Daftar isi
- Pemrograman Profesional - Tentang Daftar Ini
- Prinsip
- Berkontribusi pada daftar ini
- Buku yang harus dibaca
- Artikel yang harus dibaca
- Materi umum lainnya dan daftar sumber daya
- Daftar lainnya
- Buku
- Artikel
- Aksioma
- Kursus
- Topik
- Algoritma dan struktur data
- Desain & Pengembangan API
- Sikap, kebiasaan, pola pikir
- Otentikasi/Otorisasi
- Otomatisasi
- Praktik terbaik
- Di luar rekayasa perangkat lunak & acak
- Bias
- Bisnis
- Cache
- Pertumbuhan karir
- Memilih kesempatan pertama/pertama Anda
- Mendapatkan ke Staf Eng
- Set karakter
- Catur
- Awan
- Ulasan Kode
- Pengkodean & Kualitas Kode
- Komunikasi
- Kompiler
- Konfigurasi
- Integrasi kontinu (CI)
- Database
- Format data
- Ilmu Data/Rekayasa Data
- Debugging
- Desain (Visual, UX, UI, Tipografi)
- Desain (pemodelan OO, arsitektur, pola, anti-pola, dll.)
- Desain: Skema Basis Data
- Desain: Pola
- Desain: Kesederhanaan
- Lingkungan & Alat Dev
- Buruh pelabuhan
- Dokumentasi
- Dotfiles
- Editor & IDE
- E-mail
- Manajemen Teknik
- Latihan
- Percobaan
- Pemrograman Fungsional (FP)
- Pengembangan Game
- Grafik
- Perangkat keras
- Http
- Humor
- Respons Insiden (Oncall, Peringatan, Pemadaman, Pemadam Kebakaran, Postmortem)
- Internet
- Wawancara
- Kubernetes
- Model Bahasa Besar (LLM)
- Belajar & menghafal
- Lisensi (legal)
- Linux (Manajemen Sistem)
- Kode rendah/tanpa kode
- Majelis tingkat rendah
- Pembelajaran Mesin/AI
- Matematika
- Pemasaran
- Jaringan
- Observabilitas (pemantauan, penebangan, penanganan pengecualian)
- Logging
- Penanganan kesalahan/pengecualian
- Metrik
- Pemantauan
- Open source
- Sistem Operasi (OS)
- Rekayasa berlebihan
- Pertunjukan
- Manajemen Pengetahuan Pribadi (PKM)
- Produktivitas pribadi
- Perspektif
- Pribadi
- Pemecahan masalah
- Manajemen Produk untuk Insinyur Perangkat Lunak
- Manajemen Proyek
- Bahasa pemrograman
- Python
- Javascript
- Koleksi sampah
- Paradigma Pemrograman
- Berbicara di depan umum (presentasi)
- Membaca
- Refactoring
- Regex
- Melepaskan & menggunakan
- Versi
- Daftar periksa
- Bendera fitur
- Pengujian dalam produksi
- Keandalan
- Mencari
- Keamanan
- Shell (baris perintah)
- Administrasi Sistem
- Arsitektur Sistem
- Pola Arsitektur
- Microservices/Memisahkan monolith
- Skalabilitas
- Teknik Keandalan Situs (SRE)
- Hutang teknis
- Pengujian
- Peralatan
- Ketik sistem
- Tipografi
- Kontrol Versi (GIT)
- Etika Kerja, Produktivitas & Keseimbangan Kerja/Kehidupan
- Pengembangan Web
- Menulis (komunikasi, blogging)
- Sumber daya & inspirasi untuk presentasi
- Menjaga up-to-date
- Konsep
- Daftar saya yang lain
Pemrograman Profesional - Tentang Daftar Ini
Beri aku enam jam untuk menebang pohon dan aku akan menghabiskan empat yang pertama menajamkan kapak. (Abraham Lincoln)
Kumpulan sumber daya tumpukan penuh untuk pemrogram.
Tujuan dari halaman ini adalah menjadikan Anda pengembang yang lebih mahir. Anda hanya akan menemukan sumber daya yang saya temukan benar -benar menginspirasi, atau yang telah menjadi klasik abadi.
- Halaman ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menjadi komprehensif. Saya mencoba membuatnya tetap ringan dan tidak terlalu berlebihan.
- Pemilihan artikel didapatkan.
- Saya tidak perlu setuju dengan atau mendukung setiap baris yang ditulis dalam setiap sumber daya tersebut. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk penulisnya: Saya tidak mendukung semua yang dikatakan dan akan dikatakan oleh masing -masing penulis tersebut.
- ? : Daftar Sumber Daya
- : buku
- ? : Ekstrak video/film/film/bicara
- ? : slide/presentasi
- ️: harus dibaca
- ? : kertas
Berkontribusi pada daftar ini
Jangan ragu untuk membuka PR untuk berkontribusi!
Saya tidak akan menambahkan semuanya: seperti yang dinyatakan di atas, saya mencoba untuk menjaga daftar tetap ringkas.
Buku yang harus dibaca
Saya telah menemukan buku -buku ini sangat menginspirasi:
- Programmer Pragmatis: Dari Journeyman ke Master: Hands-on yang paling menginspirasi dan bermanfaat yang pernah saya baca tentang pemrograman.
- Kode Lengkap: Buku Pegangan Praktis Konstruksi Perangkat Lunak: Tambahan yang bagus untuk programmer pragmatis, memberi Anda kerangka kerja yang diperlukan untuk berbicara tentang kode.
- Rilis!: Buku-buku ini melampaui kode dan memberi Anda praktik terbaik untuk membangun perangkat lunak siap-produksi. Ini akan memberi Anda sekitar 3 tahun pengalaman dunia nyata.
- Aturan Skalabilitas: 50 Prinsip untuk Menskalakan Situs Web
- Antarmuka pemrograman Linux: Buku Pegangan Pemrograman Sistem Linux dan UNIX: Di luar mengajari Anda hampir semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang Linux, buku ini akan memberi Anda wawasan tentang bagaimana perangkat lunak berkembang, dan nilai memiliki antarmuka yang sederhana & elegan.
- Struktur dan interpretasi program komputer (gratis): Salah satu buku teks paling berpengaruh dalam ilmu komputer (ditulis dan digunakan di MIT), SICP telah berpengaruh dalam pendidikan CS. BYTE merekomendasikan SICP "untuk programmer profesional yang benar -benar tertarik dengan profesi mereka".
Ada beberapa buku gratis yang tersedia, termasuk:
- Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Profesional: Cukup lengkap dan pendamping yang baik untuk halaman ini. Bab -bab gratis sebagian besar berfokus pada proses pengembangan perangkat lunak: desain, pengujian, penulisan kode, dll. - dan tidak terlalu banyak tentang teknologi itu sendiri.
- ? VHF/Buku Pemrograman Gratis
- ? EbookFoundation/Free-Programming-Books
Artikel yang harus dibaca
- Saran praktis untuk insinyur perangkat lunak baru
- Menjadi Insinyur Senior
- Pelajaran yang Dipetik dalam Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak: Salah satu artikel yang memberi Anda tahun-tahun pelajaran yang diperoleh dengan susah payah, semuanya dalam satu artikel pendek. Harus dibaca.
- Hal -hal yang saya pelajari dengan cara yang sulit
- Spec dulu, lalu kode
- Tes membuat API lebih baik
- Pemikiran masa depan adalah masa depan yang menghancurkan
- Dokumentasi adalah surat cinta untuk diri Anda di masa depan
- Terkadang, lebih baik membiarkan aplikasi macet daripada tidak melakukan apa -apa
- Mengerti dan menjauhlah dari kultus kargo
- "Alat yang tepat untuk pekerjaan itu" hanya untuk mendorong agenda
- Pelajari pemrograman fungsional dasar -dasar
- Selalu gunakan zona waktu dengan kencan Anda
- Selalu gunakan UTF-8
- Buat Perpustakaan
- Belajarlah untuk memantau
- Eksplisit lebih baik daripada implisit
- Perusahaan mencari spesialis tetapi menjaga generalis lebih lama
- Cara aman terbaik untuk menangani data pengguna adalah tidak menangkapnya
- Ketika saatnya berhenti, saatnya untuk berhenti
- Anda bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan kode Anda
- Jangan bilang "sudah selesai" saat tidak
- Perhatikan bagaimana orang bereaksi terhadap Anda
- Waspadalah terhadap agresi mikro
- Simpan daftar "hal -hal yang tidak saya ketahui"
- Tanda -tanda bahwa Anda adalah programmer yang baik (tidak semua yang ada di sini sangat bagus - beberapa poinnya kontraproduktif)
- Naluri untuk bereksperimen terlebih dahulu
- Detasemen emosional dari kode dan desain
- Ingin memperbaiki apa yang tidak rusak
- Terpesona oleh yang tidak bisa dipahami
- Terpaksa mengajar
- Kesabaran yang tidak dapat diselenggarakan
- Pengejaran kesempurnaan yang merusak
- Genggaman ensiklopedis dari platform
- Berpikir dalam kode
- Saat di Roma, lakukan seperti orang Romawi
- Membuat alat mereka sendiri
- Acuh tak acuh terhadap hierarki
- Bersemangat dengan kegagalan
- Acuh tak acuh terhadap keadaan
- Pengganti dorongan untuk komitmen
- Didorong oleh pengalaman
- 7 Kebenaran Absolut Saya Tidak Dapat Dibuka sebagai Pengembang Junior
- Di awal karir Anda, Anda dapat belajar 10x lebih banyak di tim yang mendukung dalam 1 tahun, daripada pengkodean sendiri
- Setiap perusahaan memiliki masalah, setiap perusahaan memiliki hutang teknis.
- Menjadi terlalu banyak pendapat tentang topik yang tidak Anda miliki dengan pengalaman dunia nyata cukup sombong.
- Banyak pembicaraan konferensi mencakup bukti konsep daripada skenario dunia nyata.
- Berurusan dengan warisan benar -benar normal.
- Arsitektur lebih penting daripada nitpicking.
- Fokus pada otomatisasi atas dokumentasi jika perlu.
- Memiliki beberapa hutang teknis itu sehat.
- Insinyur senior harus mengembangkan banyak keterampilan selain pemrograman.
- Kita semua masih junior di beberapa daerah.
- Cara Membangun Perangkat Lunak yang Baik
- Ringkasan praktik rekayasa mendasar tingkat tinggi yang baik.
- Akar penyebab perangkat lunak yang buruk kurang berkaitan dengan pilihan rekayasa tertentu, dan lebih berkaitan dengan bagaimana proyek pengembangan dikelola.
- Tidak ada yang namanya teknik yang baik secara platonik: itu tergantung pada kebutuhan Anda dan masalah praktis yang Anda temui.
- Perangkat lunak harus diperlakukan bukan sebagai produk statis, tetapi sebagai manifestasi hidup dari pemahaman kolektif tim pengembangan.
- Proyek perangkat lunak jarang gagal karena terlalu kecil; Mereka gagal karena mereka menjadi terlalu besar.
- Waspadalah terhadap tujuan birokrasi yang menyamar sebagai pernyataan masalah. Jika tujuan akhir kita adalah membuat hidup warga lebih baik, kita perlu secara eksplisit mengakui hal -hal yang membuat hidup mereka lebih buruk.
- Membangun perangkat lunak bukan tentang menghindari kegagalan; Ini tentang kegagalan strategis secepat mungkin untuk mendapatkan informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk membangun sesuatu yang baik.
- Bagaimana menjadi insinyur -10x
- Membatalkan output 10 insinyur.
- Tahan 10 insinyur sandera dalam diskusi teknis.
- Buang 10 minggu upah untuk biaya cloud.
- Buang 400 jam rekayasa pada arsitektur yang buruk.
