Reshape and plot
reshape wide value, i(year) j(percentile) string
label variable valuep90p100 " Top 10% share "
label variable valuep99p100 " Top 1% share "
graph twoway line value * year, title( " Wealth inequality in France " ) ///
ylabel(0.2 " 20% " 0.4 " 40% " 0.6 " 60% " 0.8 " 80% " ) ///
subtitle( " equal-split adults " ) ///
note( " Source: " )
Plot evolusi pendapatan nasional sebelum pajak dari 50% populasi terbawah di Cina, Prancis dan Amerika Serikat sejak 1978 (dalam skala log):
// Download and store the 2017 USD PPP exchange rate
wid, indicators(xlcusp) areas(FR US CN) year(2017) clear
rename value ppp
tempfile ppp
save " `ppp' "
wid, indicators(aptinc) areas(FR US CN) perc(p0p50) year(1978 / 2017) ages(992) pop(j) clear
merge n:1 country using " `ppp' " , nogenerate
// Convert to 2017 USD PPP (thousands)
replace value = value/ppp/1000
// Reshape and plot
keep country year value
reshape wide value, i(year) j(country) string
label variable valueFR " France "
label variable valueUS " United States "
label variable valueCN " China "
graph twoway line value * year, yscale(log) ylabel(1 2 5 10 20) ///
ytitle( " 2017 PPP USD (000's) " ) ///
title( " Average pre-tax national income of the bottom 50% " ) subtitle( " equal-split adults " ) ///
note( " Source: " ) legend(rows(1))
Plot evolusi jangka panjang dari pendapatan nasional rata-rata per orang dewasa di Prancis, Jerman, Inggris dan Amerika Serikat (dalam skala log):
// Download and store the 2017 USD PPP exchange rate
wid, indicators(xlcusp) areas(FR US DE GB) year(2017) clear
rename value ppp
tempfile ppp
save " `ppp' "
// Download net national income in constant 2017 local currency
wid, indicators(anninc) areas(FR US DE GB) age(992) clear
merge n:1 country using " `ppp' " , nogenerate
// Convert to 2017 USD PPP (thousands)
replace value = value/ppp/1000
// Reshape and plot
keep country year value
reshape wide value, i(year) j(country) string
label variable valueFR " France "
label variable valueUS " United States "
label variable valueDE " Germany "
label variable valueGB " United Kingdom "
graph twoway line value * year, yscale(log) ///
ytitle( " 2017 PPP USD (000's) " ) ylabel(2 5 10 20 50 100) ///
title( " Average net national income " ) subtitle( " per adult " ) ///
note( " Source: " )