- Mengacak 400 jam triase bug.
Materi umum lainnya dan daftar sumber daya
Daftar lainnya
- Liuchong/Awesome-Roadmaps: Daftar peta jalan yang dikuratori.
- The Imposter's Handbook - $ 30. Dari penulis: "Tidak memiliki gelar CS? Saya juga tidak - itu sebabnya saya menulis buku ini."
- Buku Ilmu Komputer
- Mr-Mig/Every-Programmer-Should-Know: Kumpulan (kebanyakan) hal teknis yang harus diketahui setiap pengembang perangkat lunak
- Hukum Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Terkenal
- Perpustakaan The Amazon Builders '
- Ada daftar artikel terbaik di utas Twitter ini
- Kdeldycke/Luar Biasa Falseood: Programmer Kepalsuan Percayai
- Hellerve/pemrograman pembicaraan
- Techyaks: Daftar pembicaraan
- Pembicaraan yang mengubah cara saya berpikir tentang pemrograman
- Apa yang harus diketahui oleh setiap jurusan ilmu komputer
- Kamranahmedse/pengembang-roadmap
- MTDVIO/Every-Programmer-Should-Know: Kumpulan (kebanyakan) hal-hal teknis yang harus diketahui setiap pengembang perangkat lunak tentang
- Harapan Mike Acton terhadap Insinyur Perangkat Lunak Profesional
- Hal -hal yang tidak mereka ajarkan tentang rekayasa perangkat lunak
- Pengetahuan domain lebih penting daripada keterampilan pengkodean Anda
- Kode adalah sekunder. Nilai bisnis adalah yang pertama.
- Anda bekerja dengan ketidakpastian sebagian besar waktu
- Kami melebih-lebihkan kemampuan jangka pendek kami, tetapi meremehkan kemampuan jangka panjang kami.
- Spesialisasi adalah untuk serangga.
- Ingin keuntungan yang tidak adil dalam karier teknologi Anda? Konsumsi konten yang dimaksudkan untuk peran lain
- Pemahaman lintas fungsi sangat penting di perusahaan teknologi modern
- Membantu menghindari meremehkan pentingnya dan kesulitan peran lainnya
- Membantu Anda menjadi strategis dalam interaksi Anda dengan orang -orang dalam peran itu
- Ajarkan diri Anda pemrograman dalam sepuluh tahun
- Sila - Urbit
- Data lebih baik dari kode.
- Kebenaran lebih penting daripada kinerja.
- Heuristik ketukan deterministik.
- Seratus garis kesederhanaan lebih baik dari dua puluh garis kompleksitas.
- Jika abstraksi Anda bocor, itu bukan karena beberapa hukum alam semesta; Anda hanya mengisap abstrak. Biasanya, Anda tidak menentukan abstraksi dengan cukup sempit.
- Jika Anda menghindari mengubah bagian kode karena takut membangkitkan setan di dalamnya, Anda hidup dalam ketakutan. Jika Anda tetap berada di batas -batas nyaman dari bagian kecil kode yang Anda tulis atau kenal dengan baik, Anda tidak akan pernah menulis kode legendaris. Semua kode ditulis oleh manusia dan dapat dikuasai oleh manusia.
- Jika jelas ada cara yang tepat untuk melakukan sesuatu dan cara yang salah, lakukan dengan cara yang benar. Pengkodean membutuhkan disiplin yang luar biasa.
- Cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang tepat adalah mencobanya dengan cara yang salah.
- Latihan memberi tahu Anda bahwa semuanya baik atau buruk; Teori memberi tahu Anda mengapa.
- Tidak memenuhi syarat untuk menyelesaikan masalah bukanlah alasan untuk tidak menyelesaikannya.
- Jika Anda tidak memahami sistem yang Anda gunakan, Anda tidak mengendalikannya. Jika tidak ada yang memahami sistem, sistem ini memegang kendali.
- Aturan praktis yang tertanam
- 50 ide yang mengubah hidup saya
- Refleksi pada 10.000 jam pemrograman
- 20 hal yang saya pelajari dalam 20 tahun saya sebagai insinyur perangkat lunak
- Panduan Dev Google Tech
- Semester yang hilang dari pendidikan CS Anda, MIT. Termasuk kuliah tentang shell, editor, perselisihan data, git, debugging dan profil, pemrograman meta, keamanan dan kriptografi.
- Matematika untuk Petualang Self-Learner, Neil Sainsbury
- Jwasham/coding-interview-university: Rencana studi ilmu komputer lengkap untuk menjadi insinyur perangkat lunak.
- Ajari diri Anda Ilmu Komputer: Sejumlah sumber daya CS terbaik yang bertentangan.
- Ossu/Computer-science: Pendidikan otodidak gratis dalam ilmu komputer!
Algoritma dan struktur data
- Baca CLRS. Anda dapat menonton dan mengunduh kursus di OCW - ada kursus yang lebih baru juga.
- Atau manual desain algoritma
- Cobalah beberapa algoritma tentang proyek Euler
- CS 61B Musim Semi 2023
Sumber Daya Lain:
Jujur saja: Algoritma bisa menjadi topik yang cukup kering. Pertanyaan Quora ini mencantumkan beberapa alternatif pembelajaran yang lebih lucu, termasuk:
- Algoritma Grokking
- Algoritma penting
- Visualisasi Struktur Data
- ? 15 algoritma penyortiran dalam 6 menit
- Hashing
- Memvisualisasikan algoritma
- Indeks B-Trees dan Database
Contoh Implementasi:
- Trekhleb/JavaScript-Algoritma: Algoritma dan Struktur Data Diimplementasikan dalam JavaScript
- Algoritma
Algoritma dalam Sistem Terdistribusi:
- Algoritma konsensus rakit
Desain & Pengembangan API
Konten istirahat umum:
- Gaya Arsitektur dan Desain Arsitektur Perangkat Lunak Berbasis Jaringan, Roy Fielding (Penemu REST)
- Kumpulan sumber daya yang berguna untuk membangun HTTP+JSON API yang RESTful.
- Praktik Terbaik Untuk Desain API REST, Stack Overflow Blog
- Istirahat Tidak Terganggu: Panduan untuk Merancang API Sempurna: Buku yang sangat lengkap tentang Desain API Restful.
Contoh Pedoman:
- Pedoman API REST Microsoft
- Zalando Restful API dan Pedoman Skema Acara
- Panduan Desain API Google: Panduan umum untuk mendesain API jaringan.
- AIP-1: AIP Tujuan dan Pedoman
- AIP adalah singkatan dari API Improvement Proposal, yang merupakan dokumen desain yang memberikan dokumentasi tingkat tinggi dan ringkas untuk pengembangan API.
Topik yang lebih spesifik:
- Mengapa Anda harus menggunakan tautan, bukan kunci, untuk mewakili hubungan di API, Martin Nally, Google
- "Menggunakan tautan alih -alih kunci asing untuk mengekspresikan hubungan di API mengurangi jumlah informasi yang perlu diketahui klien untuk menggunakan API, dan mengurangi cara klien dan server digabungkan satu sama lain."
- Beri saya /acara, bukan webhooks
- Acara dapat membuka kunci fitur webhook yang sangat dibutuhkan, seperti memungkinkan konsumen webhook Anda untuk memutar ulang atau mengatur ulang posisi langganan webhook mereka.
- Membuka kunci kekuatan JSON Patch
Sikap, kebiasaan, pola pikir
- Menguasai Pemrograman, Kent Beck.
- Ciri -ciri seorang programmer yang mahir
- Tao pemrograman: satu set perumpamaan tentang pemrograman.
- Mengambil kepemilikan adalah cara paling efektif untuk mendapatkan apa yang Anda inginkan
- Menemukan waktu untuk menjadi pengembang yang lebih baik
- Sepuluh menit sehari: Bagaimana Alex Allain menulis buku dalam waktu kurang dari 200 jam, dengan menulis 10 menit setiap hari.
- Perawatan dan pemberian makan insinyur perangkat lunak (atau, mengapa insinyur pemarah)
- Dalam triumvirate perangkat lunak, manajer produk, desainer, dan insinyur perangkat lunak, hanya insinyur yang diharapkan untuk mematikan pikiran kreatif mereka dan hanya memproduksi.
- Baik insinyur dan manajer produk cenderung berpikir, secara tidak benar, bahwa spesifikasi atau persyaratan produk setara dengan manual furnitur dari IKEA.
- Ini adalah salah satu hal teratas yang membuat insinyur pemarah: prioritas yang terus berubah.
- Meskipun banyak insinyur akan mengeluh bahwa manajer produk berubah pikiran, hampir tidak ada yang akan menjelaskannya dalam perkiraan waktu mereka.
- Program ilmu komputer bukan tentang mempersiapkan Anda untuk tugas yang akan Anda hadapi dalam industri.
- Ketika ada lebih banyak insinyur daripada yang bisa digunakan, waktu rekayasa akhirnya hilang dari pengembangan dan menuju perencanaan, sinkronisasi, dan koordinasi.
- Melibatkan insinyur dalam proses kreatif
- Berikan peluang insinyur untuk menjadi kreatif.
- Mendorong waktu istirahat.
- Biarkan kode mereka
- Mengekspresikan apresiasi
- Insinyur perangkat lunak yang berpikiran produk, Gergely Orosz
- Insinyur produk hebat tahu bahwa produk yang dapat dicintai minimum membutuhkan kedalaman yang tepat
- Insinyur yang berpikiran produk dengan cepat memetakan casing tepi dan memikirkan cara untuk mengurangi pekerjaan: sering kali membawa solusi yang tidak memerlukan pekerjaan rekayasa
- Terlibat dalam penelitian pengguna dan dukungan pelanggan
- Bawa saran produk yang didukung dengan baik ke meja
- Menawarkan tradeoff produk/teknik
- 40 pelajaran dari 40 tahun, Steve Schlafman
- Jika Anda ingin membuat kemajuan pada hal -hal yang paling penting, Anda perlu memutuskan siapa yang akan Anda kecewa. Itu tidak bisa dihindari.
- Investasi terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah pendidikan Anda sendiri. Jangan pernah berhenti belajar. Investasi terbaik kedua yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah membangun jaringan Anda melalui interaksi yang otentik dan bermakna. Inilah yang Anda ketahui dan siapa yang Anda kenal.
- Anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan apa yang tidak Anda minta atau cari secara aktif. Lakukan!
- Ini bukan tentang cahaya di ujung terowongan. Itu terowongan. Muncul setiap hari dan nikmati prosesnya.
- Rekan setim yang hebat selalu menempatkan organisasi dan tujuannya di atas kepentingan diri mereka sendiri.
- Pilih tempat Anda. Kami memiliki waktu yang terbatas dan otak kami hanya dapat memproses begitu banyak. Fokus adalah kuncinya. Pilih dengan bijak.
- Setiap orang kemungkinan berjuang dengan sesuatu. Bersikaplah yang baik. Bermanfaat.
- Tentang pengkodean, ego dan perhatian
- Pikiran pemula menerima fakta bahwa pengetahuan absolut tidak terbatas dan dengan demikian menjaga skor adalah buang -buang waktu.
- Penguasaan hanyalah akumulasi momentum, bukan akumulasi pengetahuan.
- Berurusan dengan gangguan ego telah mengajarkan saya untuk menyukai proses penyelesaian masalah. Itu mengajari saya untuk mencintai dan menghormati proses belajar. Akibatnya saya lebih produktif. Saya kurang cemas. Saya rekan setim yang lebih baik. Saya seorang teman yang lebih baik dan pemikir yang lebih baik.
- Tetap vs. Pertumbuhan: Dua pola pikir dasar yang membentuk kehidupan kita
- Seperti apa rupa insinyur perangkat lunak yang hebat?
- Tidur nyenyak, pembelajaran yang baik, kehidupan yang baik
- ? Steve Jobs: Jika Anda tidak meminta bantuan, Anda tidak akan terlalu jauh
- Kutipan Pemrograman
- Bersikaplah yang baik
- Menjadi baik pada dasarnya tentang mengambil tanggung jawab atas dampak Anda pada orang -orang di sekitar Anda.
- Itu mengharuskan Anda memperhatikan perasaan mereka dan mempertimbangkan cara kehadiran Anda memengaruhi mereka.
- Warren Buffett mengatakan 1 kebiasaan sederhana ini memisahkan orang -orang sukses dari orang lain
- Perbedaan antara orang -orang sukses dan orang -orang yang benar -benar sukses adalah orang -orang yang benar -benar sukses mengatakan tidak pada hampir semua hal.
- Bagaimana cara beruntung?
- Pemrogram harus berhenti merayakan ketidakmampuan, DHH
- Keajaiban pemrograman sebagian besar hanya hal -hal yang belum Anda ketahui.
- Tidak baik untuk berpikir Anda tidak boleh berada di beberapa jalan menuju penguasaan, jika Anda berniat membuat pemrograman karier Anda.
- Tidak ada batas kecepatan
- Jangan menunggu motivasi, bertindak untuk momentum
- Mulailah dengan tugas kecil. Kemudian naik momentumnya.
- Kebiasaan pengkodean terpenting
- Kebiasaan pengkodean terpenting
- Peregangan harian
- Istirahat rutin
- Jangan kode larut malam
- Tingkatkan lingkungan pengkodean Anda
- Saran untuk devs perangkat lunak baru yang telah membaca semua esai saran lainnya
- Layanan microser bukan masalahnya. Orang yang tidak kompeten adalah
Imposter Syndrome diremehkan: banyak pembicaraan digunakan untuk mengatasi sindrom penipu. Saya katakan merangkul diri sendiri dan meragukan diri sendiri setiap hari. Dalam industri yang bergerak cepat di mana banyak pengetahuan Anda berakhir setiap tahun, bahkan orang-orang paling junior di sekitar Anda terus-menerus memasak keterampilan yang tidak Anda miliki; Anda tetap kompetitif dengan melamar dengan tekad (dan bahkan ketakutan) pemula. Terbalik dari treadmill ini adalah bahwa setiap insinyur ada di dalamnya: hanya karena Anda seorang penipu tidak berarti bahwa orang lain lebih layak daripada Anda, karena mereka juga penipu. Anda harus mengadvokasi untuk diri sendiri, mengambil risiko, menepuk punggung Anda ketika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, dan, ketika Anda mulai membangun rekam jejak masalah penyelesaian, mempercayai keterampilan dan kemampuan beradaptasi Anda. Jangan salah: Anda hanya sebagus masalah terakhir yang Anda selesaikan.
Dan Heller, membangun karier di perangkat lunak
Saya sudah belajar tidak pernah mengosongkan sumur tulisan saya, tetapi selalu berhenti ketika masih ada sesuatu di sana di bagian sumur yang dalam, dan membiarkannya mengisi ulang di malam hari dari mata air yang memberi makan itu. - Ernest Hemingway
- Pengembang Bertahan Grug: Kebiasaan Programmer Sendok Menyadari. Seperti tao pemrograman, gaya yang berbeda.
Penilaian yang baik berasal dari pengalaman. Pengalaman berasal dari penilaian yang buruk.
- Berita itu buruk untuk Anda - dan menyerah membacanya akan membuat Anda lebih bahagia, wali
- Berita menyesatkan
- Berita tidak relevan
- Berita tidak memiliki kekuatan penjelas
- Berita beracun bagi tubuh Anda
- Berita meningkatkan kesalahan kognitif
- Berita menghambat pemikiran
- Berita bekerja seperti obat
- Berita membuang -buang waktu
- Berita membuat kami pasif
- Berita membunuh kreativitas
- Otorisasi di dunia layanan mikro
- Logika otorisasi: Aturan sulit karena berkembang seiring waktu
- Buku Kopenhagen memberikan pedoman umum tentang mengimplementasikan auth dalam aplikasi web
- Otomatisasi harus seperti Iron Man, bukan Ultron
Praktik terbaik
- Praktik Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Di luar rekayasa perangkat lunak & acak
- Mengapa Insinyur Perangkat Lunak menyukai Woodworking
Bias tidak hanya berlaku untuk perekrutan. Misalnya, bias atribusi mendasar juga berlaku ketika mengkritik kode seseorang yang ditulis sejak lama, dalam konteks yang sama sekali berbeda.
- Lembar cheat bias kognitif. #mempekerjakan
- Pembayaran 101 untuk pengembang
- 4 masalah terbesar dengan sistem penagihan buatan sendiri
- ? 14 rasa sakit membangun sistem penagihan Anda sendiri
- Tantangan dan Strategi Caching, Perpustakaan Amazon Builders
Pertumbuhan karir
- Segitiga berkumpul dari pengembangan tingkat senior melihat bagaimana mendefinisikan seorang insinyur senior.
- Sepuluh prinsip untuk pertumbuhan sebagai insinyur, Dan Heller.
- Jangan menyebut diri Anda seorang programmer, Patrick McKenzie.
- Menjadi manajer teknik
- Nasihat karier yang saya harap saya miliki di usia 25
- Karier adalah maraton, bukan sprint
- Sebagian besar kesuksesan berasal dari pengulangan, bukan hal baru
- Jika pekerjaan benar -benar begitu hebat, semua orang kaya akan memiliki pekerjaan
- Manajemen adalah tentang orang, bukan hal
- Benar -benar mendengarkan orang lain
- Menyadari bahwa staf adalah orang dengan kapasitas emosi yang terbatas
- Jangan hanya jaringan dengan orang seusia Anda
- Jangan pernah mengorbankan etika pribadi karena alasan kerja
- Ketahuilah bahwa kegagalan adalah belajar
- Saran Karir Saya berharap saya telah diberikan ketika saya masih muda
- Jangan terlalu fokus pada rencana jangka panjang.
- Temukan pemikir yang baik dan panggilan dingin yang paling Anda kagumi.
- Tetapkan nilai tinggi untuk produktivitas selama seluruh umur Anda.
- Jangan terlalu mengoptimalkan hal-hal yang bukan prioritas utama Anda.
- Baca banyak, dan baca hal -hal yang tidak Anda baca.
- Merefleksikan dengan serius masalah apa yang memprioritaskan pemecahan.
- Baca lebih lanjut sejarah.
- Mengapa pengembang yang baik dipromosikan menjadi ketidakbahagiaan, Rob Walling. Atau mengapa manajemen mungkin tidak cocok untuk Anda.
- Panduan untuk menggunakan karier Anda untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah paling mendesak di dunia
- Apa pekerjaan insinyur senior? Anda harus lebih dari sekadar kontributor individu.
- Dari pengkodean lulusan bootcamp hingga membangun database terdistribusi
- Baca buku (dan makalah), bukan posting blog
- Bertanggung jawab atas lintasan karier Anda
- ? Insinyur yang bulat itu mencakup banyak rekomendasi buku yang bagus.
- Paradigma Polyglot (Pelajari berbagai bahasa & paradigma)
- Database polyglot
- Protokol Polyglot (lebih disukai TCP/IP dan HTTP)
- Kemahiran dengan perkakas, pengemasan, dan distribusi build
- Debugging, observability
- Penyebaran, infra dan devops
- Arsitektur dan penskalaan perangkat lunak
- Kemampuan untuk menulis kompiler mainan, penerjemah, dan parser
- Kemampuan untuk menulis game mainan
- Kemampuan untuk memahami analisis algoritmik
- Beberapa nasihat karier, Will Larson.
- Nasihat yang Anda dapatkan adalah upaya seseorang untuk mensintesis pengalaman mereka, bukan pernyataan yang akurat tentang bagaimana dunia bekerja.
- Bangun reservoir prestise.
- Beberapa orang begitu pandai dalam sesuatu yang akhirnya mereka tidak tergantikan dalam peran mereka saat ini, yang menyebabkan mereka terjebak dalam peran mereka bahkan jika mereka adalah kandidat yang baik untuk yang lebih menarik.
- Hubungan yang hebat akan mengikuti Anda ke mana pun Anda pergi. Yang buruk juga.
- Di awal karir Anda, cobalah bekerja di berbagai jenis perusahaan dan dalam berbagai produk vertikal yang Anda bisa.
- Tip Jahat: Hindari hal -hal yang "mudah"
- Kode Ultimate Kata
- Ciri -ciri insinyur perangkat lunak senior: dampak, persepsi, visibilitas, pengaruh, bimbingan
- Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak - Bagian lunak
- Berpikir secara kritis dan merumuskan argumen yang masuk akal
- Kuasai fundamental
- Fokus pada pengguna dan yang lainnya akan mengikuti
- Pelajari cara belajar
- Bagaimana memiliki pertumbuhan Anda sebagai insinyur perangkat lunak
- Programmer empat puluh tahun
- Semakin baik Anda dapatkan, semakin sedikit Anda terlihat seperti orang lain
- Anda belajar prinsip yang dalam dengan melakukan dasar -dasarnya
- Lihatlah ke bidang lain, pelajari dari bidang lain
- Berhati -hatilah dengan tips produktivitas
- Insinyur Senior tinggal di masa depan
- Seperti apa peta karier Anda?
- Bagaimana menjadi sukses di Amazon (atau perusahaan besar lainnya dalam hal ini)
Tentang insinyur senior:
- Kepalsuan pengembang junior percaya tentang menjadi senior
Memilih kesempatan pertama/pertama Anda
- Keputusan Karir - Oleh Elad Gil - Blog Elad
Mendapatkan ke Staf Eng
- Saya menjadi insinyur staf Faang dalam 5 tahun. Ini adalah 14 pelajaran yang saya pelajari di sepanjang jalan.
- Rekayasa perangkat lunak bukan hanya pengkodean. Sebenarnya, pengkodean adalah bagian kecil darinya.
- Pipa pekerjaan Anda
- Terbuka untuk umpan balik dan dengarkan. Seperti, serius, dengarkan.
- Umpan balik yang bagus sulit ditemukan; menghargai itu.
- Mengawasi cakrawala (tetapi tidak keduanya).
- Cari tahu apa yang penting dan biarkan sisanya pergi.
- Perbandingan sebenarnya adalah pencuri sukacita.
- Bimbingan adalah hal yang indah.
- Hari -hari baik, secara umum, tidak hanya "terjadi".
- Saran dan bimbingan hanya itu; Mereka bukan aturan.
- Panduan untuk Mencapai Peran Teknik Staf-Plus, Akan Larson
- Terlihat
- Sumber Daya Tambahan untuk Teknik Staf-Plus
Set karakter
- Minimum absolut setiap pengembang perangkat lunak secara mutlak, secara positif harus tahu tentang unicode dan set karakter (tidak ada alasan!)
- Minimum absolut yang harus diketahui oleh setiap pengembang perangkat lunak tentang Unicode pada tahun 2023 (masih belum ada alasan!)
(ya - catur mendapatkan bagiannya sendiri :)
- Wiki pemrograman catur
- Mengompresi gerakan catur
- Panduan Terbuka/OG-AWS: Panduan Praktis untuk AWS
Ulasan Kode
- Bagaimana melakukan tinjauan kode, dokumentasi praktik teknik Google.
- Ulasan pasca-komit: ide yang menarik untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pengembang (ada beberapa peringatan).
- Cara membuat pengulas kode Anda jatuh cinta dengan Anda
- Tinjau kode Anda sendiri terlebih dahulu
- Tulis deskripsi Changelist yang jelas
- Mengotomatiskan barang yang mudah
- Jawab pertanyaan dengan kode itu sendiri
- Perubahan lingkup sempit
- Perubahan fungsional dan non-fungsional terpisah
- Menanggapi dengan anggun
- Secara berseni meminta informasi yang hilang
- Berikan semua ikatan kepada pengulas Anda
- Meminimalkan jeda antara putaran ulasan
- Bagaimana melakukan ulasan kode seperti manusia
- Tanya HN: Bagaimana Anda meninjau kode?: Diskusi hebat tentang Hackernews, penuh dengan ide -ide menarik.
- Piramida Ulasan Kode Maslow
- Satu lagi dengan topik yang sama: piramida ulasan kode
- Tinjauan kode dalam tim jarak jauh: set aturan yang sangat lengkap.
- Tidak ada ulasan kode secara default
- Tanggung jawab atas konvensi
Pengkodean & Kualitas Kode
- Tulis kode yang mudah dihapus, tidak mudah diperluas
- Sepuluh Perintah Pemrograman Egoless
- Kode Bersih: Buku Pegangan Pengerjaan Perangkat Lunak Agile, Robert C. Martin. Menggambarkan banyak praktik terbaik yang bermanfaat. Agak panjang. Ada juga lembar cheat kode bersih.
- Tentang apa pengerjaan perangkat lunak
- Kami lelah menulis omong kosong.
- Kami tidak akan menerima kebohongan lama yang bodoh tentang membersihkan segalanya nanti.
- Kami tidak akan percaya klaim bahwa cepat berarti kotor.
- Kami tidak akan mengizinkan siapa pun untuk memaksa kami untuk berperilaku tidak profesional.
- Tips tentang Penamaan Variabel Boolean
- Ada konvensi untuk awalan variabel boolean dan nama fungsi dengan "is" atau "has".
- Cobalah untuk selalu digunakan adalah, bahkan untuk bentuk jamak (
lebih baik daripada areUsersLoggedIn
atau isUsersLoggedIn
) - Hindari Prefix Kustom (
lebih baik dari wasPaidFor
) - Hindari negatif (
lebih baik dari isDisabled
- Cara Menulis Kode yang Tidak Dapat Dipahami
- Kettanaito/Penamaan-Cheatsheet :: Pedoman Bahasa-Bahasa-Agnostik yang Komprehensif tentang Penamaan Variabel. Rumah dari pola A/HC/LC.
- ? Panduan Rekayasa Kualitas
Lihat juga bagian Penulisan
- Bagaimana berkomunikasi secara efektif sebagai pengembang
- Banyak saran dan contoh konkret untuk penulisan pendek, menengah dan panjang
- Apa yang Anda visualisasikan saat pemrograman?
- Halaman Sumber Daya Penulis Kompiler
- kanaka/mal: mal - buat lisp
- Kelemahan JSON untuk file konfigurasi, Martin Tournoij.
- Tidak dapat menambahkan komentar
- Kutipan berlebihan dan kebisingan sintaksis
- Menggunakan DC (konfigurasi deklaratif) untuk mengontrol logika seringkali bukan ide yang baik.
- Konfigurasi Anda payah? Coba bahasa pemrograman nyata
- Sebagian besar format konfigurasi modern payah
- Gunakan bahasa pemrograman nyata
Integrasi kontinu (CI)
- Integrasi Berkelanjutan, Martinfowler.com
Lihat juga bagian SQL.
- Pengantar Teorema Tutup Bahasa Inggris biasa
- Teorema PACELC: "Dalam hal partisi jaringan (P) dalam sistem komputer terdistribusi, kita harus memilih antara ketersediaan (a) dan konsistensi (c) (sesuai dengan teorema tutup), tetapi lain (e), bahkan ketika sistem berjalan secara normal tanpa adanya partisi, kita harus memilih antara latensi (L) dan konsistensi (c). "
- Nol Migrasi Basis Data Downtime (Contoh Kode Menggunakan Rails Tapi Ini Bekerja Sangat Baik Untuk Setiap Bahasa Pemrograman)
- Algoritma Di Balik Sistem Penyimpanan Modern, Antrian ACM
- Mari Bangun Database Sederhana
- Bacaan dalam Sistem Database, Edisi ke -5
- Membandingkan Jenis Basis Data: Bagaimana Jenis Database Berkembang Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan yang Berbagai
- Bagaimana cara kerja database relasional
- Gunakan indeks, Luke
- Pendahuluan Kursus - MySQL Untuk Pengembang, Planetscale
- Bagaimana Mesin Kueri Bekerja
- Mengapa Anda mungkin harus menggunakan SQLite | Epic Web Dev
- Pola NoSQL
- Database NoSQL: Panduan Survei dan Keputusan
- The DynamoDB Docs memiliki beberapa halaman yang bagus:
- Bacalah konsistensi
- Dari SQL ke NoSQL
- Desain NoSQL untuk DynamoDB
- Redis menjelaskan
- Operasi yang aman untuk PostgreSQL volume tinggi (ini untuk PostgreSQL tetapi juga berfungsi dengan baik untuk DBS lainnya).
- Isolasi transaksi di postgres, dijelaskan
- Latihan PostgreSQL
- Lembar Cheat Operasi Postgres
- Cukup gunakan postgres
- Postgres sudah cukup
- Postgres: Jangan lakukan ini
- PostgreSQL dan UUID sebagai kunci utama
Format data
- Pemrogram kepalsuan percaya tentang nomor telepon,
Google. - Aturan untuk AutoComplete: Spesifikasi kasar untuk bidang Autocomplete
- Programmer kepalsuan percaya tentang alamat
- Programmer kepalsuan percaya tentang nama
- Kdeldycke/Luar Biasa Falseood: Programmer Kepalsuan Percayai
- Memahami UUIDS, ULIDS dan Representasi String
- Programmer kepalsuan percaya tentang daftar kepalsuan
- Australia/lord_howe adalah zona waktu paling aneh
Ilmu Data/Rekayasa Data
- Selusin Kotor: Dua Belas Jebakan Interpretasi Metrik Umum dalam Eksperimen Terkendali Online
- DataStackTV/data-engineer-roadmap: peta jalan untuk menjadi insinyur data
- Jalur pembelajaran rekayasa data yang luar biasa
- Arsitektur yang muncul untuk infrastruktur data modern
- Cara Bergerak melampaui Danau Data Monolitik ke Mesh Data Terdistribusi
- Platform data berdasarkan arsitektur danau data memiliki mode kegagalan umum yang mengarah pada janji yang tidak terpenuhi pada skala.
- Kita perlu mempertimbangkan domain sebagai perhatian kelas satu, menerapkan pemikiran platform untuk membuat infrastruktur data swalayan, dan memperlakukan data sebagai produk.
- Mlop
- Platform Data Besar Uber: 100+ petabytes dengan latensi menit
- SQL harus menjadi pilihan default untuk logika transformasi data
Juga lihat bagian Respons Insiden di dokumen ini
- Pemecahan masalah bebek karet
- Merunduk karet
- Lima mengapa
- Analisis Lima Lies
- Masalah sebenarnya mengungkapkan dirinya ketika teknik ini menjadi bagian dari templat.
- Item tindakan bisa sangat jauh dari akar penyebabnya.
- Hows Infinite mengkritik metode lima mengapa dan mengadvokasi serangkaian pertanyaan yang berbeda untuk dipelajari dari yang paling banyak dari insiden.
- Lihat juga: Kesalahan Manusia: Model dan Manajemen
- "Masalah dengan lima mengapa adalah bahwa itu di-visi menjadi penjelasan linier dan sederhana tentang bagaimana pekerjaan dilakukan dan peristiwa terjadi."
- "Kesalahan manusia menjadi titik awal, bukan kesimpulan." (Dekker, 2009)
- "Ketika kita bertanya 'bagaimana?', Kami meminta narasi."
- "Ketika datang ke keputusan dan tindakan, kami ingin tahu bagaimana masuk akal bagi seseorang untuk melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan."
- Pada setiap langkah "mengapa", hanya satu jawaban yang akan dipilih untuk penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Bertanya "bagaimana" mendorong eksplorasi yang lebih luas.
- "Dalam investigasi kecelakaan, seperti dalam kebanyakan upaya manusia lainnya, kami menjadi mangsa prinsip apa yang Anda-akan-baik Pergi untuk melihat (apa yang Anda lihat-untuk), sebagian besar akan menentukan apa yang sebenarnya kita temukan (apa yang Anda temukan). " (Hollnagel, 2009, hlm. 85) (lihat ilustrasi wylfiwyf)
- "A final reason why a 'root cause' may be selected is that it is politically acceptable as the identified cause. Other events or explanations may be excluded or not examined in depth because they raise issues that are embarrassing to the organization or its contractors or are politically unacceptable." (Nancy Leveson, Engineering a Safer World, p. 20)
- Bounded rationality: rational individuals will select a decision that is satisfactory rather than optimal
- The article provide concrete ways and questions to solicit stories from people, which will yield better insights.
- What were you expecting to happen?
- If you had to describe the situation to your colleague at that point, what would you have told?
- Did this situation fit a standard scenario?
- What were you trying to achieve?Were there multiple goals at the same time?Was there time pressure or other limitations on what you could do?
- See template here
- Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds
- Post-Mortems at HubSpot: What I Learned From 250 Whys
- Debugging zine, Julian Evans
- If you understand a bug, you can fix it
- The Thirty Minute Rule: if anyone gets stuck on something for more than 30 minutes, they should ask for help
- How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example , Stack Overflow
- Some ways to get better at debugging, Julia Evans
- Learn the codebase
- Learn the system (eg, HTTP stack, database transactions)
- Learn your tools (eg,
, tcpdump
) - Learn strategies (eg, writing code to reproduce, adding logging, taking a break)
- Get experience: according to a study, "experts simply formed more correct hypotheses and were more efficient at finding the fault."
- What exactly is the 'Saff Squeeze' method of finding a bug?
- A systematic technique for deleting both test code and non-test code from a failing test until the test and code are small enough to understand.
- tcpdump is amazing, Julia Evans
- What we talk about when we talk about 'root cause'
Design (visual, UX, UI, typography)
I highly recommend reading The Non-Designer's Design Book. This is a pretty short book that will give you some very actionable design advices.
- If you're working on data, Edward Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information is considered a classic.
- The Universal Principles of Design will give you enough vocabulary and concepts to describe design challenges into words.
- Book recommendations from HackerNews
- ?Design for Non-Designers
Articles :
- 10 Usability Heuristics Every Designer Should Know
- Visibility of System Status
- The Match Between The System And The Real World
- Every system should have a clear emergency exit
- Don't forget that people spend 90% of their time interacting with other apps
- Recognition Rather Than Recall (recognition = shallow form of retrieval from memory, eg a familiar person, recall = deeper retrieval)
- ”Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, And Recover From Errors
- How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations
- Visual design rules you can safely follow every time
Typograhy: see "Typography" section
Sumber daya:
- ? bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers: design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools...
Design (OO modeling, architecture, patterns, anti-patterns, etc.)
Here's a list of good books:
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software: dubbed "the gang of four", this is almost a required reading for any developer. A lot of those are a bit overkill for Python (because everything is an object, and dynamic typing), but the main idea (composition is better than inheritance) definitely is a good philosophy.
- And their nefarious nemesis Resign Patterns
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture: learn about how database are used in real world applications. Mike Bayer's SQLAlchemy has been heavily influenced by this book.
- Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, Eric Evans
- Clean Architecture, Robert C. Martin. Uncle Bob proposes an architecture that leverages the Single Responsibility Principle to its fullest. A great way to start a new codebase. Also checkout the clean architecture cheatsheet and this article.
- Game Programming Patterns: a book about design, sequencing, behavioral patterns and much more by Robert Nystrom explained through the medium of game programming. The book is also free to read online here.
One of the absolute references on architecture is Martin Fowler: checkout his Software Architecture Guide.
- O'Reilly's How to make mistakes in Python
- Education of a Programmer: a developer's thoughts after 35 years in the industry. There's a particularly good section about design & complexity (see "the end to end argument", "layering and componentization").
- Domain-driven design, Wikipedia.
- On the Spectrum of Abstraction ?, Cheng Lou
- The “Bug-O” Notation, Dan Abramov
- Antipatterns
- Inheritance vs. composition: a concrete example in Python. Another slightly longer one here. One last one, in Python 3.
- Composition Instead Of Inheritance
- Complexity and Strategy: interesting perspective on complexity and flexibility with really good examples (eg Google Apps Suite vs. Microsoft Office).
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications
- The Robustness Principle Reconsidered
- Jon Postel: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others." (RFC 793)
- Two general problem areas are impacted by the Robustness Principle: orderly interoperability and security.
- Basics of the Unix Philosophy, Eric S Raymond
- Eight Habits of Expert Software Designers: An Illustrated Guide
You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer on the construction site. (Frank Lloyd Wright)
Sumber daya:
Design: database schema
- A humble guide to database schema design, Mike Alche
- Use at least third normal form
- Create a last line of defense with constraints
- Never store full addresses in a single field
- Never store firstname and lastname in the same field
- Establish conventions for table and field names.
Design: patterns
- KeystoneInterface, Martin Fowler.
- Build all the back-end code, integrate, but don't build the user-interface
- 101 Design Patterns & Tips for Developers
- Python Design Patterns: For Sleek And Fashionable Code: a pretty simple introduction to common design patterns (Facade, Adapter, Decorator). A more complete list of design patterns implementation in Python on Github.
- SourceMaking's Design Patterns seems to be a good web resource too.
- Anti-If: The missing patterns
Design: simplicity
- Simple Made Easy ?, Rich Hickey. This is an incredibly inspiring talk redefining simplicity, ease and complexity, and showing that solutions that look easy may actually harm your design.
Dev environment & tools
- Glances: An eye on your system
- HTTPie: a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
- jq: command-line JSON processor
- tmux: terminal multiplexer
- htop: an interactive process viewer for Linux
- htop explained
- socat
- Visual guide to SSH tunnels
- casey/just: a command runner written in Rust (claims to be better than Makefile)
- Gazr: an opinionated way to define your
Article about tools:
- The return of fancy tools
- Simple tools make you think a little more
- Drucker: "I'm not writing it down to remember it later, I'm writing it down to remember it now."
- Frictionless note-taking produces notes, but it doesn't produce memory.
Buruh pelabuhan
See also the Python-specific section in charlax/python-education.
- Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose
- Avoiding 2 Compose Files for Dev and Prod with an Override File
- Reducing Service Duplication with Aliases and Anchors
- Defining your
in Docker Compose not your Dockerfile - Making the most of environment variables
- Using Multi-stage builds to optimize image size
- Running your container as a non-root user
- Docker Best Practices for Python Developers
- Use multi-stage builds
- Pay close attention to the order of your Dockerfile commands to leverage layer caching
- Smaller Docker images are more modular and secure (watch out for Alpine though)
- Minimize the number of layers (
) - Use unprivileged containers
- Prefer
over ADD
- Cache python packages to the docker host
- Prefer array over string syntax
- Understand the difference between
and CMD
- Include a
instruction - Whenever possible, avoid using the
tag. - Don't store secrets in images
- Use a
file (include **/.git
, etc.) - Lint and Scan Your Dockerfiles and Images (eg with
) - Log to stdout or stderr
- Docker Containers Security
- Documentation-Driven Development
- Writing automated tests for your documentation: this should be required, IMO. Testing code samples in your documentation ensures they never get outdated.
- ? Documentation is king, Kenneth Reitz
- Keep a Changelog
- Architectural Decision Records (ADR): a way to document architecture decision.
- Documenting Architecture Decisions
- joelparkerhenderson/architecture-decision-record: examples and templates for ADR.
- And a CLI tool: npryce/adr-tools
- The documentation system
- Checklist for checklists
- Best practices for writing code comments
- Always be quitting
- Document your knowledge
- Train your replacement
- Melimpahkan
- By being disposable, you free yourself to work on high-impact projects.
- Write documentation first. Then build.
- Diátaxis: a systematic approach to technical documentation authoring
- There are four modes: tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference and explanation
- The docs goes into a lot of details about each model.
- Two open source projects with great documentation (esbuild and redis)
The palest ink is more reliable than the most powerful memory. -- Chinese proverb
- ? Awesome dotfiles: lots of great dotfiles.
- My dotfiles
- Setting Up a Mac Dev Machine From Zero to Hero With Dotfiles
Editors & IDE
- Sublime Text essential plugins and resources
- Bram Moolenaar (Vim author), Seven habits of effective text editing (presentation). This is about Vim but it contains good lessons about why investing time in learning how to be productive with your text editors pays off.
- VScode is one of the most popular text editors as of writing.
- Visual Studio Code Can Do That?, Smashing Magazine.
- Coding with Character
- ? vim-awesome
- ? Vimcasts
- ️ Is Vim Really Not For You? A Beginner Guide
- The first part of a series of 6 articles with lots of detailed and practical tips for using Vim efficiently.
- A Vim Guide for Advanced Users: more advanced shortcuts and commands
- Learning the vi and Vim Editors
- Practical Vim, Drew Neil
- Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
- VimGolf: nice challenges to learn Vim
- Vim anti-patterns
- Learn Vim For the Last Time: A Tutorial and Primer
- Vim Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference
- History and effective use of Vim
- Moving Blazingly Fast With The Core Vim Motions
- micahkepe/vimtutor-sequel: Vimtutor Sequel - Advanced Vim Tutor Lessons
- Vim Racer - An Online Game for VIM Navigation
Feel free to check my vim configuration and my vim cheatsheet.
Other editors:
- Email explained from first principles
- ? Transactional Email Best Practices
Engineering management
Checkout my list of management resources.
The best way to learn is to learn by doing.
- build-your-own-x: compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch
- Richard Feynman: "what I cannot create, I do not understand"
- The elevator programming game
- Challenging projects every programmer should try, Austin Z. Henley
- Challenging projects every programmer should try: text editor, space invaders, compiler (Tiny Basic), mini OS, spreadsheet, video game console emulator.
- More challenging projects every programmer should try: ray tracer, key-value store web API, web browser, stock trading bot.
- Let's Build a Regex Engine
- Write a time-series database engine from scratch
- 7 GUIs to build to learn fundamental UI programming skills
- A list of programming playgrounds, Julia Evans
- Write more "useless" software
- CodinGame
- Codewars
- Exercism
- 8 annoying A/B testing mistakes every engineer should know
Functional programming (FP)
- Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming & Haskell ?: some good reasons to learn FP!
- Functional Programming Fundamentals: short introduction to FP and its advantages.
- OO vs FP, Robert C. Martin, The Clean Code Blog. A pretty interesting take on the differences between OOP and FP from an expert in OOP.
- OO is not about state. Objects are bags of functions, not bags of data.
- Functional Programs, like OO Programs, are composed of functions that operate on data.
- FP imposes discipline upon assignment.
- OO imposes discipline on function pointers.
- The principles of software design still apply, regardless of your programming style. The fact that you've decided to use a language that doesn't have an assignment operator does not mean that you can ignore the Single Responsibility Principle.
- Parse, don't validate
- Use a data structure that makes illegal states unrepresentable
- Push the burden of proof upward as far as possible, but no further
- Let your datatypes inform your code, don't let your code control your datatypes
- Don't be afraid to parse data in multiple passes
- Avoid denormalized representations of data, especially if it's mutable
- Use abstract datatypes to make validators “look like” parsers
- ? Pemrograman fungsional
- Monads in 15 minutes
- hemanth/functional-programming-jargon: jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms
- The definitive guide to learning functional programming, Exercism
Games development
- Introduction · Joys of Small Game Development
Perangkat keras
- NandGame: build a computer from scratch.
- What Every Programmer Should Know About SSDs
- How To Make A CPU - A Simple Picture Based Explanation
- Choosing an HTTP Status Code — Stop Making It Hard
- 10 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About HTTP
- The HTTP crash course nobody asked for
- The Jeff Dean Facts
- Compilers don't warn Jeff Dean. Jeff Dean warns compilers.
- Unsatisfied with constant time, Jeff Dean created the world's first
algorithm. - Jeff Dean mines bitcoins. In his head.
- The Daily WTF: Curious Perversions in Information Technology
Incident response (oncall, alerting, outages, firefighting, postmortem)
Also see this section on my list of management resources, "Incident response".
Also see the Debugging section in this doc.
- Incident Response at Heroku
- Described the Incident Commander role, inspired by natural disaster incident response.
- Also in presentation: Incident Response Patterns: What we have learned at PagerDuty - Speaker Deck
- The Google SRE book's chapter about oncall
- Writing Runbook Documentation When You're An SRE
- Playbooks “reduce stress, the mean time to repair (MTTR), and the risk of human error.”
- Using a template can be beneficial because starting from a blank document is incredibly hard.
- The Curse of Knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone is communicating with others and unknowingly assumes the level of knowledge of the people they are communicating with.
- Make your content easy to glance over.
- If a script is longer than a single line, treat it like code, and check it into a repository to be source control and potentially tested.
- Incident Review and Postmortem Best Practices, Gergely Orosz
- Computer Security Incident Handling Guide, NIST
- Incident Management Resources, Carnegie Mellon University
- Sterile flight deck rule, Wikipedia
- Shamir Secret Sharing It's 3am.
- Site Reliability Engineering and the Art of Improvisation has lots of good training ideas
- Walkthroughs of observability toolsets
- Decision requirements table building
- Team knowledge elicitation
- Asking the question, “Why do we have on-call?”
- Spin the Wheel of Expertise!
- My Philosophy On Alerting
- Pages should be urgent, important, actionable, and real.
- Err on the side of removing noisy alerts – over-monitoring is a harder problem to solve than under-monitoring.
- Symptoms are a better way to capture more problems more comprehensively and robustly with less effort.
- Include cause-based information in symptom-based pages or on dashboards, but avoid alerting directly on causes.
- The further up your serving stack you go, the more distinct problems you catch in a single rule. But don't go so far you can't sufficiently distinguish what's going on.
- If you want a quiet oncall rotation, it's imperative to have a system for dealing with things that need timely response, but are not imminently critical.
- This classical article has now become a chapter in Google's SRE book.
- ? The Paradox of Alerts: why deleting 90% of your paging alerts can make your systems better, and how to craft an on-call rotation that engineers are happy to join.
- A great example of a postmortem from Gitlab (01/31/2017) for an outage during which an engineer's action caused the irremediable loss of 6 hours of data.
- Blameless PostMortems and a Just Culture
- A list of postmortems on Github
- Google's SRE book, Postmortem chapter is excellent and includes many examples.
- Human error models and management
- High reliability organisations — which have less than their fair share of accidents — recognise that human variability is a force to harness in averting errors, but they work hard to focus that variability and are constantly preoccupied with the possibility of failure
"Let's plan for a future where we're all as stupid as we are today."
– Dan Milstein
Example outline for a postmortem:
- Ringkasan Eksekutif
- Dampak
- Number of impacted users
- Lost revenue
- Lamanya
- Team impact
- Timeline
- Root cause analysis
- Pelajaran yang dipetik
- Things that went well
- Things that went poorly
- Action items (include direct links to task tracking tool)
- Tasks to improve prevention (including training)
- Tasks to improve detection (including monitoring and alerting)
- Tasks to improve mitigation (including emergency response)
- How Does the Internet Work?
- How the web works
- Advice to young web developers
Note: this is about you as an interviewee, not as an interviewer. To check out my list of resources for interviewers, go to my engineering-management repository.
- System design interview for IT company
- Technical Interview Megarepo: study materials for SE/CS technical interviews
- How to Win the Coding Interview
- I spent 3 months applying to jobs after a coding bootcamp. Here's what I learned.
- Top 10 algorithms in Interview Questions
- Interactive Python coding interview challenges
- Tech Interview Handbook
- A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer
- Interview advice that got me offers from Google, Microsoft, and Stripe
- A framework for grading your performance on programming interview problems
- Preparing for the Systems Design and Coding Interview, Gergely Orosz
- What I Learned from Doing 60+ Technical Interviews in 30 Days
- System Design Interview Guide for Senior Engineers, interviewing.io
Questions you should ask:
- Questions to ask your interviewer
- Questions to ask the company during your interview
- Interviewing the Interviewer: Questions to Uncover a Company's True Culture
- Twipped/InterviewThis: questions to ask prospective employers
- tBaxter/questions-for-employers: A big collection of useful questions to ask potential employers.
- The Red Flags on Your Resume
- What we look for in a resume
- We look for demonstrated expertise, not keywords
- We look for people who get things done
- We look for unique perspectives
- We care about impact, not meaningless metrics
- Why you shouldn't list certifications on LinkedIn
See also the exercises section in this document.
- OWASP/www-project-kubernetes-top-ten
- Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners: Basic Concepts
Large Language Model (LLM)
- What Is ChatGPT Doing… and Why Does It Work?, Stephen Wolfram
- Embeddings: What they are and why they matter
Learning & memorizing
Learn how to learn!
- How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math: subtitled the building blocks of understanding are memorization and repetition .
- One Sure-Fire Way to Improve Your Coding: reading code!
- Tips for learning programming
- You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential: forgive the clickbait title, it's actually a good article.
- How to ask good questions, Julia Evans.
- Stop Learning Frameworks
- Learning How to Learn: powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
- Why books don't work, Andy Matuschak.
- "As a medium, books are surprisingly bad at conveying knowledge, and readers mostly don't realize it."
- "In learning sciences, we call this model “transmissionism.” It's the notion that knowledge can be directly transmitted from teacher to student, like transcribing text from one page onto another. If only!"
- "By re-testing yourself on material you've learned over expanding intervals, you can cheaply and reliably commit huge volumes of information to long-term memory."
- Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for Anki: those advices work for any tool actually
- Add images. Our brains are wired visually, so this helps retention.
- Don't add things you don't understand.
- Don't add cards memorizing entire lists.
- Write it out. For wrong answers, I'll write it on paper. The act of writing is meditative. I really enjoy this.
- Keep on asking yourself why? why does this work? why does it work this way? Force yourself to understand the root of a topic.
- Cornell Method: when reading a topic, write out questions on the margins to quiz yourself.
- Pretend you have to teach it
- Use mnemonics phrases like PEMDAS for lists and other hard-to-remember topics.
- Delete cards that don't make sense or you don't want to remember anymore.
- Effective learning: Twenty rules of formulating knowledge
- Build upon the basics
- Stick to the minimum information principle: the material you learn must be formulated in as simple way as it is
- Cloze deletion is easy and effective: Kaleida's mission was to create a ... It finally produced one, called Script X. But it took three years
- Graphic deletion is as good as cloze deletion
- Avoid sets
- Avoid enumerations
- Combat interference - even the simplest items can be completely intractable if they are similar to other items. Use examples, context cues, vivid illustrations, refer to emotions, and to your personal life
- Personalize and provide examples - personalization might be the most effective way of building upon other memories. Your personal life is a gold mine of facts and events to refer to. As long as you build a collection for yourself, use personalization richly to build upon well established memories
- Provide sources - sources help you manage the learning process, updating your knowledge, judging its reliability, or importance
- Prioritize - effective learning is all about prioritizing.
- How to Remember Anything You Really Want to Remember, Backed by Science
- Quiz yourself
- Summarize and share with someone else.
- Connect what you just learned to experiences you previously had.
- How To Remember Anything Forever-ish: a comic about learning
- Get better at programming by learning how things work
- How to teach yourself hard things
- Building Your Own Personal Learning Curriculum
- Always do Extra
- Extra is finishing those two screens, but then researching a new library for form validation that might reduce the boilerplate code.
- Extra must be balanced against Normal Work.
- Extra must be aligned with your Normal Work.
- Against 3X Speed
- Lectures are most effective when they're only a component of the classroom experience
- Learning is about spaced repetition, not binge-reading books
- The Problems with Deliberate Practice
- Why Tacit Knowledge is More Important Than Deliberate Practice
- In Praise of Memorization
- You can't reason accurately without knowledge
- Memorizing organized your knowledge
- It stays with you
- Celebrate tiny learning milestones, Julia Evans.
- Keep a brag document
- You can do a lot "by accident"
- Fixing a bug can be milestone
- Why writing by hand is still the best way to retain information, StackOverflow
- ? Making Badass Developers - Kathy Sierra (Serious Pony) keynote
- How to study (with lots of cartoons from Calvin & Hobbes!)
- Manage your time
- Take notes in class & rewrite them at home
- Study hard subjects first & study in a quiet place
- Read actively & slowly, before & after class
- Do your homework
- Study for exams
- Take Exams
- Do research & write essays
- Do I really have to do all this?
- Are there other websites that give study hints?
- 10 Things Software Developers Should Learn about Learning
- ? Things I Learned the Hard Way, Bryan Cantrill
About flashcards:
- Augmenting Long-term Memory
- How to write good prompts: using spaced repetition to create understanding - also includes lots of insightful research papers.
- Effective learning: Twenty rules of formulating knowledge
- Rules for Designing Precise Anki Cards
- Fernando Borretti, Effective Spaced Repetition
- Anki-fy Your Life gets into why it makes sense to invest in your memory.
About Zettelkasten and PKM (personal knowledge management): see Personal knowledge management
Richard Feynman's Learning Strategy:
- Step 1: Continually ask "Why?”
- Step 2: When you learn something, learn it to where you can explain it to a child.
- Step 3: Instead of arbitrarily memorizing things, look for the explanation that makes it obvious.
Most people overestimate what they can do in 1 year and underestimate what they can do in a decade. – Bill Gates
Frankly, though, I think most people can learn a lot more than they think they can. They sell themselves short without trying. One bit of advice: it is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree — make sure you understand the fundamental principles, ie the trunk and big branches, before you get into the details/leaves or there is nothing for them to hang on ke. — Elon Musk
"Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it." ― Steven Wright
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. – Socrates
That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. – Bruce Lee
A lecture has been well described as the process whereby the notes of the teacher become the notes of the student without passing through the mind of either. — Mortimer Adler
Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others. — Bismark
Licenses (legal)
- Software Licenses in Plain English
Linux (system management)
- Welcome to Linux command line for you and me!
- Linux Performance, Brendan Gregg
- How Levels.fyi scaled to millions of users with Google Sheets as a backend
Low-level, assembly
- Back to Basics, Joel Spolsky. Explains why learning low level programming is important.
- I think that some of the biggest mistakes people make even at the highest architectural levels come from having a weak or broken understanding of a few simple things at the very lowest levels.
- What's in a Linux executable?
- The Elements of Computing Systems: building a modern computer from first principles (nand2tetris).
- Old pattern powering modern tech
- Demystifying bitwise operations, a gentle C tutorial
- Understanding the Power of Bitwise Operators. No math needed
- Memory Allocation (an interactive article)
- Why does 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004?, Julia Evans (about floating point)
- Putting the "You" in CPU
- x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu
Machine learning/AI
- Transformers from Scratch
- goabstract/Marketing-for-Engineers
- The Great Confusion About URIs
- A URI is a string of characters that identifies a resource. Its syntax is
, where only <scheme>
and <path>
are mandatory. URL and URN are URIs. - A URL is a string of characters that identifies a resource located on a computer network. Its syntax depends on its scheme. Eg
mailto:[email protected]
. - A URN is a string of characters that uniquely identifies a resource. Its syntax is
urn:<namespace identifier>:<namespace specific string>
. Eg urn:isbn:9780062301239
- Everything you need to know about DNS
- Examples of Great URL Design
- Four Cool URLs - Alex Pounds' Blog
Observability (monitoring, logging, exception handling)
See also: Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
- Do not log dwells on some logging antipatterns.
- Logging does not make much sense in monitoring and error tracking. Use better tools instead: error and business monitorings with alerts, versioning, event sourcing.
- Logging adds significant complexity to your architecture. And it requires more testing. Use architecture patterns that will make logging an explicit part of your contracts
- Logging is a whole infrastructure subsystem on its own. And quite a complex one. You will have to maintain it or to outsource this job to existing logging services
- Lies My Parents Told Me (About Logs)
- Logs are cheap
- I can run it better myself
- Leveled logging is a great way to separate information
- Logs are basically the same as events
- A standard logging format is good enough
- Logging - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
- The Audit Log Wall of Shame: list of vendors that don't prioritize high-quality, widely-available audit logs for security and operations teams.
- Guide on Structured Logs
Error/exception handling
- Error handling antipatterns in this repo.
- Writing Helpful Error Messages, Google Developers' course on Technical Writing
- Explain the problem
- Explain the solution
- Write clearly
- Meaningful availability
- A good availability metric should be meaningful, proportional, and actionable. By "meaningful" we mean that it should capture what users experience. By "proportional" we mean that a change in the metric should be proportional to the change in user-perceived availability. By "actionable" we mean that the metric should give system owners insight into why availability for a period was low. This paper shows that none of the commonly used metrics satisfy these requirements…
- ? Meaningful Availability paper.
- This paper presents and evaluates a novel availability metric: windowed user-uptime
- Google, Site Reliability Engineering, Monitoring Distributed Systems
- PagerDuty, Monitoring Business Metrics and Refining Outage Response
- ? crazy-canux/awesome-monitoring: monitoring tools for operations.
- Monitoring in the time of Cloud Native
- How to Monitor the SRE Golden Signals
- From the Google SRE book: Latency, Traffic, Errors, and Saturation
- USE Method (from Brendan Gregg): Utilization, Saturation, and Errors
- RED Method (from Tom Wilkie): Rate, Errors, and Duration
- Simple Anomaly Detection Using Plain SQL
- How percentile approximation works (and why it's more useful than averages)
- Implementing health checks
- IETF RFC Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs
Open source
- Non-code contributions are the secret to open source success
Operating system (OS)
- The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook: already mentioned above.
- Modern Operating Systems, Andrew Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos (not read)
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (free book, not read)
- Linux Kernel Development, Robert Love. A very complete introduction to developing within the Linux Kernel.
- The 10 Operating System Concepts Software Developers Need to Remember
- Play with xv6 on MIT 6.828
- macOS Internals
- 10 modern software over-engineering mistakes
- A good example of over-engineering: the Juicero press (April 2017)
- You Are Not Google: the UNPHAT method to avoid cargo cult.
- Don't even start considering solutions until you Understand the problem. Your goal should be to “solve” the problem mostly within the problem domain, not the solution domain.
- eNumerate multiple candidate solutions. Don't just start prodding at your favorite!
- Berpikir secara berlebihan
- 1st poison: education.
- 2nd poison: marketing.
- 3rd poison: ego
- Solution: Stop trying to connect all the dots ahead of time. Embrace uncertainty and start doing.
- Don't Let Architecture Astronauts Scare You, Joel
- Sometimes smart thinkers just don't know when to stop, and they create these absurd, all-encompassing, high-level pictures of the universe that are all good and fine, but don't actually mean anything at all.
- Your typical architecture astronaut will take a fact like “Napster is a peer-to-peer service for downloading music” and ignore everything but the architecture, thinking it's interesting because it's peer to peer, completely missing the point that it's interesting because you can type the name of a song and listen to it right away.
“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.”
— John Gall, General systemantics, an essay on how systems work, and especially how they fail..., 1975 (this quote is sometime referred as "Galls' law")
"Software engineering is what happens to programming when you add time and other programmers."
— Rob Pike, Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
— Steve Jobs
- Numbers Everyone Should Know
- Latency numbers every programmer should know
- Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
- You can't tell where a program is going to spend its time.
- Ukuran
- Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually small.
- Fancy algorithms are buggier than simple ones
- Data dominates.
- Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust: a great way to learn about measuring performance.
- The Mathematical Hacker
- Four Kinds of Optimisation
Personal knowledge management (PKM)
- Zettelkasten Method
- How to build a second brain as a software developer
- Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
- An interesting contrarian take!
- I am waiting for any evidence that our most provocative thinkers and writers are those who rely on elaborate, systematic note-taking systems.
- I am seeing evidence that people taught knowledge management for its own sake produce unexciting work.
- MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners
- Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that's good.
Personal productivity
Check out this section on my list of management resources, "Personal productivity".
- At 31, I have just weeks to live. Here's what I want to pass on
- First, the importance of gratitude.
- Second, a life, if lived well, is long enough.
- Third, it's important to let yourself be vulnerable and connect to others.
- Fourth, do something for others.
- Fifth, protect the planet.
- Life Is Not Short
- "The most surprising thing is that you wouldn't let anyone steal your property, but you consistently let people steal your time, which is infinitely more valuable." — Seneca
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies: An Introduction for Technologists, Katharine Jarmul, MartinFowler.com
Problem solving
- Dealing with Hard Problems
- Invert, always, invert
- Define the problem - what is it that you're trying to achieve?
- Invert it - what would guarantee the failure to achieve this outcome?
- Finally, consider solutions to avoid this failure
- ? Hammock Driven Development, Rick Hickey
- A classic talk on problem solving.
Product management for software engineers
See the Product management section on my entrepreneurship-resources list of resources.
- Checkout this newsletter produced by Posthog: Product for Engineers
Manajemen Proyek
See the Project management section on my engineering-management list of resources.
Programming languages
I would recommend learning:
- JavaScript and maybe another interpreted language (Python, Ruby, etc.). Interpreted languages are useful for quick one-off automation scripts, and fastest to write for interviews. JavaScript is ubiquitous.
- A compiled language (Java, C, C++...).
- A more recent language to see where the industry is going (as of writing, Go, Swift, Rust, Elixir...).
- A language that has first-class support for functional programming (Haskell, Scala, Clojure...).
A bit more reading:
- A brief, incomplete, mostly wrong history of programming languages
- Tipe
- Resources To Help You To Create Programming Languages
- Effective Programs - 10 Years of Clojure ?, Rich Hickey. The author of Clojure reflects on his programming experience and explains the rationale behind some of Clojure's key design decisions.
- Learn more programming languages, even if you won't use them, Thorsten Ball
- These new perspectives, these ideas and patterns — they linger, they stay with you, even if you end up in another language. And that is powerful enough to keep on learning new languages, because one of the best things that can happen to you when you're trying to solve a problem is a change of perspective.
- Programming Language Checklist: a fun take on "so you want to build your own language?"
- Static vs. dynamic languages: a literature review
- Polyglot Programming and the Benefits of Mastering Several Languages
- It's not what programming languages do, it's what they shepherd you to
- Ask HN: What do you code when learning a new language/framework?
- The seven programming ur-languages: ALGOL, Lisp, ML, Self, Forth, APL, Prolog
- Lua: The Little Language That Could
- The Montréal Effect: Why Programming Languages Need a Style Czar
- TodePond/DreamBerd: a perfect programming language
There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.
-- Bjarne Stroustrup (C++ creator)
List of resources:
- Great Works in Programming Languages
For Python check out my professional Python education repository.
In this repository: check ./training/front-end/
JavaScript is such a pervasive language that it's almost required learning.
- mbeaudru/modern-js-cheatsheet: cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
- javascript-tutorial: comprehensive JavaScript guide with simple but detailed explanantions. Available in several languages.
- 30 Days of JavaScript: 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days.
- Unleash JavaScript's Potential with Functional Programming
Garbage collection
- A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector: a very insightful guide about Go's GC
Programming paradigm
- Imperative vs Declarative Programming, Tyler McGinnis.
- I draw the line between declarative and non-declarative at whether you can trace the code as it runs. Regex is 100% declarative, as it's untraceable while the pattern is being executed.
- ? Imperative vs Declarative Programming
Public speaking (presenting)
- Papers we love: papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. Can be a good source of inspiration of solving your design problems.
- The morning paper: one CS research paper explained every morning.
- The Complete Guide to Effective Reading
- The benefits of note-taking by hand
- The Art of Reading More Effectively and Efficiently
- You should be reading academic computer science papers, Stack Overflow Blog
- How to Remember What You Read
- Take notes
- Stay focused
- Mark up the book
- Make mental links
- Quit books
- Writing summaries is more important than reading more books
- In 1-2 sentences, what is the book about as a whole?
- What are the 3-4 central questions it tries to answer?
- Summarize the answers in one paragraph each.
- What are the most important things you have learned personally?
- There was an interesting contrarian take in the Hacker News thread: "Once I relaxed and decided, 'If the stuff in this book is good enough, my brain will keep it FOR me' both my satisfaction AND utility of books increased dramatically."
- You Are What You Read, Even If You Don't Always Remember It
- "I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.", Ralp Waldo Emerson
- The Rule of Three, Coding Horror
- Every programmer ever born thinks whatever idea just popped out of their head into their editor is the most generalized, most flexible, most one-size-fits all solution that has ever been conceived.
- It is three times as difficult to build reusable components as single use components.
- A reusable component should be tried out in three different applications before it will be sufficiently general to accept into a reuse library.
- Refactor vs. Rewrite
- Tripping over the potholes in too many libraries
- The Best Regex Trick
- regex101: build, test, and debug regex
Releasing & deploying
- How we release so frequently
- How to deploy software, Zach Holman
- BlueGreenDeployment, Martin Fowler
- Move fast and break nothing, Zach Holman
- ? Move fast and don't break things, Google
- Shipping to Production, The Pragmatic Programmer
- SemVer - Semantic Versioning
- CalVer - Calendar Versioning
- Semantic Versioning Will Not Save You
- Version numbers: how to use them?
- Production Readiness Checklist, Gruntwork
- Checklist: what had to be done before deploying microservices to production
- Things end users care about but programmers don't: includes colors, formatting, themes, integrations, UX, compatibility, operations.
Feature flags
- Flipping out, Flickr. One of the first articles about feature flags.
- Feature Flags, Toggles, Controls, a website documenting feature flags, from Launch Darkly.
- Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags), Pete Hodgson, martinFowler.com. Comprehensive article on the topic.
- Deliver new functionality to users rapidly but safely
- Release Toggles allow incomplete and un-tested codepaths to be shipped to production as latent code which may never be turned on.
- Experiment Toggles are used to perform multivariate or A/B testing.
- Ops Toggles control operational aspects of our system's behavior.
- Permissioning Toggles change the features or product experience that certain users receive.
- Static vs dynamic toggles
- Long-lived toggles vs transient toggles
- Savvy teams view their Feature Toggles as inventory which comes with a carrying cost, and work to keep that inventory as low as possible.
- Feature Flags Best Practices: Release Management, LaunchDarkly
- How we ship code faster and safer with feature flags, Github.
- Flipr: Making Changes Quickly and Safely at Scale, Uber
- Feature flags are ruining your codebase
Testing in production
- Why We Leverage Multi-tenancy in Uber's Microservice Architecture
- Developing in Production
- Complex systems have emergent behavior, producing epiphenomenon that only appears with sufficient scale.
- Wood's theorem: As the complexity of a system increases, the accuracy of any single agent's own model of that system decreases rapidly.
- The more tools and code that you add to create elements in a system, the harder it is to replicate an environment encompassing those tools and code.
- At the core of testing in production is the idea of splitting deployments (of artifacts) from releases (of features).
- Testing in Production: the hard parts, Cindy Sridharan
- The whole point of [actual] distributed systems engineering is you assume you're going to fail at some point in time and you design the system in such a way that the damage, at each point is minimized, that recovery is quick, and that the risk is acceptably balanced with cost.
- How can you cut the blast radius for a similar event in half?
- Differentiate between deployment (0 risk) and release
- Build a deploy-observe-release pipeline
- Make incremental rollouts the norm (canaries, %-based rollouts, etc.)
- Test configuration changes just like you test code
- Default to roll back, avoid fixing forward (slow!)
- Eliminate gray failures - prefer crashing to degrading in certain cases
- Prefer loosely coupled services at the expense of latency or correctness
- Use poison tasters (isolate handling of client input)
- Implement per-request-class backpressure
- Have proper visibility from a client/end-user standpoint (client-side metrics)
- Testing in Production, the safe way
- Multi-Tenancy in a Microservice Architecture
See also System architecture
- Site Reliability Engineering
- Written by members of Google's SRE team, with a comprehensive analysis of the entire software lifecycle - how to build, deploy, monitor, and maintain large scale systems.
Quality is a snapshot at the start of life and reliability is a motion picture of the day-by-day operation. – NIST
Reliability is the one feature every customer users. -- An auth0 SRE.
- I already mentioned the book Release it! di atas. There's also a presentation from the author.
- Service Recovery: Rolling Back vs. Forward Fixing
- How Complex Systems Fail
- Catastrophe requires multiple failures – single point failures are not enough.
- Complex systems contain changing mixtures of failures latent within them.
- Post-accident attribution to a 'root cause' is fundamentally wrong.
- Hindsight biases post-accident assessments of human performance.
- Safety is a characteristic of systems and not of their components
- Failure free operations require experience with failure.
- Systems that defy detailed understanding
- Focus effort on systems-level failure, instead of the individual component failure.
- Invest in sophisticated observability tools, aiming to increase the number of questions we can ask without deploying custom code
- Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way: Practices I Learned, Gergely Orosz.
- A good summary of processes to implement.
- Production Oriented Development
- Code in production is the only code that matters
- Engineers are the subject matter experts for the code they write and should be responsible for operating it in production.
- Buy Almost Always Beats Build
- Make Deploys Easy
- Trust the People Closest to the Knives
- QA Gates Make Quality Worse
- Boring Technology is Great.
- Non-Production Environments Have Diminishing Returns
- Things Will Always Break
- ? High Reliability Infrastructure migrations, Julia Evans.
- Appendix F: Personal Observations on the Reliability of the Shuttle, Richard Feynman
- Lessons learned from two decades of Site Reliability Engineering
Sumber daya:
- ? dastergon/awesome-sre
- ? upgundecha/howtheysre: a curated collection of publicly available resources on SRE at technology and tech-savvy organizations
- ? The Walking Dead - A Survival Guide to Resilient Applications
- ? Defensive Programming & Resilient systems in Real World (TM)
- ? Full Stack Fest: Architectural Patterns of Resilient Distributed Systems
- ? The 7 quests of resilient software design
- ? Resilience engineering papers: comprehensive list of resources on resilience engineering
- MTTR is more important than MTBF (for most types of F) (also as a presentation)
- What every software engineer should know about search
- Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking, Georgia Weidman
- Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet
- A practical guide to securing macOS
- Web Application Security Guide/Checklist
- Reckon you've seen some stupid security things?: everything not to do.
- Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- OWASP Cheat Sheet Series: a series of cheat sheets about various security topics.
- Docker Security
- How to improve your Docker containers security
- Secure by Design, a book review by Henrik Warne.
- There is a big overlap between secure code and good software design
- Every domain value should instead be represented by a domain primitive.
- External input needs to be validated before it is used in the system, in the following order: origin, size, lexical content, syntax, semantics.
- Entities should be consistent at creation, have limited operation, shouldn't be sharing mutable objects.
- Three Rs to do every few hours: rotate secrets automatically, repave servers and applications (redeploy on clean footprint), repair vulnerable.
- Don't use exceptions for the control flow.
- OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks
- How to start an AppSec program with the OWASP Top 10
- ukncsc/zero-trust-architecture: Principles to help you design and deploy a zero trust architecture
- ? Minimum Viable Security
- The Open Software Assurance Maturity Model
- Security by Obscurity is Underrated
- Don't Wanna Pay Ransom Gangs? Test Your Backups, Krebs on Security
- The Beginner's Guide to Passwords
- The Password Game
- Learnings from 5 years of tech startup code audits
- API Tokens: A Tedious Survey: don't use JWT.
- The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security
Training for developers:
- Hacksplaining
- Codebashing
- OWASP Security Knowledge Framework
- PagerDuty Security Training
- Gruyere: Web Application Exploits and Defenses
List of resources:
- ? meirwah/awesome-incident-response: tools for incident response
- ? Starting Up Security
- ? decalage2/awesome-security-hardening: security hardening guides, tools and other resources
Shell (command line)
- The case for bash
- ? alebcay/awesome-shell
- ? dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible: pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- The Bash Hackers Wiki provides a gentler way to learn about bash than its manages.
- Awk in 20 Minutes
- ? Linux Productivity Tools
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line: master the command line, in one page must read
- Minimal safe Bash script template
- Command Line Interface Guidelines
- The Linux Commands Handbook
- How to write idempotent Bash scripts
- Learn bash by playing an adventure
- Effective Shell
- Computing from the Command Line
- What helps people get comfortable on the command line?, Julia Evans
- 6 Techniques I Use to Create a Great User Experience for Shell Scripts
- SQL styleguide
- Best practices for writing SQL queries
- Practical SQL for Data Analysis
- Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance
- Animate SQL
- Lost at SQL, an SQL learning game
- Joins 13 Ways
- spandanb/learndb-py: learn database internals by implementing it from scratch.
- SQL for the Weary
System administration
- ? kahun/awesome-sysadmin: a curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources
System architecture
See also Reliability, Scalability
Reading lists:
- ? donnemartin/system-design-primer: learn how to design large scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
- ? A Distributed Systems Reading List
- ? Foundational distributed systems papers
- ? Services Engineering Reading List
- ? System Design Cheatsheet
- karanpratapsingh/system-design: learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
- A Distributed Systems Reading List
- High Scalability: great blog about system architecture, its weekly review article are packed with numerous insights and interesting technology reviews. Checkout the all-times favorites.
- Building Microservices, Sam Newman (quite complete discussion of microservices)
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
6 Rules of thumb to build blazing fast web server applications
The twelve-factor app
Introduction to architecting systems for scale
The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction: one of those classical articles that everyone should read.
Turning the database outside-out with Apache Samza
Fallacies of distributed computing, Wikipedia
The biggest thing Amazon got right: the platform
- All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through service interfaces.
- Monitoring and QA are the same thing.
Building Services at Airbnb, part 3
- Resilience is a Requirement, Not a Feature
Building Services at Airbnb, part 4
- Building Schema Based Testing Infrastructure for service development
Patterns of Distributed Systems, MartinFowler.com
ConwaysLaw, MartinFowler.com (regarding organization, check out my engineering-management list).
The C4 model for visualising software architecture
If Architects had to work like Programmers
Architecture patterns
- BFF (backend for frontend)
- Circuit breaker
- Rate limiter algorithms (and their implementation)
- Load Balancing: a visual exploration of load balancing algos
- Good Retry, Bad Retry: An Incident Story: insightful, well-written story about retries, circuit breakers, deadline, etc.
Microservices/splitting a monolith
- Service oriented architecture: scaling the Uber engineering codebase as we grow
- Don't start with microservices in production – monoliths are your friend
- Deep lessons from Google And EBay on building ecosystems of microservices
- Introducing domain-oriented microservice architecture, Uber
- Instead of orienting around single microservices, we oriented around collections of related microservices. We call these domains.
- In small organizations, the operational benefit likely does not offset the increase in architectural complexity.
- Best Practices for Building a Microservice Architecture
- ? Avoid Building a Distributed Monolith
- ? Breaking down the monolith
- Monoliths are the future
- "We're gonna break it up and somehow find the engineering discipline we never had in the first place."
- 12 Ways to Prepare your Monolith Before Transitioning to Microservices
- Death by a thousand microservices
See also: Reliability, System architecture
- Scalable web architecture and distributed systems
- Scalability Rules: 50 Principles for Scaling Web Sites (presentation)
- Scaling to 100k Users, Alex Pareto. The basics of getting from 1 to 100k users.
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
See: Reliability
Technical debt
- TechnicalDebt, Martin Fowler.
- Fixing Technical Debt with an Engineering Allocation Framework
- You don't need to stop shipping features to fix technical debt
- Communicate the business value
- Ur-Technical Debt
- Today, any code that a developer dislikes is branded as technical debt.
- Ward Cunningham invented the debt metaphor to explain to his manager that building iteratively gave them working code faster, much like borrowing money to start a project, but that it was essential to keep paying down the debt, otherwise the interest payments would grind the project to a halt.
- Ur-technical debt is generally not detectable by static analysis.
- ️ Testing strategies in a microservices architecture (Martin Fowler) is an awesome resources explaining how to test a service properly.
- ? Testing Distributed Systems
Why test:
- Why bother writing tests at all?, Dave Cheney. A good intro to the topic.
- Even if you don't, someone will test your software
- The majority of testing should be performed by development teams
- Manual testing should not be the majority of your testing because manual testing is O(n)
- Tests are the critical component that ensure you can always ship your master branch
- Tests lock in behaviour
- Tests give you confidence to change someone else's code
How to test:
- A quick puzzle to test your problem solving... and a great way to learn about confirmation bias and why you're mostly writing positive test cases.
- Testing is not for beginners: why learning to test is hard. This shouldn't demotivate you though!
- Arrange-act-assert: a pattern for writing good tests
- Test smarter, not harder
Test pyramid:
- The test pyramid, Martin Fowler
- Eradicating non-determinism in tests, Martin Fowler
- The practical test pyramid, MartinFowler.com
- Be clear about the different types of tests that you want to write. Agree on the naming in your team and find consensus on the scope of each type of test.
- Every single test in your test suite is additional baggage and doesn't come for free.
- Test code is as important as production code.
- Software testing anti-patterns, Kostis Kapelonis.
- Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration. for a contrarian take about unit testing
- ? Unit test 2, Integration test: 0
- Testing in the Twenties
- Google Testing Blog: Test Sizes
- Pyramid or Crab? Find a testing strategy that fits, web.dev
End-to-end tests:
- Just say no to more end-to-end tests, Google Testing Blog
- End-to-end testing considered harmful
- DevDocs API Documentation: a repository for multiple API docs (see also Dash for macOS).
- DevChecklist: a collaborative space for sharing checklists that help ensure software quality
- ? Free for developers: list of free tiers for developments tools and services
- Choose Boring Technology
- Ask HN: Best dev tool pitches of all time?
- A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs
The future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age — Lindy's Law
Type system
- Counterexamples in Type Systems: a library of runtime issues that weren't caught by the type system
- Butterick's Practical Typography
- Typography for Lawyers
- Quick guide to web typography for developers · OlegWock
- Features of your font you had no idea about
Version control (Git)
Learning Git, courses and books:
- Git Book
- Git from the inside out
- Git Tutorials and Training, Atlassian
- Git Immersion
- A Visual Git Reference (a bit more advanced)
- Think Like (a) Git
- Git's database internals I: packed object store: an insightful deep dive from Github
- Oh My Git!: a game to learn git
Cheat sheets:
- Git Cheat Sheet
- git-tips
- Oh Shit, Git!?!
More specific topics:
- Conventional Commits
- Git Merge vs. Rebase: What's the Diff?
- ? Story-telling with Git rebase
- ? Git Rebase vs. Merge
- ? 10 Git Anti Patterns You Should be Aware of
- Learn Git Branching: an interactive game
- Fix conflicts only once with git rerere
- Monorepo Explained
- How to Write a Git Commit Message
- git-worktree: manage multiple working trees attached to the same repository.
Work ethics, productivity & work/life balance
Check out this section on my list of engineering-management resources, "Personal productivity".
Web development
In this repository: check training/web-dev/ and ./training/front-end/
Learning guide and resources:
- grab/front-end-guide: a study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2019, Cody Lindley
- A Directory of design and front-end resources
- ? codingknite/frontend-development: a list of resources for frontend development
- 136 facts every web dev should know
- Maintainable CSS
- Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
- Checklist - The A11Y Project for accessibility
- DevTools Tips
- 67 Weird Debugging Tricks Your Browser Doesn't Want You to Know
- Client-Side Architecture Basics
- Web Browser Engineering: this book explains how to build a basic but complete web browser, from networking to JavaScript, in a couple thousand lines of Python.
Writing (communication, blogging)
➡️ See also my engineering-management list
- Undervalued Software Engineering Skills: Writing Well
- From the HN discussion: "Writing a couple of pages of design docs or an Amazon-style 6 pager or whatever might take a few days of work, but can save weeks or more of wasted implementation time when you realise your system design was flawed or it doesn't address any real user needs."
- Sell Yourself Sell Your Work
- If you've done great work, if you've produced superb software or fixed a fault with an aeroplane or investigated a problem, without telling anyone you may as well not have bothered.
- The Writing Well Handbook
- Ideas — Identify what to write about
- First Drafts — Generate insights on your topic
- Rewriting — Rewrite for clarity, intrigue, and succinctness
- Style — Rewrite for style and flow
- Practicing — Improve as a writer
- Write Simply, Paul Graham
- Writing is Thinking: Learning to Write with Confidence
- It's time to start writing explains why Jeff Bezos banned PowerPoint at Amazon.
- The reason writing a good 4 page memo is harder than "writing" a 20 page powerpoint is because the narrative structure of a good memo forces better thought and better understanding of what's more important than what, and how things are related.
- Powerpoint-style presentations somehow give permission to gloss over ideas, flatten out any sense of relative importance, and ignore the interconnectedness of ideas.
- Programming and Writing, Antirez
- Writing one sentence per line
- Ask HN: How to level up your technical writing?. Lots of great resources.
- Patterns in confusing explanations, Julia Evans
- Technical Writing for Developers
- Some blogging myths, Julia Evans
- George Orwell's Six Rules for Writing
- Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
- Never use a long word where a short one will do.
- If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
- Never use the passive where you can use the active.
- Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
- Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
- Blog Writing for Developers
Guides & classes about technical writing:
- Documentation Guide — Write the Docs
- Principles
- Style guides
- Docs as code
- Markup languages
- Peralatan
- Technical Writing One introduction, Google
- Tata bahasa
- Active voice
- Clear & short sentences

If you're overthinking, write. If you're underthinking, read. – @AlexAndBooks_
Resources & inspiration for presentations
- https://twitter.com/devops_borat
- https://speakerdeck.com/
- Dilbert
- Calvin & Hobbes (search engine)
- https://twitter.com/_workchronicles
Keeping up-to-date
Website and RSS feeds (I use Feedly):
- Hacker News ️
- VentureBeat
- High Scalability: see above
- Schneier on Security
- Krebs on Security
- The Hacker News
- Bytes (JavaScript)
- PyCoders (Python)
- Posthog
- kilimchoi/engineering-blogs
- CAP theorem
- Make it run, make it right, make it fast
- Two Generals' Problem
My other lists
- engineering-management
- entrepreneurship-resources
- professional-programming
- python-education